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Everything posted by Klaynos

  1. Because it might be cheaper with resources to just use a reuseable craft every time rather than having to move fule, equipment and supplies up every time...
  2. At the point when you stop accelerating it and the deceleration starts then it could be at 120... If you can move your arm at 60mph that is...
  3. The moment it leaves your hand it starts to decelerate due to air resistance, so if you could measure it's velocity at every possible fraction of time to infinate accuracy, which is impossible then you would probably see it's velocity drop as soon as you stoped accelerating the ball...
  4. I read his post as refereing to the uncertainty principle, as it is possible for a particle to be in 2 places at once (sent a single photon through 2 slits and it passes through both of them)...
  5. I found the IRC channel and followed the link in the topic
  6. the reason being that with the issue of browsers you have to compare them to make any kind of judgement... The reason for only about 20% and then slowing is probably because that's all the worlds slightly more technical people... When things start happening like organisations chaning (at least one of my uni's comp rooms that I go in regularly has signs up saying "use firefox not IE") there will be another spurt... As those stats don't take into account whether they are peoples home computers or work computers etc...
  7. I would just like to point out that the W3C is a forward thinking, fast paced organisation, that is considering and putting forward options that other people have NEVER EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT. Herme3 most people continue to use ie because the are uneducated, lazy or just stuck in their ways, not because of these mystical "compatibility" issues. The reason we have standards is so that everyone is compatible, what would you do if you got home with a TV you'd just bought pluged it in and turned it on because it required a 12V AC mains power supply? The web is supposed to be an open free way of posting or viewing information... Not some toy to be owned or ruled by somone on a thrown like you think. It's free, therefore the standards used should be free and open entirely to the community.
  8. You mena <hr noshade="noshade" /> don't you </nitpicking> Dak if I where you I would get used to the basics then worry about validation. I'd also recomend trying to learn xhtml, as the last version of html has already been released it's the way forward, and imo it's genrally easier to learn these things before getting used to one of them... But html will still be around for a long time...
  9. does producing the oil use less energy than we get from say burning it? Also curretnly most of the worlds electricity is generated from burning fossile fules, so saying replacing oil with electricity isn't really the problem, it's finding better ways to make electricity...
  10. it wont have a numerical solution with 2 general functions of x in it as far as I can see... as for working it out, it's late and I'm tired and havn't done any seriouse maths for a couple months
  11. No they just cancel each other out effectively, there is no energy used in doing this...
  12. collision about 3billion years Sun age around 5billion years, the main stage of it's life is predicted around 10 billion I belive....
  13. Photons have no charge, so they cannot dissipate the charge of an electron. I belive they send them out in all directions, not sure though can't remember :s...
  14. The four fundemental forces are probably mediated by exchange particles. For the Electro Magnetic fundemental force this exchange particle is the photon.
  15. Klaynos


    Indeed it is/was bassed off of snapshots of debian...
  16. Klaynos


    I'm not a massive fan of ubuntu for servers.... My personal choice is debian stable (currently debian sarge)...
  17. Klaynos


    It actually requires your own password and not root and is the same as going to a terrminal and running: sudo -i
  18. Indeed I agree with Sayo it was pobably due to an increase in OEM sales...
  19. Klaynos


    I think on ubuntu the config file is: /boot/grub/menu.lst
  20. Yes they open natively, it's the default program to open them on ubuntu. Sometimes you get issues with formatting but for most things it's fine, will output them too (converting all the latex stuff to images)
  21. You have a doctype at the top of your page, saying it is html 4.01 transitional, I fear you may be slightly misguided in that reguard. http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bluealan.com%2F </slightly bitchy comments> Serriousely though it probably wouldn't take much to make it complient I went through making my last site 4.01 strict today, took me around an hour Doesn't look bad though, you might consider including a copyright message just as good form...
  22. The question is what would they be drying off And also how well washed....
  23. np, do you like it? imo it makes the ms one seem like a joke
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