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Everything posted by Klaynos

  1. #1 Trains (sepcifically in china) already operate using magnets. #2 This would slowly reach and equilibrium point with no motion due to friction and I think the above would also effect #3.
  2. Lol, you never know he might have a revolutionary idea that could change the face of physics for ever.... Hrmmm actually cryings probably the best option :s
  3. Is it some bs idea, or would you mind sharing? (sorry I'm just cynical about these things)
  4. I used to use the forum index but recently I've been using the front page, and the new post link alot more...
  5. I tend not to use these guides, and have never bought one in my life. But if I get really really really stuck I will sometimes hunt out a walk through online :S
  6. And I'm sure he knows how to work out areas :s ||edit Orders of magnitude are great, alot of the time at uni it's all we're required to work out Except in assessed work oc
  7. Install a webserver and you're away, Apache2 running on debian stable's what I'd recommend... :s
  8. Why can't you use forum software to do it? I'm sure that phpBB's permissions system allows you to set it up so that you have to be signed in to post, and you can only start threads and not reply... If it was me and I wanted this systme I'd code it in PHP and use a database backend, probably mysql, depending how much traffic I was expecting and how big it was likely to grow. Or WIKI software with a categories system? Not have much experiance with wiki softwre though :s
  9. http://www.google.com research time :s
  10. well first one get an atlas and make a rough guess (depending how annoying you feel your teacher is you might wanna think about time to sleep too). Second one find out the average an adult needs to drink/day and average life span - might wanna think about something to deal with less liquid when a kid too Find a photo of an "average" house and work it out :s...
  11. Klaynos


    something that uses the pendulum motion of walking to power a digital audio player would be 1337, not sure how much that generates as pedometers don't power themselves from it do they? Which I'd have thought was an obviouse move, unless it'd afect the measurements or something :s
  12. I'm wondering why when classifying lasers you would care how much energy they use? Surely output is far more important? Every laser I've ever come accross whether little pointer lasers or ones for experimental use have all been classified by their output power, as you'd expect. I don't even see how power consumption could ever be considered important except for general electical safter (emergancy off switches and the like)...
  13. Where are all these girls who go for brains? ||edit More importantly why don't I meet them! :S
  14. egg boxes are supposed to work quite welll...
  15. My question is what do you mean "hack", as there are a multitude of different meanings for this. If you mean to exploite security issues to gain access to others machines the general term is cracker
  16. If you're just learning html and you don't want others to view it there is no reason why you'd need anything other than your desktop machine. If you want others to view it on the web you need to host it somewhere. There are quite a few free hosts out there that'll do it for you the OS is not really an issue if all you want to do is host a few web pages...
  17. Rofl, we're such a collection of happy people
  18. win 2000 is still receiving security patches. The way I read it that the bug was in win 2k, win xp both service packs. But there was a patch released before the worm started spreading (5 days or something) and it specifically targeted win 2k... I'd probably wait about a month for IE7 so they sort out any issues which arise soon after release but then upgrade simply as it's best to have a version they are likely to release security patches for...
  19. I know a few people who work for a ms gold partener, they get to play with all kinds of stuff...including ie7, which hasn't impressed them :'( I just hope it's good, for the sake of all the users out there...
  20. Oh shyness yeah I'm so shy I hate buying things in shops as it involves talking to people :'( Yes I know that anyone can view my file structure and I don't care, there's nothing there (that I can remember) that's of any use or importance, I only use it as the occational file store when I'm too lazy to open up a proper ftp client to a nice server :S
  21. Klaynos

    E=mc2 ?

    It's someone who belives in creationisim, instead of the known fact which is evolution. It's not to do with people creating things as well add do that whether it be music or physics theories...
  22. The vista and IE7 release dates are the same, as with all the other interesting features you will be able to install it on XP I belive... ||edit I know they never are avaliable :'( heeh
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