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    foundational quantum mechanics

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  1. Yes, I think I did that in my opening post. Give me a few days to cut and paste the website into a Word document and remove the website parts. Then I can save as a pdf and post as an attachment here. Thanks.
  2. We are talking about quantum theory which is a rather difficult subject. It's traditional to provide an abstract and give details in an attached paper. And besides, I don't have an argument yet. That's the whole point in submitting what I have so far, to see if anyone has objections to argue over.
  3. I think I'd prefer an attachment. For then it's just cut and paste and save as pdf. Is that acceptable in this instance?
  4. Can I post a file attachement, even it is large? Is it possible to do Latex? How about mathjax? Thanks
  5. Thank you, I forgot I posted here before. However, the website address has changed. Perhaps others would like to know this new address in case they want to look up all the details.
  6. I'd like to start here in the Speculation forum. If it withstands scrutiny here, maybe I can move to a more formal forum. It seems I've been able to derive quantum theory from logic alone. And the wave function turns out to be a mathematical representation of material implication. There is a way to create a type of path integral using propositions and logical operators. It relies on the fact that a conjunction (logical AND) between propositions implies an implication between those propositions. Every point in space exist in conjunction with every other point. And when each point is represented by a proposition (that at least describes the coordinates of that point), then a path consists of the first point implying the second, in conjunction with, the second point implying the third, in conjunction with, the third implying the forth, etc. Every possible path from start to finish ends up being in disjunction (OR) with all the others. I found a way to represent entities of logic with mathematical numbers and operators. Implication is represented in set theory with subsets. If a subset is included in a set, then the existence of the set implies the existence of the subset. If the subset in not in the set, then the set does not imply the subset. The Dirac measure then gives a value of 1 if the subset (or element) is included in the set and 0 otherwise. So now there is a way to assign numeric value to implication. Using the Dirac measure in this way, conjunction can be mapped to multiplication, and disjunction is mapped to addition. In this way all those alternative paths get mapped to an infinite number of additions of an infinite number of multiplications to form the path integral of quantum mechanics. On my website I go through all the details. It's not difficult; advance high school students would probably be able to understand it. It's at: advertising url removed by moderator All this may seem like a trick of math. But this framework can be used to justify the set of subatomic particles in the Standard Model as shown at: advertising url removed by moderator I'm interested to know if anyone can find a flaw in the reasoning. Thanks.
  7. When you consider that in quantum mechanics particles take every possible path, then each position is no longer unique to any one trajectory, and each position seems to be an entity all to itself, which sometimes acts as the destination of some other point and sometimes acts as the starting point to some other destination. So none of the points can negate the existence of any other point, since they all appear in many different paths. And if no point can negate another, they all exist in conjunction, and the logic I developed applies.
  8. At the link below, I derived quantum Theory from logic alone. http://webpages.charter.net/majik1/QMlogic.htm The Feynman path integral of quantum mechanics is seen as the mathematical representation of a similar construction in logic. Paths in logic are constructed as the conjunction of many implications, where the consequence of one implication is the premise of the next implication, forming steps through what appears to be paths. Any implication can be equated to the disjunction of every alternative path from the original premise to the original consequence. Then I show how implication is represented by the Dirac delta function. This then requires that disjunction (OR) be mapped to addition and conjunction (AND) be mapped to multiplication. And the Sum and Product rule for probabilities easily falls out of this formulation. When the complex gaussian distribution is used for the Dirac delta functions, the multiplications required by the conjunction allows the exponentials in the gaussian to be added and form what appears to be an Action integral. The disjunction of all of these paths gets mapped to integration as the number of possibilities goes to infinity. These integrations of the Actions in the exponential form the Feynman path integral. The above process give the 1st quantization of quantum mechanics. And the process can be iterated to give the 2nd quantization procedure of quantum field theory. It is also interesting to consider that the iteration process requires the complex numbers to become quaternion that then iterate to octonions. And it is believed that the complex numbers, quaternions, and octonions specify the U(1)SU(2)SU(3) symmetry of the Standard Model. I should also mention that there is a very brief intro to logic for the un-initiated, in order to establish language and notation. And I try to keep the math to a sophomore college level. It should only take about an hour to read the article. I've been developing this theory for about 5 years now. And no one is showing me any errors yet, though there have been some who have had questions. These questions gave rise to revisions so that I think the article should be easier to read.
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