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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Indeed, but every so often that 'giant steaming turd' is all sparkily and golden coloured; let him have his little giggle, he can't be expected understand what sparkles are... That sounds awfully American... Well, we the Brits kinda forced that lesson down their throats, sorry America...
  2. Like he won't play double or quits, with his Patek Philippe...
  3. There's a good reason to say that, a balanced world needs both sides to be an effective coin. He probably didn't say that, bc it makes no sense given the first statement; a common enemy at the gate is how China is good for US. That's a twisted interpretation of the common myth that we can see when a person is lying. The stupid man just believes what he reads, a wise man also asks his wife... 😉
  4. Who holds the record? Conscious recognition is an entirely different question, If you kept a second by second diary of your entire life, and I read every last word, would that mean I know what your next thought will be? Imagine a filter that means I don't fully understand one word in a million, how much would that effect my prediction? Now image a non-human understanding of our language, what would that do to our mutual understanding?
  5. Nope, nope and nope: Firstly, philosophical languange is what we all speak, even the physicists and 'some' of the mathematicians. Secondly, a physicists language is mathematics. And thirdly, what other language system... Alien???
  6. Since the energy problem is, that it's not sustainable, renewable energy is the only viable answer; dispite what the accountant says... I wouldn't trust an accountant to organise my holiday, whatever budget I gave him/it/her, it would never be enough to make us both happy...
  7. No more than any other culture is completely golden; but I can't help thinking that "The Grapes of Wrath" would be a much happier story under shariah banking principles.
  8. Apparently??? I have to trust which ever vacuous brand you choose to believe, and neither of them were a python???
  9. I don't think fusion can work, in the same way that room temperature super conducting can't...
  10. Except in the banking sector, where the opposite is true... Bank of Dave (film) - Wikipedia
  11. So which came first, the philosophical model or the machine that proves it?
  12. Where would be the fun in that? The thing is, the only thing I really said in that thread was, you can't possibly know that your assertion is true; "No sir you didn't like it", you got so angry 😡 that you blocked me. I'm with @iNow that seems a little asymmetric.
  13. The system becomes unsustainable, when the amount of work done isn't enough to feed us... Age has little to do with it...
  14. Indeed, for Trump to win the GOP will have to pull some serious strings, not least of which is maintaining the illusion that he has any idea why his supporters are supporting him? Other than his God-like genes-ios... Sorry folks I forgot to explain this one; it can be read in 2 different way's: a, God genes like Ios and b, Godlike genios; both of which he would approve, although he'd have know idea where the sniggering was coming from... 😉
  15. Nope, I'm just asking if you know what the number is???
  16. Everyone is part of the problem, even the holier than though; it's a side effect of being alive...
  17. Is there a number for the value of ethics?
  18. It's more about consequence than competence, I'm fine with tapping the mine of wisdom; but mindful of the fact that they're human and so their personal outlook would be heavily biased towards them existing in the very short term, relatively. And passing down his fiefdom to HIS children, the success of society would be a lucky coincidence.
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