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  1. I created a unified theory of our social world (from my own training and discoveries) in what I call The Laws of Social Fabrics, which represent our biological instincts (principles of survival) as well as who are consciously in spacetime. Each law is listed in order, from our most crucial survival mechanism: the 1st law, to our most complex social behavior: the 5th law. In addition, these laws are hierarchical in nature and represent the human psyche: the id, ego, and super-ego. They are classified in order from simplicity to complexity. Please see information below graphic. 1. General definition of SAFETY/TRUST/SECURITY/FEAR, FACTS (the 'id', survival, self-gratification): Sub-laws of the first law “SAFETY/TRUST/SECURITY /FEAR” in order of importance in accordance to survival: 1st: Amygdala hijack (self-preservation – immediate SAFETY/TRUST/SECURITY/DANGER): Protect the-self at all costs such as being attacked by a wild animal, unless it's for a cause greater than the-self. You must be aware of the facts of the situation in order to save your life, or someone else's. - Facts, represent objective reality – whereas truth represents subjective reality. [Truth] is conceived of consciously, and therefore is processed through conscious intent (goal seeking). (Words used to describe subconscious acts: facts, data, transparency, statistics, and deductive reasoning. 2nd: Fulfilling immediate basic needs: water, food, clothing and shelter (heat or fire), paying rent. 3rd: State of well-being such as illness or sickness. 4th: Sex and maternal/paternal instinct, childbearing, innocence 5th: Social resources that make us feel SAFE (meaning, “social resource control” relating to SAFETY): Money, Power, Fame, Religion: Values relating to money and power can take the place of the first 1st sub-law if they devolve back into immediate safety and trust. For instance, [money – the 5th sub-law] can take the place of the 2nd sub-law when people no longer can afford food. And when lack of food turns into starvation, then [money] becomes the 1st law of survival (or the search for food to stay alive). 6th: Love (family, relationships): Do I love someone? (Love, bonding, relationships, acts of kindness, witnessing acts of kindness. 7th: Health: Psychological and Physical health (Health, Education, Inspiration, Happiness, and well-being): Is my psychological health and physical health intact? Physical health relates to eating healthy and exercise, but not illness and sickness because these attributes define the 3rd sub-law of social fabrics. 8th: Freedom to CHOOSE to protect lower level sub-laws: The power to choose one's own will in society in order to protect their own survival mechanisms or someone else's. Freedom of choice does not include conscious free will (called conscious intent), such as goal-seeking because these notions are conscious thoughts. Freedom of choice pertains only to thoughts regarding protecting survival mechanisms (the 1st law and all its sub-laws). 2. PHYSICAL CLOSENESS – the “Neighbor Effect” (the “id” and “ego”): Physical closeness, called the “The Neighbor Effect,” determines whether you trust somebody physically close to you or not. Physical closeness is based on feelings of trust and security as well as potential risk. People who are physically close to us are more likely to affect our current state of mind than those who are at a distance from us. 1st (trust): Can I trust someone physically close to me? This includes a multitude of feelings: self-preservation, love, sex, sexual infatuation, maternal/paternal instinct, etc... 2nd (danger): Entering too close into someone's personal space. If someone whom you don't know or you don't trust gets too physically close to you, they might set off your fight-or-flight mechanisms, depending on their level of physical engagement with you. Likewise, if you walk up to someone unannounced or get too close to them, you might make them feel anxious or extremely uncomfortable. But if you start charging at them, they will definitely react out of immediate fear or sense of danger. 3. GOAL SEEKING (the “ego”): Goal seeking represents the ego. The ego fulfills the needs of the id. 1st: Seeking out or finding something you're looking for, or attaining something such as money, a job, car keys, food, chores, a lost item, a family member, fixing a relationship, and other real-world self-goals related to the reality principle. The reality principle has to do with how the mind comes to understand the world in accordance to our survival mechanisms (relating to the first law and all its eight sub-laws). 4. VALUE SYSTEM – Personal beliefs & Morals (“the ego and super-ego”): Value system represents the ego and super-ego, which is higher level thinking. More complex thoughts and emotions transpire here and are carried out in a conscious, self reflective way. This is where we come to understand things such as good and bad, and helpful vs not helpful. These ideas become part of how we define ourselves in social reality in how we relate to others. These notions are more complex than those in the subconsciousness. 1st: “Do I perceive someone's beliefs or value values (such as morals and ethics) to be in alignment with my own?” Description: We seek out experiences and relationships with those whom we have similar values and beliefs with in order to attain feelings of trust and safety. Types of value system connections: 1. Direct value system connection: Sharing similar or same emotional ideas or values. This type of value system connection creates automatic feelings of trust whereby seamless social connections are made. 2. Indirect value system: Sharing similar, or same [rational] or [semi-emotional] ideas or values. Value connections made here are either “ego to ego,” or “super-ego to super-ego” value connections. These type of value system connections do not create automatic feelings of trust, because subconscious, emotionally salient connections are not made, meaning our survival mechanisms (the 1st law) are not being focused on, or are being protected. 5. PROTECTING-OR-CHANGING THE SYSTEM TO WORK FOR THE-SELF (the “super-ego”): Protecting or changing the system represents the super-ego or very high-level thinking that relates to social resource control or social resource manipulation (relating to the Grand Theory of Social-Spacetime). 1st: Does the system, or person (or people) maintaining the system work in favor of “my” needs and values, both in the short-term and long-term? 2nd: If the system does not favor my needs and values, I therefore must change the system so that is protects my survival mechanisms and higher-level needs. We actively work to protect or destroy the system [if]: 1. my immediate needs in the system are being threatened (taxes, healthcare, power, health, wealth, resources, freedom, etc...); or, 2. my value system (law 4) inside the system is being threatened; or, 3. I have a greater need to destroy or save the system because my life is being threatened or my freedom is being threatened. --------------------------------------------------------------- If you'd like to see ALL of my work, go here: links deleted
    2 points
  2. Clearly your forces and vectors are off. Too much strange and not enough charm in your quarks
    2 points
  3. Whereas a broken record can be wrong all the time.
    2 points
  4. Corrected. At least for the moment. Perhaps if you were less obtuse people would better understand your intent. (Or, perhaps, if you were more obtuse people wouldn't discern your intent. One wonders which is true.)
    2 points
  5. It appears to me that Mars is Musk's folly and his accumulating wealth is the means to that end.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I've always been more of a top-and-bottom kind of guy. Quarkwise.
    1 point
  8. Their, they're, there are sew so many weighs ways of getting it wrong. I just make sure I get it write. Musk seems to think his Starlink revenues will provide the necessary funding.
    1 point
  9. So list what, exactly, they got wrong. And explain why knowing the specifics of how the virus got out would have made an impact on how the world responded to it; please stop dodging this question.
    1 point
  10. CERN offers a few free SDKs for particle collisions simulations.. Does it count? https://www.google.com/search?q=large+hadron+collider+simulation+sdk
    1 point
  11. And I tend to agree with you that more training would lead to better results, especially martial arts type training. No doubt. Could be a high ROI investment. I’m just not ready to stipulate that bias and racism (implicit or otherwise) are not the bigger issues at play requiring a change in culture and general approach to policing. After all, nearly 60% of police killings occur when they’re responding to nonviolent issues (graph and source shared earlier this week in this thread), and whites behaving the same way after being apprehended for the same offenses aren’t being similarly murdered by law enforcement. Anyway, your view benefited from a hard sell in the above discussion. Many good points made.
    1 point
  12. Sam Harris released a podcast today where he interviewed Rener Gracie who’s been working with police departments to offer BJJ training to officers at a significantly discounted cost. I don’t agree with everything they discussed, but this is by far the strongest case I’ve heard for the position you advocated here. Is worth a listen given your interest and background and previous comments. Link below ✌️ Sam Harris: Waking Up podcast. Episode #246 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/246-police-training-police-misconduct/id733163012?i=1000517415557
    1 point
  13. Caught me a bit short here, but I used Labview a good few years ago. https://www.ni.com/en-gb/shop/labview.html?cid=Paid_Search-7013q0000020cz6AAA-Consideration-GoogleSearch_LabVIEW_LabVIEW&s_kwcid=AL!6304!3!449107487676!e!!g!!labview software&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6-SDBhCMARIsAGbI7UhYjOk-HTJWavP8DJsgGGHUSgrvuIhTuM16XeqosQwuJnCmHNBRluYaAr86EALw_wcB Are you looking for free or commercial software ? What about add ons to say MathCad, Mathematica, Wolfram Alfa etc ? I also used to use a delightful software called DesignView. AutoCad now has a pale imitation copy as an add on. Sorry this is a bit rushed. There used to be a Visio module for this as well. You could help by narrowing the field of interest. We already have a few threads on Chemistry molecule and reaction software. Hope this helps
    1 point
  14. Well, I have to walk to my local shop and carry home what I need to eat; and if I'm cold I throw on a blanket; how many tons does that equal? I wouldn't expect you too... The neg rep; is a badge of honour; thanks...
    1 point
  15. Unfortunately, those of us in the US weren’t able to dismiss him out of hand. And yet his administration’s response seems to not have much to do with the information he got, since he largely ignored it and did almost nothing. Which is one reason I want to know why it would have mattered knowing the details of how the virus originally spread. Would Trump have done a different kind of nothing? Would governors have changed their push to repeatedly reopen too soon? Would they have done something different in avoiding mask mandates? How were these decisions based on the WHO's investigation?
    1 point
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