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Status Updates posted by Moontanman

  1. Everyone near where i grew up has been with out water for about three days now, over 300,000 people due to a chemical spill in the Elk river, reminds me when i wasa child and the pollution in the air and water of that area....

  2. Severe thunderstorms here tonight, raining very hard, but not unusual for this time of year..

  3. I have a dog that if he walked any slower he'd have to go backwards...

    1. arc


      Oh, and all this time I thought my dog was winking at me.

    2. fresh


      i guess your pet is not a young boy, am i right ?

  4. Almost two weeks of the flu, today is the first day in quite a few I feel like it's worth thinking about living, I had a flu shot too, must have been one of those lesser flu's. Maybe I'll live...

    1. Moontanman


      I'm alive, i beat the flu! A new day is dawning, flowers are in bloom... well maybe not flowers but feels good not wish for the release of death from my suffering...


  5. If anyone is puzzled about what to give me for Christmas here it is...http://www.gizmag.com/top-10-christmas-wishlist-2013/30133/pictures#4

    1. fresh


      Buy you Saker S-1 personal jet, can you drive ?

    2. Moontanman


      I can say I've been allowed to fly a plane afew times but I am not a pilot my father in law was. I bet I could learn to fly it..

  6. It snowed here last night, I mean it actually accumulated on the ground and lasted til mid morning... weird...

  7. Hmmm habanero pepper relish...

  8. Mary Lee, a 15 foot great white shark continues ro pay a visit to our shores this week. She was tagged last year up around Cape Cod and has been haunting our water this month. She was encountered today in Masonburro Inlet by a small craft. She is impressive and giving some of our local surfers a bit of a thrill...

    1. WWLabRat


      I think we'll need a bigger boat...

    2. ajb


      I'm on my way to Cape Cod with my fishing rod...well I wish I were.


    3. Moontanman


      I used to do quite a bit of shark fishing, last fish i caught was a6.5 foot black tipped reef shark I caught in the surf but I think mary lee is bit beyond my ability. I would like to say it doesn't surprise me much that there is alarge great white near our beaches this time of year. This is prime fishing season and i have many times seen something very large swim just out of range of the pier lights on long cold nights of spot fishing over the years...

  9. What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?

    1. imatfaal


      make me one with everything.

    2. Moontanman


      Yup! I know an old one...


    3. imatfaal


      still a good one tho

  10. What famous person gave his life for tourism?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Daedalus


      Steve Martin... Although, I wouldn't have been able to get that if it wasn't for your clues lol.

    3. WWLabRat


      Wouldn't it be Magellan...?

    4. Moontanman


      It was a joke more than a puzzle, King Tut, Steve martin says this in his song about King Tut, I posted the song in the what are you listen to now thread in the lounge...

  11. WOW! I am just a lowly double naught spy... ;)

  12. This morning I feel like someone beat me with a stick, last night was cutting dogs toe nail night, like wrestling greased pigs...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moontanman


      Three 65 pound bassets are a triple helping of stubborn...

    3. Endy0816


      I highly recommend using nail grinders instead. Much less pain for the dog and less stress for yo.

    4. Moontanman


      My bassets do not like nail grinders and I have yet to find one that will work on their large nails...

  13. Tropical storm conditions last night and today, I love the intense rainfall and my cacti have already sent up new flower buds,,,

    1. too-open-minded


      That storm took about 1/4 of our beach :/

    2. Moontanman


      Beaches come and go, I've watched our local beaches change over yours in ways that are impossible to explain in any way other than beaches not being permanent land forms..

  14. I'm always open to new ideas but I don't let them crawl into my skull and take a dump...

    1. too-open-minded


      I allow them to defecate abundantly.

    2. Joatmon


      You haven't got a dirty mind then?

    3. Moontanman


      I have a beautifully dirty mind...

  15. Well I guess it's official, I have moved, a whole new group of people wanting to give me the good news this morning stopped by to show me their love... I hope they understood the message of hope I gave them in return as they hustled off my property...

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      Rock salt hope or buckshot hope?

    2. Moontanman


      No more of anti love message really, the audacity of these people never cease to amaze me. Misery loves company I guess but i am not willing to be miserable with them...

    3. too-open-minded


      Couldn't be much worse than when I announced my arrival to the new neighbors of my old house with a flare gun. It was a coldisack.

  16. The Castle Hayne Christmas parade just went by in front of my house... about a dozen utility trailers decorated with lights and hauling laughing kids being pulled by lawn mowers and tractors followed by a fire truck with Santa! It was classic small town america, i loved it!

  17. turtles are cool

  18. I don't think I'm going to hold my breath for an answer to that question you keep asking chandragupta

  19. Uranus has a high altitude methane haze... te he

  20. Yup it was sarcasm...

  21. Got snow? I heard you was snowed in them thar mountains...

  22. Good response in the three christian reaction thread...

  23. witty username dude...

  24. I had greasy fried chicken at the cafeteria today, eeewww I have no self respect....

    1. CaptainPanic


      If you already feel like that after that experience, imagine how the chicken felt.

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