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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. You can believe whatever you want, but your beliefs are not science.
  2. So you are saying spacetime or the maker of spacetime is nice to living things??? That does not seem like anything in the realm of science.
  3. Just wanted to clear up a few things. This cookware is called Visions and it was invented Corning inc. It is not tempered glass! Tempered glass would be a terrible idea. A small scratch could result in a catastrophic failure of the cookware when heated. Visions is a glass-ceramic. To make it glass is molded to the desired shape and then the glass is heat treated so that it devitrifies (crystalizes). The crystal structure has a very low CTE so that when it is heated or cooled there only very low stresses on the body, well below the stress needed for failure. My understanding is that the color is primarily due to the crystal structure, this part could be wrong. My info is from what I recall my wife telling me. She is a glass technologist who worked for Corning for 35 years. Here is the wiki on visions
  4. The wavelength is not invariant. There are any number of ways to determine your relative speed to another inertial frame, sound is not somehow special. In the title of the thread you asked for help to understand the doppler effect. I suggest you listen to the help that has been offered. I fear you won't however.
  5. Why do you think this breaks Galilean relativity?
  6. What is the principle that this system is based on?
  7. None of this seems very insightful or different than you could pick up from wiki. Like what?
  8. Clearly it was a typo, he meant to say ducks and walruses.
  9. In the event of an alien invasion the least destructive move would be to immediately surrender. We would be defeated no matter what we did. Think NATO in a war with ancient Egypt. Chariots do not win against tanks and jets.
  10. There was a long history of false assumptions. In this case it was the false assumption that time was absolute. Time dilation a result of the mathematics of relativity. Experimentation done afterwards supported that time dilation occurs which supports the theory of relativity.
  11. I believe it is just good old Einstein. Why do you hope it wasn't Einstein?
  12. Not sure if I agree or disagree.
  13. Quit crying and show some math. Surely there is at least some math in the 5 books you have written, that you could share. So far all you are doing is making unfounded claims. Show the math!
  14. I agree that a doctor should be able to help with this.
  15. Did you really just refer to yourself in the third person?
  16. OK. With the help of a demon you can have perpetual motion. But this is kind of cheating, plus you would have go to hell after the experiment.
  17. If God created the universe then he and his minions (angels) are obviously not an integral part of the universe. In other words they would not be governed by the laws of physics. So trying to use physics to describe the movement of angels is a waste of time.
  18. I am going to go out on a limb here and say there is no amount of evidence or experimentation that will change MPMin's mind. But you guys are giving it a valiant effort.
  19. I am sorry that happens to you, that must suck! When I took physics, learning the math and then applying that math to experiments greatly increased my understanding of the physical world. It was quite exhilarating if the truth be known. Again, let me say I am sorry that the exact opposite occurs with you.
  20. Why, you can't even understand what science is after it was explained to you multiple times!! I think you are just pretending to be this stupid and this is just fun trolling for you. Reported as such.
  21. Probably because it works, you know like computers and stuff... Shouldn't this these be in the trash, or at the very least pseudoscience?
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