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Oldand Dilis

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  1. If you delete this post/thread my blog goes straight back online. I don't expect you to put it back into hot topics I don't want anyone humiliated but put my webpage in hot topics and get discussions going......before I do put my blog online again And remove all my negative points too. Yes he said I could post my webpage on the thread and it wouldn't be deleted because I said I had a formula, then when I did he didn't understand it and deleted it. That's the same as theft.
  2. Your moderators are liars and thieves that's why you can't see truth. It absolutely does pertain to volume. Below is why. You are liars and thieves because previously you agreed a deal to see a formula then you broke the deal when you saw it and didn't understand it. Taken from an update to doubleslitsolution dot weebly dot com INTRODUCING THE COSMIC SECOND To illustrate the concept mathematically we need the assumption of a universal time unit which I will call a cosmic second "cs" and an Earth second I will call "es" then the amount of information we can possibly move within an arbitrary set area of matter say of volume for example 1cm³ in 1cs is 1/1.333πn³ where n is the amount of information sent. With three dimensional time what I am saying is that if 1cs in outer space is measured as 1es dilated to a super massive planet or sun so the local time measurement of 1cs is now 2es and the information moved within that specific area of matter in space in 1cs is 1/1.333π1tb units then the information which can be moved within that same volume of matter in 1cs is not just doubled when dilated. Where the possible information moved in that volume of matter in outer space within the 1cs was say 1.333π1tb now in one cs we can move 1.333π8tb within that same volume of matter. I have screen shots of when you lied and broke the deal in my blog. I have hidden my blog for now but I might just put it back online. Some apologies and humility and putting my page all over the place IMMEDIATELY might dampen my anger because I'm really f####g pissed of with liars and thieves at the minute. No promises but I have a soft heart so you better act fast and pray hard because I just cracked the mathematical explanation tonight and the emails to all the key players including a Nobel Laureate who has been positively communicating with me have been sent.
  3. Simple verifiable explanation of 3 dimensional time 3 dimensional time is quite simple, it is a logical property of Einstein's time dilation in Special Relativity. If we blow up a balloon we know that it increases in 3 dimensions of space. If we have any two points marked on the balloon then as it inflates their distance in space increases. If we send information between these two points along the surface then the time it takes for the information to pass between them is increased in direct proportion to the increase in space. So at the quantum level it is not just the time between "particles" that causes time to dilate, it is time within "particles" which dilates directly in 3 dimensions. If we have internal networks inside particles then if we send information along these paths again time is dilated in 3 dimensions within particles. I have located video evidence showing that what is happening in the double slit experiment is due to time being 3 dimensional. Evidence located in 2 separate experiments online Hitachi 1989 and Nebraska Lincoln University 2013. I also provide a new simple experiment setup to triple verify 3 dimensional time which will show particles acting as never before expected by physicists, moving sideways through space and time. Also I explain the equation which solves it. Δt³∝1/ΔxΔp I am still homeless and penniless so I cant get it peer reviewed under open access as all journals want big money and professional physicists likely aren't reading it because it is not peer reviewed. The important point is this is not the usual open ended theoretical speculation. I have located the evidence and provide a new simpler experiment setup to triple verify it. While physicists assert the anomaly in the double slit experiment cannot be a wave crest because it works with electrons which are quantized so that would be impossible it is only impossible in one dimensional time. In experiments it appears as a single particle due to the limitations of locality of measurement in three dimensional time. The crucial point which clarifies the difference between one and 3 dimensional time in the experiments is the number of hits on the wall. If time were one dimensional then every particle fired would leave a mark where every wave crest hits a wall. Where we get the interference pattern there should be 5 wave crests hitting the wall with every particle fired (if there are 5 bands in the interference pattern) because every wave crest from primary and secondary waves will arrive at the wall. They don't though as seen in the videos of the experiments, only one wave crest leaves a mark at only one point in matter that is within the timeband which is set by 1.the source, 2.positions in space and 3.detectors for momentum (positions also acting as detectors for momentum but for the sake of keeping it simple I refer to detectors separate from the positions in the walls). In the classic double slit experiment most of these arrive at the front screen/wall, the subsequent waves pass through the slits and the back wall but not all leave a mark. Just as every point in space may have multiple radio signals passing along the same airwaves only the ones tuned into will be amplified and detectable in our reality. In these experiments that physical amplification happens only when the three variables time, position and momentum are optimal at any point in the field where two waves of energy meet, the looping energy wave in matter gets knocked out of its loop back into the field and the mark is left. What is happening in the double slit experiment is explained in detail using simple logic on a commercial website Which is licensed under CC copyright so any discussion thread must show the source.
  4. I gave my argument and posted a link but you broke your contract, your word Strange you agreed it would be allowable if there is an argument to back it. Screenshots have been taken of both threads. I disagree that an idea cannot be copyright that's basically all that can be copyrighted. I would advise you to reinsert the link as soon as you can because I am fairly sure you have no idea just how much trouble you have asked for with your "clever" little trick to dishonestly get privy to the information. Now that you have it you cannot give it back you are stuck with it so best go back and reinstate the link in line with your contract/agreement. I'm helping you here by giving you the option to save your forum and possibly everything else you own. Of that I am certain (I am actually very highly qualified in international law) while for you, you will now have an uncertainty every minute that passes. Serves you right, cheats always get caught sooner or later and you just got caught straight away. Do the right thing and reinsert the link before it's too late that's my advice (Dont even try to delete it, too late for that) Because if you don't you WILL regret it and that is a certainty. I have no wish for your demise, it's in your hands but you better think and act fast....very very fast because if your site is quoted with my equation without reference to me and my site then you and yours are XXXXed (rhymes with tucked).
  5. Δt∝1/ΔxΔp ΔxΔp is inversely proportional to Δt. By adding a third factor...time... to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle we solve the double slit experiment....at last...it's basically about focus (think magic eye 2D holograms) in 3 dimensional time. When we half the time variable by detecting which slit the "particle" passes through we double the certainty of finding hits at the 2 main vertical bands on the back wall and halve the certainty of finding hits from subsequent waves. So with enough particles fired during detecting which slit we should still see the interference pattern but very very slightly (so slight they have never been noticed before) while the two primary wave crests will be very prominent. It was previously thought that it could not be the crest of a wave because an electron can't be quantized but Spring Time Theory shows the potential energy in the quantum particles is released as the oscillating energy propagates out in waves in 3 dimensional time usually undetected by the limitations of locality in 3 dimensional time. The full explanation and the unified field theory that solves it are available on. LINK DELETED
  6. Thanks for the clear reply Strange, A few things incorrect there I would argue Strange but nothing worth arguing about. That's clear enough, I'll post the formula in a new thread I'm not going to waste any more of my time my months of work having it go straight into pseudoscience, speculations or crackpot threads or wherever this is.
  7. Yes but it is copyrighted under CC licence and the weblink and author must be quoted anywhere it is used. Do moderators agree to see it with such conditions? When the moderators agree to the conditions of the CC licence and do not remove it later after gaining the information themselves only to withhold that information from others. And just to be clear the site is not monetised, contains no porn, violent, racist, sexist etc content it is suitable for all ages. The reason for this is the CC terms have been set, if this forum is where the formula and theories are understood and go viral from generating hits and business for the forum from my work the original work must also be generating hits even though I do not want any money or business of any kind. My interest is only to spread the information fairly I have no interest in business.
  8. Not true I said any outward expansion or in other words stretch would have decreased redshift which is caused by pathchange. It turns out the expansion is inward causing pathchange and thats how I solved the vacuum catastrophe, now added to my list along with solving/correcting charge parity violation, quantum entanglement, gravity, black holes, gravitational waves....and got the mathematical formula that solves the double slit experiment. It doesn't need . If it doesn't disobey any law and is a result of law/combination of laws it is correct. At last thinking outside the box, actual imaginative intelligence, the same which helped me find the mathematical formula. Word bro!
  9. Simply incorrect my theory is consistent with relativity of you looked at it properly you would see that. Maybe you too are a part time diploma scientist out of your depth. My style of argument is in response to the snobbery, condescention and lies you hypocrite to comment on my style, I have been more than patient and respectful for too long with your snobbery. I also solve the seemingly unspoken elephant in the room with science WHAT causes redshift? EXPANSION OF WHAT in the Universe? The popular accepted explanation is that redshift explains the expansion of the Universe and because objects nearer us show more redshift than more distant objects the universe must have been expanding slower in the past. I say this is incorrect, no one I have seen gives an exact explanation given as to WHY an expansion changes frequency or even why the speed of light remains constant despite wavelength and frequency changes, longer wavelength should logically increase the speed but it doesn't. I explain why, yes redshift is caused by expansion but not of the Universe but by gravity causing curvature, leading to path change. Consider the spring like analogy I used before, light travels in it's spring/corkscrew like spiral through the quantum balls/particles (looking like a sound wave from the side and a spin from the front) when gravity causes curvature then one side of the spring contracts as it is pulled in and the other side expands. So as it passes through curvature light's path/frequency changes because its angle of entry to each next quantum particle is changed giving it a different frequency. When we see objects far away exhibiting less redshift in the past it is because there were less large objects to curve light's path. As the Universe ages objects grow larger creating more gravity more curvature and more redshift as light is pulled off its path changing its frequency. When the light passes the curved path its frequency has been changed so even if it is back on a straight path again its frequency does not return to its original spiral width it continues on its new one. It has taken a different path through the quantum particles. Larger angle of entry (to the axis) means paths spiral route is wider with less rotations/bends to travel through, smaller angle means route has more bends but closer together/higher frequency so the path from entry to exit is the same giving us the constant speed regardless of wavelength (very rough photo of the drawing explaining the theory on a very beaten jotter is on my website blog). So it is not necessarily that the Universe is expanding and even if it is redshift is not caused by such an expansion but it is the contraction of the spacetime fabric by large objects gravity that causes redshift (if it is not then explain why freqency change? EXPANSION OF WHAT? Fudge?) Once the lights frequency has been changed it will continue in its new frequency when it reaches a straight path again (relatively straight as we know that the observable Universe is almost but not quite flat). As it travels through space it gets continually turned onto new paths with curvature until eventually it gets bent to "fall in a spiral" eventually down towards the centre of the universe again. This supports the theory that we are at the surface of the spacetime fabric and light reaching the edge curves back down towards the centre. Perhaps this may explain the distribution of the CMB also?? Maybe not but......maybe.... I have to watch some more videos, the flatness problem is likely just one of scale, the Universe is humungulonguloungous and compared with Earth our visible Universe is to the universe probably something like as a plate or coin is to the Earth, I provide the Unified Field Theory that explains everything from teleportation, quantum entanglement, structure of quarks, orbitals of electrons all which can all be TESTED FOR so stop lying and I give a VERIFIABLE solution to the double slit experiment and a SECOND new simpler variation to cross check (no probabilities, no potentials, no dead cats, or Copenhagen lager fuelled waffle but a certainty every time) The good news it kind of rules out the big freeze.....phew ...panic over. I might get some bubbly...
  10. Some maths explaining the weight of atomic nuclei. I'm not even going to reply to Strange any more you showed you were out of your depth when you stated that watched or not watched is the most important element of the double slit experiment (cringe). I thought I was talking with proper physicists not people with part time diplomas in science so it makes sense why this is over your heads and you are crying mathematics, because you can't understand the PRINCIPLE which always comes before the maths confirm it. Also why none of you are able to do the modelling or maths that has been sitting waiting to be explained for 100 years. but just in case there are any actual physicists in this forum here's some maths explaining how the action around the quantum balls forms neutrons and protons the video with the visual representation is available on the subscript giving the maths is here A visual example of quarks movements always 2 against one. Each quark made up of 13 quantum balls in Newtons 13 "kissing balls" shape. One "quantum ball" lost by each as a gluon shared or stretched equally between another. All quantum balls essentially the same carrying energy travelling as vibrations/waves as gluons, electrons and collectively as quarks. Hence why the weight of a neutron or proton is 1836 times heavier than an electron. 1728 (12³) being the cumulative spin "weight" of the 12 balls in each quark plus the cumulative spin of the qluons binding them by shared pull and why their weight is not equal to the other 12 balls 12 x 3 directions of 3 objects 12x3x3 108 giving us 1836 altogether. More information about the full unified field theory and the solution to the double slit experiment available on please stop advertising your site here Give me another negative point if you want if you're all only part time diploma level science students. I just post in the off chance there's someone who will understand this among you.
  11. Lies, everything I have provided can be tested. I provide tests for the double slit, quantum entanglement, orbitals, the problem is you people with the privelege (relative for some still privelege compared to some who have no running water or electricity or primary education) won't to the tests, you are a snob, rarely does a true snob ever say yes I am a snob. When they do they are usually racists and bigots too. The solution to redshift and the horizon problem I'll be continuing on my website blog and elsewhere, not in the mood for more insults "playing the victim" your snobbery and arrogance shines through even when you try to refute it. Lying, snob.
  12. I don't have a computer, (or a home), I'm using a phone with a broken screen which has a "mind of its own". The problem here on this forum seems to be snobbery like this, that's whats blinding you the colonial superiority complex, "oh the native can't speak our language so she must be stupid, every intelligent person speaks English(or maths) haw haw chuckle chuckle" Snobbery also at the core of strange's blindness. I can't get you guys to understand on the physics level so I begin to study chemistry to see if I can do it there. Within ONE DAY of studying chemistry I can explain orbitals of electrons around atomic nuclei some thing which physics still can't explain logically, it can be measured mathematically sure but with no logic to explain it. When I do the snob Strange says "bizarrely enough you have got the correct answer...." Bizarrely why? Because with all your money and privilege you still haven't learned that humility and respect for every human equally is important you can't resist trying to assert your superiority even when I'm correct you try to belittle me. You still think you are more intelligent than someone because you were privileged enough to get an education so now that you have learned other peoples theories and can recite them with your artificial human intelligence you think you are superior. I provide solutions to the double slit(with a variation to cross check), quantum entanglement (with a test), frequency, spin, gravity, atomic orbitals, teleportation but just like the fool's Galileo was faced with you sit going "no no stupid, can't be right, no no not looking at the evidence". What a waste of money your education was I'm losing patience with such stupid snobbery. I provide an explanation for the weak force and then studying chemistry explain the strong force IN ONE DAY. I think I have solved the horizon problem also today and its nothing to do with the age of the universe but as I've already given you snobs everything from the solution to the double slit, QE, frequency etc and you wont look at that, I don't think I'll bother wasting my time you will just sit laughing saying "the native is stupid because she can't speak Maths haw haw" instead of doing something useful. Probably so fat and over fed the fat is slowing down the neuron transmissions in your artificial intelligence. As for language if you had any understanding of that you would know that the brain processes ALL languages even maths visually so its not me who is stupid I'm communicating at the highest level and your safety blanket of mathematics is limiting yours so take your snobbery and stick it wherever you like, what a waste of human potential, colonial snobs.
  13. Because I solved the double slit experiment with a second variation that will also work. Because I provide a way to test orbital paths formation using computer modelling and a test to check for quantum entanglement hinging on time dimensions. I clearly have a theory that I got without maths and solved the double slit using primary school maths, something seems to be blinding you to accepting it, again you could embrace it or scoff at it until someone else embraces it. Your choice. No I can't make precise predictions but I provide the fields exact structure which can be modelled to do so.
  14. My battery is at 4% ill explain when I get powered up if I get cut off. frequency os the energy along paths around the quantum balls is like a corkscrew or spring shape. From the side it looks like a sound wave shown visually from head on it looks like spin. Im at 3%. Gonna have to find a cafe The two extra dimensions of time provide the solution to the double slit. When focusing on/observing a particle along the slice of time it is in just like the finishing line on a race we can only record to see the result at that spot. If the track were not all one for example if the race (the source of energy/vibration) has all players (particles) standing inside an inner circle and each running along a radius towards buzzers located on an outer circle. They will all hit the buzzer at the same time if they all run and swing their hands down at the same speed. However we can only record one runner at a time with each camera. If there's a square outside the outer circle (the back wall in the double slit) the runner directly facing it will hit the buzzer first the others hitting theirs later, same speed but arriving along different paths so arriving after. This could be easily verified using the variation on the Double slit experiment with angled walls as I explained previously. The effect of these dimensions on the frequency corkscrew/spring analogy I'll have to think about but it seems to me initially they are all single instances of energy moving through the path so all other relational energies will also be following the same frequency and spin with the same corkscrew pattern along their paths moving out in their individual direction from the same central source of the energy/vibration.
  15. Regarding field and mathematics. Mathematics DESCRIBE values, shape, speed, orientation etc. They describe what we see, feel hear etc. Its the objects themselves we use on a practical basis. You don't have to know every thread depth and width on every screw, every exact radius of every pipe and cylinder, every number of sparks per second, every grade of fuel to invent or visualise a car and understand how it works. That comes later, that's important for formalising it to work on. Jimi Hendrix didn't need to read or write music to create music neither do we need to to feel and understand it. The writing of it is for a specific way of sharing it. So is physics just a way to help us LIVE it in itself is only one discipline of use in our lives every day.
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