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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I'm not sure I can agree with the argument that the church and its followers may be offended by the use of the word 'marriage' by same sex marriages - because there are more people than one religion has that actually uses the word. My mother is a Buddhist, friends that are Jewish (which ... isn't that different I guess) and I have friends that are Jahova's Witnesses. I know a lot of people in different religions and philosophies who accept same sex marriages with the same word - which faith or race of people have we given proprietorship of the word over to? I think prop. 8, hopefully, will be shot down by the courts or legislature on grounds that it is, in fact, more than a simple amendment - bring in a high school english teacher and the day should be won, it doesn't seem to be a minor amendment to me Thanks! Was that a fat joke
  2. That is pretty sweet actually, I can applaud his effort in that arena. If there were a good way to make Americans fiscally responsible in like a year, I would volunteer for free to get that in place - even people around me everyday, I see all these horrible and stupid decisions, and I'm definitely not an economist - I don't think the problem will let up until more consumers become a little more economically savvy
  3. I don't know that I've ever seen someone actively try to be gay if they didn't start that way.. Anyhow, I don't know that I have a lot of information surrounding prop. 8, I was checking earlier but my googling sucks at work - anybody know a good source for updates on this? It's an interesting topic and I'd like to watch with how they proceed and with what reasoning. It's pretty sad they're reviewing it over a mere technicality, but I guess at least it's being reviewed, that's cool. That, my friend, depends on what kind of cake it is Also, I seem to remember a time when I actually had several more posts than you did...it makes me feel so small
  4. Interesting, I don't usually surf the web (except for here and myspace), I hadn't kept up with this issue. These few paragraphs came across as intriguing to me, not because I believe everything the president has to say or do, but because at least a little of it I can stand behind. Anybody more informed on the issue able to tell if that's irrelevant bollocks for me?
  5. Unfortunately it wouldn't be too feasible to build an intra-city rail system at the current point in time, personally I would be MUCH happier if I had to walk/bike everywhere in reasonable distance (10 miles), and take a train or bus everywhere else. Living in Phoenix, Arizona or Seattle, Washington, I used to take the bus quite extensively, and walk everywhere else, my gas expenditures were an absolute minimum and I was in great shape! I like the idea of the green bus system, that would be pretty sweet.
  6. I like John and iNow's ideas - John because I'm of the same philosophy generally, that as long as it's in the womb to a certain point it should be the woman's choice, but iNow makes a good point with 12 weeks being where the EEG activity starts to pick up and it starts nourishing itself. Before that point, I would define what's in the womb to be an advanced growth, not a person per se. not that it's relevant to discussion, but I've read quite a bit of the bible, and have involved myself in debates with the religious community for years:D
  7. I agree, but it does show a forward step toward progress. I don't think we can radically change everybody's minds overnight - I think if the research becomes common practice though, we'll get there in the long run the problem is our sensationalist media spreading crazy stories about what the research is "really about underground", or whatever crap they spout
  8. The Merriam Webster dictionary doesn't seem to have any problem changing the definition to include same sex couples, I don't see what a definition should have to do with it. Marrying a parrot would be against the law if I'm not mistaken, as you can't do inter-species, however inter-gender relations are not banned by law...yet. Also, there are a large majority of married couples that produce children, but there are also a huge number that do not produce any offspring, and probably just as many non-married couples that produce children. I've seen several same-sex couples who adopt children, and I think some of those children were definitely more open minded and intelligent that a lot of man-woman parental unit children. I know 10 year olds who are prejudiced against gays, blacks, catholics and school because of their heterosexual parents. I don't see how that could possibly be more constructive than having two mothers, and it's definitely got to beat being passed from foster family to foster family so they can get the extra money for giving you a room and ignoring you all the time.
  9. nice. I hope we can get that running and influence the rest of the country to take hold of the idea, that would be totally sweet. Even if he does decide to concentrate in a few areas first, e.g. the Chicago or Washington area, I think it'll be a good start to providing a much better alternative to traveling.
  10. Thanks, that's a good way of putting it. I urge you to place this sentence in a debate regarding something unrelated to the current conversation to see if it still holds water. Perhaps the issue regarding whether minorities should be allowed to vote, or if women should be able to dress the same as men - I don't see why a basic human right as already defined by the constitution should need further clarification.
  11. But it's the biggest seller in the United States as well, even in the face of free alternatives or a great number of options for people to switch to. I will agree that I think some of the actions taken against the software manufacturer have been absurd, but no more so than have been committed by governments of other countries. I don't see how well a computer software company is doing to be a watermark of the country's economy - and Microsoft isn't doing too badly for itself, Nationally or Internationally Indeed, I doubt that's really how it turns out working, but I'm sure it should be along those lines. However, it's apparent that something wasn't working quite right with those rules I think. We can't blame the government solely for the position any country is in right now. The government might be spending hundreds of Billions of dollars, but a huge fraction of that is going to help larger corporations and banks that, even with the enormous amount of money they supposedly make, are in dire fear of going under. I fail to see the justifiability in receiving 10M+ in a year, while at the same time laying off 5000 workers and receiving any federal assistance. They obviously need some redirection until they can help support themselves again. I tend to think about when I was a teenager - I was responsible and could make money, but if I didn't have any, I had to borrow from Dad. What idiocy possessed him to think that he could tell me what to do just because he was providing money and food and shelter forgive me if I'm not coming through clearly, but I just don't see a lot of the corporate community as being fiscally responsible
  12. Such dirty words to describe the founders of our race I don't actually remember them being married either, but they ran around naked for a bit.
  13. Apparently we've been studying that spider for quite some time now, but I've never even heard of similarities - I'm not an entomologist by any means, but I've always found spiders fascinating It's a very interesting read, I've been studying the Portia genus all day (I'm stuck at work, and apparently all storage devices work on saturday.)
  14. I just noticed this post and am sorry for my tardiness, but this is not true. There are a lot of Microsoft haters in the world, and they've been attacked more viciously in recent years in the UK or in China than in the United States, albeit still beating out other operating systems to a large extent Regulations are what prevent the ridiculous policies of some of corporate America today - the notion that the president even had to think about putting a salary cap on CEOs who were seeking more bail money for their companies is ludicrous - and the extent that creditors and collectors are financially beating the consumer is way past stupid, and is part of the reason I think we're becoming more financially irresponsible. I'm not implying that executive salaries are the cause for the economic downturn, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that many of today's business leaders don't know how to balance their collective checkbooks in my own opinion.
  15. I take offense my friend, I hate wearing sandals. So uncomfortable. I slightly stand in the same field, even as a grade schooler, I felt those as flagrant violations of reason in politics, and felt Ken. Starr as a ridiculous sensationalist at the time. I don't know if my views have changed, I haven't revisited the subject As to the subject at hand, I don't see why it's even an issue politically, as has been said numerous times, there's no logical or legal reason that should deny anybody from obtaining a marriage if they so choose, and violates a fairly large quantity of constitutional rights that shouldn't even need to be questioned. Personally, I find it horrendously annoying that religion has worked its way into the political system I might have misunderstood this post, but I took the general message as the general population believing in the tradition of marriage as extending back to Adam and Eve. That's also a religious belief though, because I don't believe in Adam and Eve in the slightest. I have a few friends who happen to be couples and of the same sex - they're actually not interested in getting married whatsoever, but they've been protesting the gay community rights for a very long time simply so that they have the rights like everyone else does. They don't want to be married, but if they ever did want to, they don't see why someone else's beliefs should get in the way. It may be completely irrelevant, but
  16. you have to remember that you're more effective at viewing to an outside area the closer to your intended protection area is. Kind of like a cone of reference. If the earth were an orange you didn't want coworkers to eat, you'd want to sit it directly with you, as opposed to standing in front of it watching one way. There's more range of view that way (what a terrible analogy, I'm going to work so shutup an take it)
  17. I think time is something made up my humanity to have something to measure by. Like the standard and metric systems - the universe doesn't care about kilometers or years, just movement
  18. I thought this thread was buried a long time ago? Dude I want to be part of teh 1337 h4x <1u|3 \too expensive for a decoder ring though, just go buy some honey nut cheerios
  19. Ludwig's Angina? that sounds pretty severe... That's true, if you have open mouth sores, it's not only chicken you should watch out for though, pretty much any food that hasn't been cleaned or prepared safely can give you something unsanitary
  20. Nope. Been cooking for 15 years, I even got raw chicken inside my cuts..that was probably dangerous, but if you cook the bird first, and insert it through your mouth, no harm shall come to you unless it's got something weird, that's a whole different discussion
  21. and for most of us living in the states, it doesn't necessarily take fast food to get the same results. I don't know a single person who doesn't know that white bread is the same as pretty much eating sugar - as everyone else says, I would blame poor parenting and lack of self control for most of our modern health issues. I myself just ate a bunch of chili cheese fries, it was magical.
  22. That is so totally sweet. I'm with Shadow, I definitely have to buy that when it comes out, if only just to play with it! Plus if we encourage the research enough, the xbox..uh...720... will have one of those as a controller. And that would be sweet!
  23. You'll have to stick around and interact with some of our members, you'll quickly recognize that would be the least qualifying trait of craziness around here Good to see a lot of new people in the forum, please do stick around a while!
  24. Whoa! I'm only a few miles north of texas, I'm sure I could commute!
  25. I doubt it, but you could try The last time I was going to school, it required a full time status to be eligible for a lot of the loans and grants that were available. Man I still have $20K to go, spread that wealth around BlackHole =D
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