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Moontanman last won the day on September 3

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About Moontanman

  • Birthday 01/23/1955

Profile Information

  • Location
    South Eastern North Carolina
  • Interests
    I enjoy surf fishing, beach combing, scuba, aquariums, native fish breeding, and writing. Here is a audio book of a short story I wrote.
  • College Major/Degree
    some statistical analysis but no other higher education.
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrobiology, evoluntionary biology, space travel, nuclear power,
  • Biography
    I live near the ocean, I am a science junkie and just another bundle of ignorance trying learn.
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  1. Today is the two year anniversary of my wife's passing, funny how the first year passed almost without me noticing the date, but this year it has really messed me up. I miss her so badly, the world is a much worse place without her. 

    1. Phi for All

      Phi for All

      You had so much to adjust to that first year after she passed. You've dealt well with all the obstacles for two years and now you have time to focus on the date, and it hurts. She'd be proud of you, so keep that in mind as well when you're missing her, Moon. Do something good for yourself, that's what she'd want.

    2. TheVat


      I hope you can take Phis suggestion.  I lost someone close a few years ago and was shocked at the resulting void in my world.  Losing someone too early can shatter illusions we nurture about a certain reliability and order in our lives, or that there's always enough time.  It means a pain that one must live with, but also an awakened condition, too.  And your lost partner would be happy for you, having that.  And, perhaps, she is - I am not so dogmatic as to be certain as to death or the fundamental nature of consciousness.  

      There are certain things my partner does that I don't have much use for (such is marriage, for many people), but as I now get old, I sense that I will in some way honor them if she should pass before I do.  They are part of the whole beautiful package.  What drives me crazy, it turns out, also keeps me sane.  Weird, huh?



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