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Everything posted by Dudde

  1. It was in the Guttmacher article posted earlier. I haven't had the chance to read the article you posted earlier, I'll check it out after work
  2. I don't see why that less than 1% figure of people, which is to say several thousand people anyway, cannot have an abortion due to rape/low survival chance/etc. just because there are so many other abortions illegally performed that don't kill or maim the subject. You also say that >1% is nearly insignificant - now look at the number itself, that 13,000, those are peoply by the way - who cares where it came from, how small do you think we can keep these numbers when we outlaw abortions in the United States? I don't see any practical purpose for outlawing abortion - regulating and placing restrictions of course, but not outlawing.
  3. The link is actually mostly for server 2000 Operating system, so it's expected you'll be running two Logical drives at the minimum - the next suggested way is to do via USB drive, but as you stated, that's next to useless without a USB 2.0 slot - I've never really had trouble running on the C: drive though as long as you've got the space to handle it - some of the other guys can correct me if I'm wrong The page file should change for all users, thus the reason you have to be logged as the admin to change it. I haven't done anything with the PF with xp for a long time, so I could be wrong - if there are more than one user, just have someone else log in and check the page settings. Edit: Also note, that if you increase the size of the pagefile too much, you can slow the system performance, best results would be achieved by testing out different sizes, I wouldn't give more than .5 - 1GB between Min and Max, and you can often times get the best results just by using both as the same thing (about 1.75 your RAM size for a few of my computers)
  4. I don't know how much stock you hold with Microsoft, but it's their software and they usually provide pretty good tips! Try their Knowledgebase article on performance, it's got some bit in there dealing with the PF. Hope that helps edit:: I just realized that despite all I've done to this, my roommate's, computer, I failed to check the memory size - which is a whopping 448MB! I kinda feel proud I have it running this fast now =D
  5. I'll look it up if need be, but there was another stat in that same wiki article that said the illegal abortions in the U.S were performed by physicians. Of course There will be less fatalities when performed as such - I doubt once we crack down on the in-place methods that legislation would be satisfied. The point I was making wasn't that the numbers are staggering now, it's that the numbers are there to begin with, even with the legalization and facilities readily available. Then outlaw it, Just because it's a problem that highly affects third world countries doesn't mean that developed countries are immune to it.
  6. Sure, Wikipedia, or WHO, or The Guttmacher Institute might give a little insight. This data is mostly for developing countries that don't have the facilities, but I'm sure were we to outlaw the procedure, there would be little reason to keep ours around. Unfortunately a lot of the data I first learned was classroom material or video, so some of it isn't available to me anymore. Nevertheless, there are still a few deaths even today in developed countries who have legalized abortion - I'm sure outlawing it would do little good. I'm not sure what you deem completely verifiable, but there are definitely more if you don't like those. I don't usually take wikipedia completely without question, but it's usually pretty close to current estimates at least. These figures are global and not limited to a single country, but I don't see morality as a substantial basis to keep these numbers this high, especially when we can easily do more to drop them. (I would believe more the 1/270 stat more than I would the 1/8 however) By no means am I trying to validate the use of abortion as a method of birth control or a fix for irresponsibility, that would be ridiculous - but I do believe it would be better to offer the services to the few that actually need them, rather than to deny them as a way of babysitting the masses. oh, Again, the child is not living inside the mother - it's got it's own life support to rely on once born. Breastfeeding is a method of feeding, it can also live on formula should the mother be unsuccessful at creating milk.
  7. I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but while still in the womb, the fetus is consuming the mothers' nutrients from what she eats and does - the same can be said for babies breastfeeding, but I was referring to that 9 month period while growing and living inside the mother. However, that point also validates what I'm trying to say - you obviously don't want this child going through life from foster family to foster family - or living on the streets, or any such future. If a woman who doesn't want the same fate for her child, and knows for a fact she couldn't care for the child once born - why would you force her carry that baby to term? Personally, I don't think anybody else's opinion should count save for the woman wanting the abortion - and for the option to be available for her to do so. I think it was addressed earlier, but that's almost like asserting that your morals and religious values are the standards that need be kept for all others. I apologize if any of what I say comes off as my belittling pro-life supporters, it's never been my intention to call anybody stupid or ignore the other side's point of view - I just find it hard to believe that those fighting so fiercely for human rights is fighting so strongly to remove rights from those already here, to give more rights to something that may or may not come to be. Safer for the woman having the abortion. Whether it's against the law or not, there will be women who refuse to have the baby. I would rather them find an abortion clinic, than to find someone who'll do the same with home equipment.
  8. What kind of hardware are you working with? If it's OEM, the vendor website probably has the supported RAM information - you may also check for background processes and other items running in the background. My roommate's computer is ridiculously slow, but he refuses to uninstall all the craziness that his girlfriend downloads...
  9. I kind of agree with Mokele. An organism who uses the nourishment and sustenance from another in order to live and grow, while not really adding benefit from the host in any way? I'm not going to call an eventual child a parasite - but if the mother doesn't want the child to begin with, there's little else to compare to. I thought they already tried outlawing abortions in some places? It usually ends up in a dirty back alley with a wire coat hanger somewhere - safer to keep it available at a sterile facility?
  10. Dudde


    I remember working in a freezer warehouse that was kept -60 F, and seem to remember having to mop some concentrated juice spills on the colder parts. The water actually stayed quite liquidy for at least 5 seconds (whereupon I would use a torch to evaporate and do it again) - although that was several meters of cement, so not much of a comparison to outside - I grew up in Washington though, one of those crazies who frolics outside at the -10 (again, F) and jumps into the Pacific at a good +10! - Now I live in the south...and I fully agree to both their pansy-hood and inability to drive as soon as the snow is forecast.
  11. My favorite comedians have always been George Carlin and Robin Williams - recently I'm come to learn Eddie Izzard and Christopher Titus, both hilarious guys.
  12. on the same line as PoD was asking, do we have any stop errors? I know blue screens most of the time say "here okay bye" and turn off, but see if you can snap a picture or write it down or something - it could be very helpful! by the way, congratulations on completing the paper. Usually when I get computer problems during homework, I forget my homework
  13. I wish my library had a canteen, or books for that matter. People in oklahoma don't use books and sidewalks, we're beyond that. Good luck with that feet and brie thing though I_A
  14. I've been remoting into servers at work trying to make software connect to ext. HDDs or other various backup media and had the server blue screen once the device is initialized. You may look (if you have the windows cD) at running a repair install (most OEM computers will have the repair option as part of their partition utilities accessible before the OS hits) - most of the time it was just a corrupt or deleted file somewhere way down in the middle of no-where you may also run a checkdisk on the volume, but I second the question before trying anything further, you have everything saved or backed up right?
  15. SWEET! I don't feel so bad about being with AT&T now! Although, even I feel embarrassed for those people... by the way, one of the comments was kinda funny: angrykitty February 4th, 2009 at 11:24 am Verizon can do the kessel run in 12 parsecs!
  16. Sorry I'm late, Heck yeah dude, my Nachos were also fantastic. I too had second party witness, but not a girlfriend, so I guess not as effective....plus the nachos were just spare parts made from the tacos.
  17. oohh that's a BURN! Like to a chick flick is horrible dude, the cheerleaders are the best part! I've been checking out the Cardinals though, I think they should win as I've never seen them do ANYTHING that looks like winning, and it's exciting for them to be doing something this year. Judging by past experience, where I've been right 1/10 times, where I won a dollar, Steelers will probably take it.. but I vote for AZ!
  18. It was kinda funny the first time, but I work in a very specific industry, and it's getting kind of annoying to pick up science publications to see "DOOM HAXORS" all over the place. If they manage to create a stable black hole that'll suck in the world, I at least wanna lick it first.
  19. You may try installing chrome anyway, and when that happens, copy and paste the link into chrome and check it out (I've ran upon more than a few broken links in a few sites) it actually seems like a pretty common problem running through a google search, you may try uninstalling FF, restarting your computer and re-installing? Just to make sure you're all patched out and don't have anything missing?
  20. I agree with CP, although you may see if there's anything you might be involved in those with him. I remember being the top Chemistry student of my Graduating class, but because there was no where really to practice or anybody to talk to about chemistry, I kind of fell into disinterest for a while (that was about the time I found this place) Even if he's the sort who likes to study alone, it's always cool to have someone show interest in something you like
  21. I agree with DH - mathematics is hugely a creation from the human race for the reasons stated above, to measure the space and objects around us. We have a tendency to like naming and measuring things. I don't think maths are actually discovered however, they weren't just sitting around waiting for us, we created a system that works for our environment and needs
  22. games are something we create though, from the minds of the developers and creators, using different tools to accomplish whatever the game is going for. Math is more like time, I don't think it's something we create or discover, it's just a process on how to define something else (time for the forward motion of the universe, maths for everything they're used to record)
  23. Personally I find it's the people who really need the intoxicating effects to relieve stress that tend to abuse it and make it seem worse than really is - although I still think those people would be around to ruin something else if these substances were not around, those who can't deal with their own consciousness I think it's a benefit to society for the most part, combining the profitability with the social uses.
  24. I'm tempted to vote Sayonara just to see how he'll hold up his political claims.
  25. All hail the flying spaghetti monster! I have been mentally preparing my mind to meld with sporks for years, this is my golden chance!
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