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Everything posted by Bufofrog

  1. I'm not interested in visiting your site, present your reasoning here.
  2. That doesn't even make any sense. So the photon is absorbed and then somehow is not really absorbed and then somehow 'makes' extra photons and then a magical new time dimension appears?? That is quite a peachy-keen hypothesis. Absolutely no basis in reality, but peachy-keen.
  3. There is no purpose or goal in evolution. The purpose of a star is not to fuse hydrogen. The purpose of a river is not to send water to the ocean. What we observe in nature is a consequence of physical laws, there is no purpose. The basis of evolution is not improvement, that is too vague and subjective. Evolution is simply that an animal that is suited to an environment will survive long enough to produce viable offspring and one that isn't will not produce offspring. It may be that 200,000 years in the future man will have a brain that is only half the size that it is today. That would be an 'improvement' because that trait of having a pea brain is best suited for the environment.
  4. Good point I was only addressing the SR aspects of the question.
  5. Neanderthals had larger brains on the average than modern man.
  6. Since the cabin and the occupants are moving at the same speed they would see nothing out of the ordinary. 20% of c will not result in big visual changes in any frame. Even at 99% of c the cabin would look normal to the occupants.
  7. Good point, I was wrong on my initial post.
  8. Nope, you wouldn't go anywhere. If you didn't hit the backboard you could go in the opposite did though.
  9. At this rate the game should be ready around 2045. I will be long dead be then so I see no reason to contribute.
  10. The first part is correct \( c^2=(a+b)^2 \). The problem appears to be your incorrect use of the quadratic formula. To use the quadratic formula the equation must be in the form of \(ax^2+bx+c=0\). Your equation does not equal zero so you cannot expand \( (a+b)^2 \) using the QF.
  11. OK. What is this association? Why do you call it the Schwarzschild Vector?
  12. Once again, agreed. Research into the regeneration ability of the axolotl could help with understanding how to restore a lost limb in humans.
  13. Axolotls are amazing at regeneration. It looks like a limb from another animal may be able to be attached to an Ax. From wiki on Axolotls: The feature of the salamander that attracts most attention is its healing ability: the axolotl does not heal by scarring and is capable of the regeneration of entire lost appendages in a period of months, and, in certain cases, more vital structures. Some have indeed been found restoring the less vital parts of their brains. They can also readily accept transplants from other individuals, including eyes and parts of the brain—restoring these alien organs to full functionality. In some cases, axolotls have been known to repair a damaged limb, as well as regenerating an additional one, ending up with an extra appendage that makes them attractive to pet owners as a novelty. In metamorphosed individuals, however, the ability to regenerate is greatly diminished. The axolotl is therefore used as a model for the development of limbs in vertebrates.
  14. Both limbs would both just rot. As far as I know there are no lizard that can regenerate legs. Some amphibians can.
  15. I think the vt' should just be vt. No need to add an E, that complicated things, just use x and x'. So x = x' + vt.
  16. An event occurs at some distance x. Let's assume it is a flash of light. The observer at the origin of S would detect the flash at an elapsed time of t = x/c.
  17. Probably not. I suspect earthquakes like weather have a dependance on environmental variables that are inherently unstable. I can tell you that the average temperature in Jan 2 is going to be colder than July 2, but it will probably never be possible to forecast the temperature or precipitation out more than about 14 days.
  18. You know this is a discussion forum, right? What is the rainbow, capacitor connection you are referring to?
  19. Since we can make up advanced technology, let's say there is AI and robots to do most of those jobs. Problem solved.
  20. Time dilation is not linear. At 50% c there is very little time dilation. Look up time dilation on wiki.
  21. Boiling certainly kills bacteria, but it is also true that pathogens cannot survive in beer. And I would like to thank the Brits for one of your other medicines, gin and tonic. The perfect summer mixed drink!
  22. Becoming an alcoholic is much worse than getting colds.
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