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In a dark way, black holes are growing in mass with a new craze among cosmologists

Jukka Petteri Savorinen

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Black Holes May Gain Mass From the Expansion of the Universe Itself


"Over the past 6 years, gravitational wave observatories have been detecting black hole mergers, verifying a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity. But there is a problem — many of these black holes are unexpectedly large. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, have proposed a novel solution to this problem: black holes grow along with the expansion of the universe.”

If we were to first try to figure out for ourselves what that expansion of expanding space is

And then what that dark energy is and how it makes this somehow somehow expanding space expand somehow at an accelerating rate

Then one could consider such a new hokkus pokkus way to increase mass

Well, that's how this pushes.

As I have said for a long time.

From the expanding supermassive objects in the centers of the galaxies, expanding dark matter is constantly protruding out from this expanding supermassive concentrations and protruding through expanding stars, planets, and other expanding objects, transmitting a pushing force away from the center of the expanding galaxy.

A small part stops at the centers of the expanding planets and from there some with a delay out as gas flows that cause hurricanes and e.g. a lot of water vapor out of Earth = with a delay then floods etc.

It can protrude much less through the centers of the expanding stars, and it may not be able to protrude at all through the expanding black stars, so yes, yes, more expanding dark matter is constantly being absorbed by these expanding black stars.

Here we can still see the evidence that the expanding Earth has received a new expanding substance from outside the expanding Earth and, when it entered the expanding Earth, it was still an unregistered or dark expanding substance.

Expanding Earth Theory



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This my first thread here is closed 😮


One more thing to consider when examining during an eclipse is whether the pendulums are disturbed then.


One has to look at whether Mars or one of the gas planetary Moons as seen from behind the Earth. That is, if the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth is followed by one of the gas planets or Mars, then it adds to the disturbances in the pendulums.


And this is because then these expanding densities that transmit the pushing force meet each other for a long time against the same ball, whereby the internal pressure of the expanding densities increases, the internal movement / time accelerates and the interaction with the environment intensifies, etc. 😃

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Expanding planets

Expanding Earth ?

1 hour ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

A small part stops at the centers of the expanding planets and from there some with a delay out as gas flows that cause hurricanes and e.g. a lot of water vapor out of Earth = with a delay then floods etc.


How is this all mainstream ?

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31 minutes ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

One has to look at whether Mars or one of the gas planetary Moons as seen from behind the Earth. That is, if the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth is followed by one of the gas planets or Mars, then it adds to the disturbances in the pendulums.

Please calculate the influence of a distant cosmic object using the inverse-square law:



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55 minutes ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

This my first thread here is closed 😮


Moderator Note

Yes, because you were spamming us with jibber-jabber that does not comply with our rules on speculations posts. This one does not, either. You need some combination of a model, a way to test your idea, and evidence in support of it. 




One has to look at whether Mars or one of the gas planetary Moons as seen from behind the Earth. That is, if the alignment of the Sun, Moon, and Earth is followed by one of the gas planets or Mars, then it adds to the disturbances in the pendulums.


Moderator Note

Yes, one must look at this. In this case, that is you, who must analyze the data and present it, because you are the one proposing a solution. You were told this before. It's not very promising that you are ignoring that.

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Except that tectonic plate motion has been measured, and verified by experimental evidence.
Planetary expansion has not been measured, or experimentally verified.
And although 'pushed' by one of the best artists to draw Batman comics ( how is that for expertise ), is pure nonsense.

Finding extremely large Black Holes could mean that they have always been that large, and formed by a mechanism we don't know of, yet.
The expansion of the universe, since the recombination era ( before which stellar BHs could not have formed ), is estimated at 1040 times.
If that were the bause of the claimed BH expansion, it would put an upper limit on how much they could have expanded.
Yet there is observational evidence of many bilion solar mass BHs.
This suggests there are other mechanisms for BH formation.

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9 hours ago, studiot said:

Expanding planets

Expanding Earth ?


How is this all mainstream ?

Well, nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force and small part of that expanding pushing force have nature of expanding electrons and expanding photons.

So, expanding lightwaves is dark for us and this expanding light dark waves interactive with eachothers and get eachother expanding faster and faster same way what matters and lights expanding 😃

Expanding space is naked emperor.


8 hours ago, swansont said:

Moderator Note

Yes, because you were spamming us with jibber-jabber that does not comply with our rules on speculations posts. This one does not, either. You need some combination of a model, a way to test your idea, and evidence in support of it. 




Moderator Note

Yes, one must look at this. In this case, that is you, who must analyze the data and present it, because you are the one proposing a solution. You were told this before. It's not very promising that you are ignoring that.


Attempts can be made to manipulate the trajectory of light expanding in space so that information is obtained as to whether it was successful.

Expanding space or curving space cannot be attempted to be manipulated scientifically in any way. And even if you somehow try, you can't get information about the manipulation that would prove that the manipulation was successful.

Space itself when it does not radiate information !!!

Ok, how then can we try to manipulate the trajectory of the expanding light in space so that we get the info that we succeeded.

First we use a telescope to find out the location of a distant galaxy without a gutter and then add a long gutter to shade space or rather the gutter of course overshadows the area where photons from that distant galaxy move and so the effect of dark waves of expanded lights in space.

This is, of course, done far from Earth in space

That is, exploiting the entropy of billions of years experienced expanding light on us in dark waves

Now, under the cover of the gutter, photons moving towards the telescope are pushed towards the bottom of the gutter and thus that distant galaxy appears to be in a different place than what it seemed to be when the gutter was not yet in place. 

This experiment is done far from Earth in space

Expanding space is naked emperor.


This protrudes just as I have told you many times 😃

The expanding densities in space that transmit the pushing force are affected by entropy.

Pushing-expanding densities from the moon meet thrust-transmitting densities from the center of the Earth to the counterpart, and thus their interaction intensifies whenever they encounter expanding densities against the following, etc.

Thus, the expanding sea on the lunar side expands due to these expanding densities that originate from the center of the expanding Earth.

On the other side of the expanding Earth, the expanding sea is expanding more strongly due to expanding densities from the Moon.

And the perceived perturbations of these pendulums are based on this same phenomenon.

The better the center of the expanding Aurigo, the center of the expanding Moon, and the center of the expanding Earth, the more clearly the disturbances in the pendulums are observed.

At least the internal pressure of these expanding densities transmitting the pushing force increases and at the same time the internal movement / time accelerates and thus the mountain effect with the environment intensifies.

That is, the fact that disturbances in the pendulums are not always detected is logically explained by the fact that these solar eclipses, in which experiments have been performed without disturbances, have been in areas where there has been morning, evening, or closer to either pole than the equator.

This is very logical 😃



Edited by Jukka Petteri Savorinen
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11 hours ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

Among them, stupidity condenses 🤣🤣🤣

Black Holes May Gain Mass From the Expansion of the Universe Itself


"Over the past 6 years, gravitational wave observatories have been detecting black hole mergers, verifying a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity. But there is a problem — many of these black holes are unexpectedly large. Now, a team of researchers from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, the University of Chicago, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, have proposed a novel solution to this problem: black holes grow along with the expansion of the universe.”

Yes, I posed a question with regards to that in the astronomy section, which has yet to be answered....here.... https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/126064-universal-expansion-and-black-hole-growth/

11 hours ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

Here we can still see the evidence that the expanding Earth has received a new expanding substance from outside the expanding Earth and, when it entered the expanding Earth, it was still an unregistered or dark expanding substance.

Expanding Earth Theory


Your expanding earth hypothetical appears as nonsense though.At least nonsense being pushed by many expanding Earth proponents with claims of doubling in diameter, and akin to the Flat Earth nonsense I suggest. Earth can gain very minimal mass compared to its actual mass from astronomical collisions etc, but it also can lose mass.



In fact we are more then likely losing mass...



Edited by beecee
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13 minutes ago, Jukka Petteri Savorinen said:

Well, nucleus of atoms expanding and recycling dark expanding pushing force and small part of that expanding pushing force have nature of expanding electrons and expanding photons.

So, expanding lightwaves is dark for us and this expanding light dark waves interactive with eachothers and get eachother expanding faster and faster same way what matters and lights expanding 😃

Expanding space is naked emperor.


Thanks, but no thanks.

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Yeah, suddenly this should be a 3 D animation.

Perhaps the matter will become clearer if these small-scale densities are replaced by galaxies so that galaxies flow in one direction really much and they encounter protruding galaxies really much. The trajectories of the galaxies meet and push through each other. Just a few dozen stars that collide with stars in another galaxy.

Now a lot of energy is released from these stellar collisions and as the galaxy pushes through the next galaxy, this energy released in previous stellar collisions pushes inside thousands of stars and boosts their internal pressure and releases much more energy and more about their ten star direct collisions.

Now, this galaxy that has protruded through the two galaxies is already interacting much more with the stars of its third protruding galaxy, and so on.

Fortunately, within the visible universe, the trajectories of galaxies meet very rarely, but on a small scale, these expanding densities that transmit pushing force protrude from every direction in every direction at the speed of light, so there are many more encounters that happen.

Pushing through the Moon or Earth amplifies their internal pressure because an expanding pushing force pushes inside them, which is circulated by the expanding nuclei of atoms.

Suddenly complicated, but described by 3D animations, a pretty simple thing.


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