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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. I prefer a desktop for the simple fact that I try to get most of my house running through that sucker - music, gaming, movies, etc. etc. Once you have everything setup how you want it on a gig like that, the LAST thing you want to do is have to move anything. Desktops are easier to work on hardware wise, but as long as you know what you're doing, notebooks are pretty much just as easy, but with more screws to remove!
  2. I just did a random search on google for "long range microphones" and came up with a variety of results, a lot of them at a pretty affordable cost, my best advice would be to start with that -
  3. Indeed, I would think an underwater shot would be more accurate, but at that point I guess you'd be really just aiming for an area of effect. Preventative maintanence is the best strategy, it might take a little more than 10% of the world economy, but I say we keep the atlantic at a nice even 45 F
  4. That's true, my bad. How about a submarine with Liq. N torpedos? They would have to be massive to do any damage, but you would still have a significant cooling cooling factor. My brain doesn't work right whilst I'm at work actually, let me go do some research, I'll be back!
  5. Sweet Jesus, That would be insanity! It'd be pretty cool, but the winds would surely just start throwing chunks of ice at the poor people spraying the liquid Nitrogen - surely flying above the clouds and trying to kill it from above would be the best option. I have a friend who always thought it would be cool to build a giant fan to redirect the storm, but I had to wonder if there wasn't something we could do to to the clouds to get it to slow or dissapate.
  6. It sounds like the equipment presented should work pretty okay for an outdoor stadium, where would you be placing the speakers in relation to the crowd, if I may ask?
  7. As cool as it sounds, the tech is probably easily available - and yet, I've seen some crazy things recently from the pilot community, which makes me hope at least, no.
  8. Dudde

    Yike! Ike!

    Are you serious! I'm in oklahoma, and the spin-off weather patterns from that hurricane have ME bathing in the street, I can't imagine the humidity this close to a hurricane for those in texas
  9. Dudde

    Yike! Ike!

    indeed, I had a lot of people calling into my work today (a lot means a whole freakin' lot) who just received/were expecting to receive evacuation warnings and needed to get their businesses backed up in like an hour! That's insanity, the very best to you and everyone else affected friend
  10. totally, I wrote business emails and letters all day for a good year almost, that sounds horrible and written by someone who tried to graduate high school
  11. I actually accidentally got a bit of formaldehyde in my mouth one time, it was kinda lemony - or that might've been the candy, I don't know.
  12. You should find a sticker on the router somewhere with a serial or manufacturers number - simply put that into google and hit enter! Should give you something for the model
  13. Dudde

    Sub-Unit MkII

    Sweet, Don't listen to these haters, I think it's a fine name!
  14. Completely agreed, but they took small slivers of a big block of metal inside and used it to fire, so we don't have to reload! -though again, the starship enterprise, holodecks and transporters
  15. I hear that a lot about OCONUS (outside the continental US) agents, which again is completely bogus. It really ticks me off when people say "well at least I didn't get transferred to India":doh: and I never really expect people in stores to know if and where a product is, just ask them to point me in the direction they'd be if they had them!
  16. We definitely are open minded here! Welcome all ye to the science forums, glad to have you as part of the group
  17. I don't mean to point out the obvious, but did anybody else even look at this article? The beginning was hilarity... I'm gonna say some of the weaponry, sniper rifles and such from 'Mass Effect' because they were sweet. Also, whoever threw in the holodeck, you rock and bring me back one too! - Really if possible, I'd forgo anything else if I could get the Starship enterprise intact~ I'm not a trekkie by any means, but they had some sweet tech!
  18. I tend to hate the misconception that all tech support personell are smart and nerdy. This is a cool thread about uranium and plutonium though, please continue.
  19. As having come from the state that grows the biggest and best potatos in the U.S (in my opinion, we do export the most - and if anyone says idaho I'll break you in half!) I used to have a diet extraordinarily high in potatoes, and I can tell you that I'm leaning to agree with Skeptic here. Eating potatoes prepared in the right manner (which means with skin) will leave you full for quite some time and is pretty good for you - if you boil them, it's always a good idea to rinse them in cold water for a few seconds. People that PEEL their potatoes may have a different outcome however, as you're losing a whole lot by doing that. it's totally sweet that I can log into scienceforums at work on a sunday>
  20. Homecooked meals are better for you. Not that I don't believe this sometimes - but you gotta see some people cook!!
  21. Housecall is definitely sweet, I like trendmicro 10! times better than I like McAfee or Norton antivirus. bah. Hey Dude, get Ubuntu, it's what I've been thinking about - especially after having it suggested to me twice in a week! (I just noticed I was listening to "the lion sleeps tonight", the lion king version, in japanese )
  22. Define way too much exactly... I just thought I'd come back and add to previously as I just ate my other weakness - man I looove ice cream.
  23. I knew it! I told everybody google was evil - now all we have to do is wait for someone to take the google chrome source and make another browser, then we shall RISE AGAINST! But I'm starting to like this browser soooo...
  24. I have been, I actually prefer a few small mom and pop joints up in washington, sweet jesus! I know a few people who could kill a diabetic person with a bite! dude that's horrible to hear about the non-fast food places, I'll step it up to accomodate for both of us!
  25. I'm still in process of learning piano actually, and have tried guitar as well, still got one somewhere... However, I think once I started picking up piano, a lot of other instruments started getting a lot easier! If you're looking for a place to start, I'd go piano - got a soothing sound, too
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