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Everything posted by aj47

  1. Also, the old VW advert with the guy break dancing to 'singing in the rain'.
  2. For me it has to be the car insure ad with.. ''Kev....Bev'' ''Bev...Kev'' Don't know why but it just cracks me up.
  3. Sorry, I should also point out that 'safe' is a common greeting among chavs. i.e. 'safe mate, you wanna go rob up some special brew' to which you might reply 'innit'
  4. Q. Why did the chav cross the road... A. Because it was safe Q.What do you call a chav in a box... A. Innit (you probably wont understand these if your from the US)
  5. I'm almost finished doing my A-levels in Biology, Music, Chemistry and Psycology (just seven more exams aargh). Then after my gap year i'm going to UCL to do Chemistry or if I do slightly worse than expected, Sheffield uni.
  6. Out of interest does anyone know what it would sound like if you were to similtaneously play every audible sound frequency at the same volume?
  7. aj47

    Ostwald process

    I would imagine platinum works as heterogenous catalyst in which case only a few types of transition metals could be used. Basically heterogenous catalyst, like platinum for this reaction, will have active sites where the reagents can be absorbed onto. This increases the rate of the reaction by either breaking up the reagents into more reactive fragments, holding the reagent molecules in the right configuration for a more favourable collision or weakening bonds to lower activation energy. Only a limited number of transition metals can be used for a partiular reaction, as each metal will absorb reactant molecules at different strengths. For example if a metal like tungsten is used in this reaction, the molecules will be absorbed far too strongly and will not release the products fast enough to increase the overall rate of reaction. Conversley if a catalyst like silver is used, the reactants will be absorbed too weakly and molecules will not stay long enough on an active site to react. I would imagine copper is not as effective as platimum but I doubt it would make much difference in a lab, only on an industrial scale. Plus its a hell of a lot cheaper too.
  8. AFAIK Papaver orientale do not contain any codeine or morphine, at least not in any significant amounts. They do contain the alkaloid thebaine though which is used as the starting product for etorphine which I have heard is something like 10,000 times as strong as morphine and is used to take out large game such as elephants. So I guess etorphine would be an excellent means of defense.
  9. Although my cats about six now, she's still small for her age and has a high pitched kitten miaow. This makes her a prime target by the neighbour hood cats and she seems to get bullied or chased out of our garden quite regularly. Anyway about a month ago we noticed that some neighbour hood cats had been coming into our house, peeing everywhere and eating her food because she was just too much of a pssy (no pun intended) to defend herself. The problem seemed to get worse and worse until one day, I came home to find a big grey cat sitting at the top of my stairs. With a fit of rage I chased it to the top floor of my house where it ran into one of the rooms. I then decided this would be a great chance to scare the cat out of our house and possibly traumatise it enough so it would think twice before coming back again, so I closed the door of each room and went down to get a water pistol, a few pens to throw and a wooden spoon to make some noise with. After searching each room I found it underneath a bed so I closed the door and poked underneath with the spoon untill it shot out and frantically circled the room trying to get out. I fumbled with the water pistol but managed to get a few hits with the pens and probably scared it with my shouts and banging of objects. After about a thirty seconds of chasing it, it managed to run up a disused chimney we have, enough so only its tail was visible. I waited a few minutes but it wasn't moving so I tried to pull it out but it just scrambled up further and stayed there for a while trembling. Anyway I felt slightly guilty at this point so left the room leaving all the doors open so it could escape. I checked the room every five minutes but it was only after about half an hour that it finally came out. Anyway incase you think I was too mean, i'll post a picture of my cat so you can see how my actions were justified.
  10. I too have been teaching myself piano and have come across exactly the same problems as you. I started playing the piano after I worked out a few jazz scales and chords which I repeatedly impovised with untill I was bored to death of them. However it was only after actually learning to read music and doing a little bit of thoery, that I managed to progress further and lose the repeatedness of my music. I know its and extremely tedious task, but really the only way you'll progress is to learn a bit of music theory. Once you know your music theory, you'll find it a great deal easier to invert chords or put in some crazy sounding modal scale and key changes untill your compositions are varied. As for loosing creativity when performing, I would say a lot of that is how confident you are with an instrument. Creativity is neither conscience or sub-conscience I would say it is both, but when you are learning you tend to think about what you are playing a lot more than you need to. I find it harder to be creative on the piano infront of people than guitar but that's becasue I have been playing the guitar a great deal longer. But as I improve and practise with the piano, I find it easier not to have to think about chord changes etc which gives me the confidence to almost play sub-consciencely and not be distracted. I don't know if this is just me but it is also probably why I seem to improve with alcohol (giving I still have my co-ordination). Either that or i'm just drunk enough to think a strangled cat would sound good.
  11. Sorry that was a typo, I meant to say ' I'm not being optmistic because England will definately win, with out a doubt' and to the OP - Final score 4-2 to Germany. I hope you didnt place any bets on that game.
  12. Although I'm being extremely optimistic, I really think there's a chance England could win this year.
  13. 2-1 to germany It's not looking good for costa rica.
  14. But these things are timeless. Every generation should benefit from the amount of fun you can have with a pack of mentos and bottle of coke.
  15. ok thanks great help. I'm guessing these factors also account for the reason why aluminium can't form ammine complexes aswell.
  16. IMO dry ice and water is more fun. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/106412/dry_ice/
  17. wow ok I thought it would be something really fundamental that I had overlooked but thanks anyway. Actually I asked someone else this question and they vaugley answered it mentioning entropy and relating it to a larger [math] \Delta S [/math] value in the Gibbs free energy equation, for the formation of hexaaqua complexes. However I did not understand this as surely the difference in entropy values would negliable for the ammine and aqua complex, as the corordination numbers are the same and size of the ligands almost identical?
  18. AFAIK the addition of dilute ammonia to metal(II) hexaaqua ions will always result in a hydrolysis reaction resulting in the hydroxide precipitiating, while ammonia in excess will result in an ammine complex. However when I was looking up ligand substitution reactions for iron(II) ions, I found that with excess ammonia the hydroxide forms and not the ammine complex. Does anyone know why this is? I would have expected all metal (II) ions to react in the same way.
  19. I agree practicals are the only things that will get younger children interested in science. Teachers should stop being so safety obsessed and let children have a real hands on experience with science. More disections and explosions would be good (though not at the same time)
  20. Thanks ecoli, if windows movie maker proves unsuccesful i'll give it a go.
  21. Don't think I have Windows movie maker on my comp but anyway yea im pretty sure its a .mov file. You have to pay for that though don't you?
  22. I have a video in quick time format which I need to edit by cutting bits out. Do any of you know a program I can use to do this?
  23. Have you pissed anyone off recently?
  24. aj47


    I could never just have a nibble of a pepperami, like pringles its one of those food products which are impossible to stop eating without being physically restrained. I think it must be all the addicitive additives, just thinking about all those E numbers makes me salivate.
  25. aj47


    Actually I was wonderning the same thing a while ago and came across a newscientist article on the same thing, you might want check it out .. http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18224514.500.html
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