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Everything posted by Ghideon

  1. Sorry, that is not very clear. Please explain, preferably with an example. There is something about the exercise formulation I do not understand. Two primes A and B have the product C=A*B. The product, C, can't be a prime.
  2. As I understand from the paper attached to opening post the data that the NN works with is a sequence and the LSTM model was tested and successful compared to some other approaches for that data. But why @zak100 have selected this specific paper and approach as a starting point is unclear. But authors also acknowledges limitations that may be addressed in future work. One example is limitation regarding loops and function calls in the contracts. Personally I do not have enough experience from this topic to recommend a solution for the issues raised in the paper.
  3. Are you sure about the formulation? If you multiply primes from a sequence of primes how could the result be a prime number?
  4. It's hard to pinpoint your problem with the facts given but as a general approach you may have a look exiting code. The github project jvmtop seems to have a goal similar to yours; it may not be very active but could provide some hints about how to proceed. The method run(ConsoleView view) in class JvmTop.java and the output implementation in VMDetailView.java may be reasonable points to start. Note & Disclaimer: I am not a participant in the project and I have not used the code or done anything further check the quality of the code in JvmTop
  5. That work seems related to crop circles rather than concepts of mainstream science. I would recommend other sources such as those provided by @Phi for All.
  6. Thanks for the reply. Your request seems outside the scope of the forums and seem to require more time than I wish to invest in this specific topic. Maybe you could get a mentor familiar with the project and its objective? Maybe you could post more specific questions? Here is a quick example to highlight. Let's assume I would be mentoring or hired as a consultant / architect. I would ask very different questions when applying my experience in case A) and B) in my previous post. Note: there is no need to try to answer the questions below, they are examples and I have no use for the answers. A) Why is there "," in the training data when "," is considered end of sentence? That seems to be a bug or a miscommunication regarding the design. B) Is there a ballpark number for the project budget? Do you have an organization in mind regarding the maintenance and re-training of the bot? Do you have architectural or technical constraints such as usage of certain vendors? Have you sorted out any legal issues such as GDPR or Privacy Shield? If not, should we arrange a workshop with your legal department? Do you have a test environment or tech-lab or similar where we can do some quick prototyping and get stakeholder and end user feedback? Yes the code to have presented is intended to give odd and unpredictable results. How is that an advantage? Good to hear that there is a demand. I do not see a the connection between physicians' demands and the random text generation program you have posted.
  7. Good and well formulated question. I have no concrete answer to provide but I may offer some experiences regarding the numerous different reasons and results. As far as I know the strategy built into the charger or device have an impact. I have had devices with no monitoring of the charging, the charging continued until manually disconnecting. The batteries did not last long, I neglected the issues of overcharging etc. I also have devices where the charging strategy is built into the system; temperature, voltage etc is monitored in attempt to optimize the charging. It also tries* to track my personal usage of the device in an attempt to extend the battery life by optimizing the charging strategy. This means that for the same type of battery I would have a very different opinion on a suitable strategy depending on which device I had in mind. And also very different statistics if I had been measuring the outcome. *) I have no data on how successful this approach is, I have no data.
  8. What is the purpose to bait members into arguments you find pointless? Why not help making these forums more popular, for instance by contributing something that allows for fruitful discussions instead of "traps"? That image is from From High Plains Drifter ?
  9. If you use the quote function on this forum it will be easier to understand what you mean. Imagine some other member wanting to participate and trying to I did not forget, I choose to not to include any examples. It is not clear what kind of examples that would be appropriate and that would allow for fruitful discussions. I get from the questions in your reply that you did not seem to understand my comments. No problem, I'll try another approach: What is your purpose and the ambitions with the code and questions? A: Is your goal is to understand the basics of a Markov chain and generate random texts with a simple program for personal use*? or B: Do you intend to actually use the program in a production environment where users will expect useful responses and help to solve real tasks? (Or some other goal? A and B are examples) Reason for asking: The examples I have in mind depend heavily on what the goal is, A, B or something else. *) like a homework.
  10. Your description does not match the code provided so I can't really comment. Or maybe the crucial parts are somewhere in the code not shared? I can't tell. From the code posted above the following dialog seems possible: Input: "Professor ABC is not replying to my email!" Bot response: "Don’t worry" It looks unintentionally humorous to me. (The output generation you have provided stops on "," as far as I can tell) That is a large, complicated and interesting question. Answering the question would require many pages, I'll have to provide something short that allows for a discussion. Hardcoding a limited user input will not work in a real situation. I would use more powerful preprocessing; selecting a proper framework depends on many parameters not in the scope for this thread. I would use my experience to look at the architecture and overall design and not only parts of the coding.
  11. What kind of comment you are looking for? Since tSpeech is undefined I guess you shared a part of a program. As far as I can tell the the programs posted above provides random answers based on input and training data, potentially providing quite humorous responses (which may be the intention). It also illustrates typical issues with a naive approach towards NLP; that insight may be useful when studying more useful methods.
  12. Ok! That means you have solved the questions? (line#7 and line#10)
  13. That seems pretty close. Add the missing " after the string and the code will run:
  14. That makes sense also from a technical point of view*. If user name is change and reuse is allowed, what should happen to quotes in old posts, links to user profile, post counts, reputation point etc? Handling all of that is of course possible but it requires functions in forum software or (lots) of administration by moderators. *) I have no insight in the internals of this forum, my comment is more about user name reuse and related issues in general.
  15. Sorry , I don't follow the reasoning. How do you distinguish properties that can't be explained from parameter that are not yet explained? At what point would you stop looking for better models that could give an explanation?
  16. https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_string_find.asp
  17. How can particles collide in the accelerator if they are stationary and disappearing and reappearing as per your idea? AFAIK the current understanding of particles and collisions invalidates what you propose. Particles with invariant mass > 0 does not reach speed of light
  18. I have not yet looked at those questions. I wait for your answers to my questions (the behavior of the code, and hence my answer, may depend on context).
  19. Ok, that means my answer above does not apply. I answered regarding the code you actually posted together with the initial question. Please answer: Which debugger have you tried? Please answer: Provide a source where the code comes from. edit: found it*: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55042/how-can-i-program-a-simple-chat-bot-ai/55053. end of edit. Emphasis mine: That code contains a=open('lexicon-luke','rb') Which seems to rely on the other program that dumps the content into the file: a=open('lexicon-luke','wb') pickle.dump(follow,a,2) Running the programs in the order you describe is probably not what the author intended. The "trainer" needs to run before the "bot". I think you need to clarify the questions and what kind of help you require. *) There are other locations, some full of spam stuff, I choose not to link to any those.
  20. Which debugger have you tried? By generating a ">" do you mean an input prompt or that program prints ">" or something else? Which line in the program generated ">"? If the program you posted does not print anything, not even "Testing the code", it probably means the program failed or stopped before the first print statement. If the code is not yours maybe you could provide a source where it comes from? Also note that you open a local file 'war&peace.txt'. It may be easier to help if you post an example that does not rely on local data? Are you sure the program finds and is capable of opening war&peace.txt? Note that some systems may have issues with a file name containing "&".
  21. Most sources I've seen regarding the patterns states tidal flexing is involved. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_(moon) has plenty of references. Here is a paper discussing gravitational waves and tidal effects: Tidal forces are gravitational waves: https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.00591 This does not say that there is anything special with Jupiter and Europa. Assuming the paper is correct*, and tidal models of Europa, the answer to the question in opening post may be more a matter of definitions. *) I have not read it in any detail.
  22. @MigL: Bug free images. When conditions are right the water from the gentle waves in the lake embeds the stones and vegetation in almost transparent ice bubbles. (Getting into a better position or angle to take the pictures was not worth the risk. Or maybe I was getting too old and lazy)
  23. The web site and app hygglo.se is one that connects individuals. Their web page is in Swedish but scroll down to the bottom to change language. Then access their FAQ to check how payment, credit check, insurance, identification etc works. The store I mentioned above does not have an english site. They have an app where you book and pay and the phone is used to open the box containing the tool. It can be used even if the store is closed. As for your technical question/suggestion I have no immediate feedback. Locally available infrastructure for identification and payments etc would have to be known first. Any suggestions I would make also greatly depend on the business model* and the kind of service you intend to provide. *) It may not be a good idea to post that here
  24. I agree; Over here we have at least one example of a concept store where there is no middle man at all. But maybe there is room for a developer to provide a platform shared by many if the middle man adds value. But if OP wishes to compete with platforms that connects individuals to individuals rather than companies to individuals then copycats could be an issue. We have at least two such apps around here. As an individual I prefer/need a man in the middle that handles the transactions, advertising, insurance etc but I could easily with to a copycat who provides a better experience. @can't_think_of_a_name your questions are good but tricky to answer without more context. The business in the picture could use sensors etc to automate checkout and returns. In case individuals rent from each other there are different solutions available in different countries. The apps here rely heavily on local infrastructure.
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