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Everything posted by fiveworlds

  1. Currently trying to learn some C in my spare time. I wanted to try creating a https server with winsock. I am not sure if it is possible in pure C I found a tutorial on how to create a telnet server in C http://www.binarytides.com/winsock-socket-programming-tutorial/ which was helpful but doesn't work over http or https
  2. Not necessarily your bank can keep track of your frequently used devices and public ip address and notify you of irregular money transfers. Also you won't lose all your money if your house happens to burn down. Also paypal isn't all that secure either accounts are sold on the dark web.
  3. It did to me so I don't see it as an unreasonable problem. If I use a bank I know that my data is at least backed up in triplicate in multiple datacentres bitcoin has nowhere near that level of security.
  4. Since it is a first year project and only january I would imagine it is just text based with no ai.
  5. I know very basic physics since I only studied it to high school level here but rates of wave propagation aren't on the high school course here.
  6. No they won't expect it and without their satellites their icbms can't target anything.
  7. Spy satellites can also be destroyed in wartime. submarine carrier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I-400-class_submarine jammers stopping drones http://makezine.com/2015/10/16/research-company-takes-aim-uavs-portable-anti-drone-rifle/ lasers disabling nuclear missiles​ ​Darpa actively develops ways of tracking missiles. The USA has been researching laser weapons http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Laser+Attack+Weapon&&view=detail&mid=63B78C580093F2533A2C63B78C580093F2533A2C&rvsmid=3B481D8E02D5005B6AC13B481D8E02D5005B6AC1&fsscr=0&FORM=VDFSRV and lasers can obviously take out nukes. Nukes are basically just ordinary bombs if they can't attain the pressure required for fission so all you need to do is cut a hole through the nuke.
  8. You have to know where the carrier is that isn't necessarily an easy task. Don't forget that carriers can also be submarines, jammers can stop drones and high tech lasers can disable incoming nuclear missiles. Don't forget that in order for a nuke to be effective it needs the pressure to cause fission if you can stop that pressure building up then the nuke isn't nuclear anymore.
  9. No it isn't we have much the same free healthcare here. But a) it is only free if you are unemployed b) going to the hospital for tests has waiting lists c) not every medication is covered by the free healtcare system d) if the condition is not lifethreatening for example bad teeth you aren't covered by the free system e) going to the doctor will still cost the fuel it takes to get there even if the actually talking to the doctor is free,
  10. Hmm going to the doctor is expensive. You can't spend all your money on doctors unfortunately you just have to move on and treat the symptoms.
  11. Yeah moisture in walls leads to damp which leads to moulds growing on your walls that aren't good for your health.
  12. See that's what I thought when I first bought the hdmi cable sure one size fits all right?? He has a faulty cable that works the laptop isn't standard though it has a hdmi input graphics card which is rare and the cable he has at the moment came with the laptop.
  13. Certain organs only last a few hours right? Not all crashes happen when an ambulance is free or near a hospital. Some organs do last longer yeah however if we can save the person in the car from dying then why shouldn't we? Not every transplantee survives the operation. Better yet look at the benefits of self-driving cars. Say you are at home alone and have a heart attack or whatever. Instead of having to call an ambulance because you don't trust your driving or there is a lack of ambulances the car can drive you to the hospital.
  14. Think about it the organs of most people that die in car crashes aren't viable when they get to the hospital anyway.
  15. That just gets me long cables and people telling me all hdmi connectors are the same. They tend not to specify the length of the connector.
  16. I am looking for a hdmi cable with a long connector. I got a hdmi cable for my brother for christmas to connect the playstation to his laptop but the connector wasn't long enough to make contact with the pins on the laptop.
  17. A solid is when atoms move too close together. When atoms have more kinetic energy (heat) constructive interference occurs allowing particles to move farther away. Therefore pretty much everything should become a solid when it is cold enough. The colder the glycerol etc is the interference it generates to stop the water-water interactions.
  18. Cars have the benefit of having a large boot and being inconspicious. It is only another car and wouldn't be out of place in a city and can carry a nuclear payload. A drone with a nuke would be spotted a mile away.
  19. Strap a bomb to the car and blow it up whenever.
  20. He's mad for the ride. Ah Christmas and New Years the exuse to talk to somebody. Ah alcohol man's liquid courage and excuse to talk to somebody. Hmmm I think he wants a girlfriend
  21. 854KB is very big for a picture on the internet don't forget people have to download it. Try changing the image type to jpg and resizing/cropping the image smaller. Whole animes are smaller than that.
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