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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. They're relatively small, with a lot of space between, a long way from us and moving.
  2. The laws of physics are the same for them as they are for us, their technology may be more advanced/refined than ours but essentially the same (in terms of detection), so I very much doubt they'd be using radar for interstellar distances (besides all they'd detect is a planet, not us), therefore the above is just as valid for the aliens as it is for GRB.
  3. It's not about the crackpot idea, we all have them from time to time (my first post on this forum was a crackpot idea), it's about the willingness to accept one might be wrong. If one can't do that, there's little point in staying, unless one is always right and can prove it.
  4. You'll just ignore any and all explanations, that you don't agree with, and there's plenty of evidence of that, so what's the point?
  5. Whereas I find "The Importance of Being Ernest" far more revealing, but sometimes I just want to, not think.
  6. In this context, surely "better" equals excitement/enjoyment?
  7. It doesn't seem a fair comparison, 1 to 2 hours with a single narrative verse's several hours with many different narratives. Perhaps a better question is Dr. Who v Star Trek. Edit, Cross-posted with swansont. TBH I enjoy most of both and for the same reason, I didn't really think, I enjoyed.
  8. That is rather more philosophical than I think Prometheus intended for this thread since it's in the lounge. Start a new thread and I'd be more than happy to have a debate. I voted for Star Wars because when I was ten it made more sense than Kirk shagging a green alien.
  9. No one doubts you have a reason to want to feel superior, we just have no reason to believe your excuses.
  10. Poverty. I can wait...
  11. To quote Jim Jefferies "Have the magic man, don't have the magic man, I don't give a fuck".
  12. That's kinda my point, you don't have to like them.
  13. Tolerance is a very strange word, its meaning is easily understood by all sides, yet it seems doomed to be ignored by all of them. +1 BTW
  14. Paradoxically, they are.
  15. All your posts just seem to strive for a reason to feel superior to others, I look forward to the day you realise, there's only one person you are capable of being superior too; I'll let you guess whom that might be.
  16. If the context is, in private to rib a friend (who is capable of giving as good as he/she gets) then, for me, that's okay. OTH If the context is, in public to humiliate an innocent party in the most degrading way you can think of, that's deplorable and deserving of punishment. Racism is by definition hateful, so let me fix your post "The racism is only being used to insult someone and is never acceptable in a civil society".
  17. Well, getting back to the topic "hate is hate no matter your politics", so unless you're suggesting a white supremacist is easily swayed by a logical argument while the doubtful remains adamant, I'm going to call BS.
  18. Because they're the only ones that matter. nope, if my stereotype is, all Nepalese are capable of climbing Everest and you introduce me to a Nepalese quadriplegic I'd say "of course, sorry I'm an idiot", try that with a white supremacist who thinks it was Hillary who dragged them up there, they'd say "see, told you they couldn't."
  19. Stereotypes are much easier to break through when hatred's not involved, that's why a lot of successful projects target kindergarten. We have a lot of Asian comics in England who satirise those stereotypes because when we lose the innocence in a toxic environment hate is embedded at every point on the bell curve. When all around is hate, humour is a fine foxhole.
  20. May I suggest you revisit my previous posts in this thread, for context, I am not (or have ever) trying to justify Barr's comments, they were clearly hateful, whether the language used is considered a vulgarity or a slur... racist or not... she deserved the punishment and it could be argued, so did the rest of the cast since they couldn't persuade her to change her attitude; if I was one of them I'd gladly lose my job if it was because I called her hate out (I've lost a few jobs that way).
  21. Hatred is never acceptable, surely your higher power told you that...
  22. Some of my friends are racist (I don't like it and challenge them every time) and some of my friends use the N word (in a private setting, ironically) context and relative hatred is key. Here's an interesting perspective.
  23. Well then, I guess we have different friends.
  24. However close we get to an equal society, there will always be people that assume superiority and hate the fact that they aren't and other people that hate them for it. The "superior" use insults as a weapon to suppress, so "the joke" is an excuse and never funny. The others use jokes as a weapon to enlighten the undecided and belittle the superior and that's the reason they're funny. And some people are neither, they just laugh when something's funny. Not in the context of the interaction, two friends, the colour of which is immaterial, greet each other in the context of their mutual culture in which there's a myriad of reasons why "my nigga" is acceptable to both, no insult, not even a joke intended; the only possible reason for offense is, if the interaction is observed and even then it's only due to not understanding the context of the interaction.
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