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Everything posted by Klaynos

  1. oc maybe what happens when you step over the line (it's pink you know) you shrivvel up and get thrown back into the center as a very small neutron star
  2. Sorry to differ 5614 but if they are "totally independent" then there cannot be corrolation, no corrolation = 0
  3. The egg came first, because the first creature to evolve into a chicken, it's parents where not infact chickens as they hadn't evolved yet... (Please ignore the fact it's written in dumb "hadn't evolved" I'm feeling very lazy )
  4. then you've expanded the universe!!!!!
  5. It's nearly DEFINATLY dust, any chance they have a brown carpet or some other enviromental thing that would produce brown dust? My rooms got a grey carpet, computer is near the floor, it get alot of grey dust in it, when I open it up to do stuff inside I give it a nice good clean and it goes back Holding the end of a hover attachment near to the fan offten helps alot... ||edit Is the fan still turning before the shutdown? if tehre is a second fan on the psu is that still turning or are they making any funny noises?
  6. If it's just an assumption, as you say it is, couldn't you just as easily assume that you can come to a point in the universe where the universe just ends?
  7. the interweb is evil and bad, and should be banned, it's the root of all EVIL!!!!!!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4184436.stm IMO the internet will go through another large growth stage when devices such as fridges that keep contents lists connect to the net for you to be able to access anywhere. The web will change, it is in its nature to change, all the .com's the grew and crashed, and then others grew and survived is a good example of a changing web.
  8. There are programs to do this kind of thing, windows used to have something called content manager or something like that which might have been able to do it not sure though. http://www.netnanny.com/ that kind of thing :|
  9. Am I correct on saying that in the US a university has postgraduates, whereas a college does not?
  10. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant. In air it is slightly slower than in a vacuum but as air isn't very dense there is not much change. Place a penny in a glass of water and look at what possition it is in, try pushing your finger streight into the water to touch it and you will probably miss as the light is "bent" where there is a speed difference. Or have you ever done the experiment where a shaft of light is shined into a light block and it is bent, this is due to the light moving slower in the glass.
  11. What Aet said, and cpanel is a problem because it has historically had security holes and gives other people a single nice attack point where they can hit your machine
  12. to get "php filename" to work you need more than the standard php software installed. (offten called php-cli or php4-cli)
  13. I use 10 - 15 randomly generated character strings of numbers, and upper and lower case letters
  14. Klaynos


    Some people do seperate sciences, but alot of the time if you do that you can only take at most 2. I personally did "double science" a few years ago which included equal amounts of each, which is the way most high schools do it :|
  15. 1) It means you are using the bash command shell. 2) Write one according to the standards for your webserver software (there are tutorials on doing this) 3) Is php installed on the server, is the webserver software configured correctly and set up to work with the dir in which the file is stored My advice, learn to use the terminal, I am reluctant to allow people acces to things such as cpanel on my servers as they are a seriouse security risk :s But there are several free ones out there such as webmin, but it's best to start it use it stop it, lock it to your ip and change the port it uses from 3) Is php installed on the server, is the webserver software configured correctly and set up to work with the dir in which the file is stored the default.
  16. altering the security settings in ie allows you to kill active-x doesn't it?
  17. Klaynos


    GS = general studies... I went to a tertiarry college it sucked...
  18. What type is it? it's possible someone on the forums has some experiance with it...
  19. Depends on the firewall, most of them will allow you to open any port you want.
  20. As that maybe true lots of people don't know/don't care
  21. you should take the girls height into account, I didn't as we where given no info on it, I just too it as the ball was released 5m above the ground. You have no information about how high it gets, so for the initial velocity, you need to use the point where it hits the ground, and the time it takes to do that. After you have the initial velocity you can calculate the final velocity, and the maximam height (max height the final velocity v=0, you don't know the time, but you've already calculated u, and you are trying to work out the height so use: v2=u2+2as)
  22. v= end velocity u= initial velocity a= acceleration (due to gravity) t= time s= distance from end point to start If you write that down and write down all that you know, then use the equations of motion to work out the ones you don't know. So for part a) you have: u=_ v=unknown s=-5m t=7s a=-9.81m/s/s So if you use: s=ut+1/2 ut2 You can find u, do the same for parts b, and c.
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