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Everything posted by sunshaker

  1. I have recently come across the ORD7D4 Gene This firstly brought up the thought of muslims who do not eat pork, As I believe most muslims are black, From Asia/North africa, "Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, and most early Muslims were semi-vegetarians, consuming meat on occasion". Why would some of us evolve this gene that gives us a distaste for meat? There always seems to be a reason for evolution. I am not saying this gene is a "muslim gene", I have yet to find out more about this gene, But thought it may have some relevance to why a veg/vegan diet is healthier for certain people, Perhaps it is in our genes.
  2. I have watched a few of his videos, I enjoy the way he thinks upon problems, And how he is open to new ways of thought. Richard Feynman talks on Mathematicians v Physicists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obCjODeoLVw Knowing v understanding, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM-zWTU7X-k
  3. Perhaps when America stops pumping in vast amounts of money and fighting the battles of a country that celebrates the successful 911 operation, They may try harder at the peace table. http://www.presstv.com/detail/2013/03/01/291462/israel-celebrates-successful-911attacks/
  4. Read this about dust particles, Perhaps a planet with a rich ring resource would be an ideal nursery for this possible type of life form. Particles of inorganic dust can become organised into helical structures. These structures can then interact with each other in ways that are usually associated with organic compounds and life itself. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070814150630.htm From plasma crystals and helical structures towards inorganic living matter http://iopscience.iop.org/1367-2630/9/8/263/fulltext/
  5. Ant taxi drivers would be great, Always taking the shortest route, Woundn't that be a first.
  6. Perhaps the life form would be similar to the goa'uld in "stargate" that would take a humanoid host. Or a virus that takes control, Perhaps it has already happened and a virus took control of a primative ape, And we are that ape, Perhaps Why it takes humans a long time to reach maturity, To give time for the virus to full become aware.
  7. I was thinking why do animals play are there different reasons why certain animals play? Is play a measure of intelligence, Bonding, Or showing your skills to a potential mate? Playing uses up energy, So is it only when food is abundant that animals will play, Does playing change the emotions of animals, Why dolphins always seem happy because they play a lot, When sharks are the opposite, perhaps sharks need to play more. Are animals that we bond better with, Are the ones that are most playful? Here is one happy elephant There is a lot to be said about "playing", It is why we spend billions each year on different forms of playing. Perhaps we should organize play time between Palestine and Israel?
  8. For those who like more cream cheese on their "mobius bagels". http://spring-of-mathematics.tumblr.com/post/91043165514/mathematically-correct-breakfast-how-to-slice-a
  9. Just came across this, Nature never stops surprising me. http://mostamazingviews.com/you-think-birds-wrong-going-breathtaking/
  10. I keep seeing all this talk about Germany and comparing Hamas to the Nazis, In my view i compare them to the French resistance, Are Hamas “freedom fighters” who are “fighting an illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel.”? http://www.stanleyfoundation.org/articles.cfm?id=23 It is the American gov/press who as defined them as terrorists, All the media in America is controlled by Jews, So who gets to define who Hamas are? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O3eaXCxRUM
  11. USA for years have been pumping vast amounts of money into Israel for years, More than any other country, why would this be? http://www.wrmea.org/congress-and-us-aid-to-israel/494-congress-a-us-aid-to-israel/11203-u-s-aid-to-israel.html Even within this week 620 million for Israels defense budget, http://jonathanturley.org/2014/07/18/senate-approves-transfer-of-additional-351-million-to-israel-to-fund-its-iron-dome-missile-defense-system/ I'll Say no more.
  12. It is said that math is the language of physics, So are we saying physics only has one language, What if physics is bilingual? So we must then be saying if there is other intelligent life they must use math, Or do not understand the universe they live in, So we are implying that intelligent life must be like us, A few billion beings stuck on a small planet on the outskirts of a medium size galaxy who think our way is the only way. Perhaps other advanced life forms never had a written or spoken language, but something we cannot yet comprehend, Perhaps math takes us so far but then comes something completely new that will take us to the next level of understanding. I think our minds should always be open to new possibilities not limit ourselves and say math is the only way, It as been helpful up to yet but may one day hold us back if we are unable to grasp new concepts, And rely on a hand full mathematicians to tell us how they think the universe works, Which in the end may be wrong.
  13. I agree understanding math does play an important role in understanding physics etc, But then you look at some of these people who have autism, They are genius in certain areas, Quite a few in math, but they still do not "understand math" they just KNOW, Some brains just work different, Some brains work by visualization, And what some of them "know" would baffle and be beyond a mathematician. We still do not yet understand the potential of the human brain enough to say that "new physics cannot exist without mathematics".
  14. Came up with this little idea which I may expand upon, Perhaps turn into a comic strip, I think there could be many story lines within the elements, Which could also help on a basic level to get kids interested in chemistry/science.
  15. Israel will not stop until there is no Palestine they do not want peace they want all of Palestine , Who gave Briton and her allies the right to give the Jews part of Palestine to create their own country called Israel, The Jewish money men/bankers financed the wars 1/2 and this "LAND" was their reward, This land was stolen from those already living there, and a slow extermination as been going on ever since of the Palestinians. You can see which side has the money, and the backing of USA/UK. If my land was given away by a foreign country I would be a "terrorist" and I believe most here would also.. Look at the troubles between England/Ireland and the Ira, whoever you are or where ever you are from, you will fight to the death even against overwhelming odds against "invaders". We should redefine who are the real terrorists in this conflict, I would have expected more of the Jewish people, now committing these atrocities after what they went through themselves,
  16. I believe those with type AB HAVE A 23% Increase chance of disease than those with type O, type B 11% Increase, type A only as a 5% increase compared to type O, http://www.voanews.com/content/rare-blood-types-carry-increased-risk-for-heart-disease/1489538.html A & O are the thinnest blood types, less chance of heart disease B & AB are the thickest blood types more chance of heart disease. I have not put it all together yet, But cold weather causes blood vessels to narrow, increasing blood pressure, So it seems weather plays a role in blood pressure, So certain types of blood groups would be better in different climates/Altitudes, Does thin or thick blood retain heat better? Or release heat better, which would be best for a warm or cold climate? But due to movement of populations in recent times and cross breeding I believe it would be hard to get accurate blood type readings for each country that reflect this. I think A & O are better for warmer climates. http://www.bloodbook.com/world-abo.html
  17. +1 Nice answer, Mystery solved, Not sure if I like "having a weak subgroup of A" , Will give me something to look into further.
  18. But true, My mother and brother are also AB-, I have never found a satisfactory answer to why, I did spend time looking, Other than pregnancy which would be hard to say the least, Or blood transfusion, Or bone marrow transfusion which i would remember. It as been something that has baffled me for years. Perhaps I did come from a neighbouring dimension, which I feel sometimes, And there is another me with AB- saying he used to be A-
  19. I wonder what lasting effect this as on Muslim children who pray 5 times a day, It seems like you would not be able to think on anything else except thinking of your next prayer session. Perhaps in more enlightened times, We will give our children a chance to be themselves before we push our beliefs upon them, Often dividing by religion. I Think true belief can only come with age, When you are ready to find your truth, Whichever religion/truth that may be. Kids believe most all what "adults" tell them, so is that belief or brain washing?
  20. I am blood donor first from the age of 18 to about 25, At this time I was AB-, I stop for 15 years but started again when I turned 40, This time I was A-, My group had changed, No would could tell me why, And I was told my records where lost from paper records to updating to computer, I may have lost the "B" from my blood group but with that came a 15% less chance of a heart attack, I guess some blood groups would be better at cooling bodies down at higher temperatures, so those with a certain type would be in a physically better shape than those with a different type, So would be a better choice as a mate, I BET HE WAS TYPE (A) I suppose that would also work for the best blood type in a cold climate,
  21. On Earth much of the potassium that is eroded from rocks by rainwater never makes it to the ocean, because as it filters through soil it is taken up and used by plants. Which would lead me to believe if life did get started on Mars, If a believed ocean area was low in potassium but the surrounding land mass was high in potassium could be signs that life once existed around these oceans, Which would mainly be sodium deposits. But I believe Earth also had enough Carbon, Which seems to be the easier choice for life. Potassium is an Electrolyte, It plays major roles in the function of the body, From cells to bones/heart functions, Potassium 0.35% of body mass, 98% of the potassium in the body is within cells, So I was thinking if Mars never had the Carbon needed to kick start life, It would perhaps try the next choice which I believe would be Silicon, And as Carbon is 18% of our body mass, And millions of Carbon atoms form the thousands of molecules in every cell, Silicon would make up a major percentage of any life form, So would control a lot of the functions that other elements carbon/potassium/hydrogen/oxygen control within us. Perhaps Silicon would use the Salts or the metals maybe Iron. Binary compounds of Silicon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_compounds_of_silicon
  22. I still like the idea of our universe in "freefall", Passing through lower and lower energy fields/shells, Each time the universe enters a lower energy field is like another "big bang/expansion", Quickly expanding in this lower energy field drawing in this lower energy/dark energy, Which inflates the universe breaking down and stretching the old matter through the web of vortexs/blackholes. Showing universe falling through energy fields, A, First enters field. B, Expansion within lower field.
  23. "Excessive Hydrogen", May have caused green house effect on Mars, http://www.hngn.com/articles/18147/20131126/hydrogen-caused-greenhouse-effect-may-have-raised-martian-temperatures-facilitating-liquid-water-on-mars.htm So there was at one time, Most if not all the right macronutrients for life to begin, As the hydrogen was lost to space over time, May have given life a chance to adapt to the new environment, And as you said "why would martian life resemble Earth life?", Perhaps they where Silicon based instead of carbon based. Our understanding of extraterrestrial life is limited to say the least, So when life is eventually found the very idea of that life form may seem "Silly", But never the less true.
  24. I think all Black holes have the potential to be White holes, They are the process to even out expanding space, Sometimes consuming sometimes expelling energies(dark matter/dark energy) to different areas of universe, What we see as Gamma ray bursts in distant galaxies could well be black/white holes expelling energies from over inflated areas so the universe can expand uniformly. After a super nova space in the area would be expanded, This is when a black hole will eject this extra energy to a different area of universe (gamma ray burst/white hole). http://earthsky.org/space/gamma-ray-bursts-are-the-most-powerful-explosions-in-the-universe
  25. Perhaps life on mars would not resemble Earth life, But Mars as many of the same building blocks and power source(SUN) as Earth, So it would be a good guess that Martian life would resemble earth life, One of the major differences is that Mars as a richer supply of Iron, Iron is the single most important micronutrient bacteria need to survive. IRON BACTERIA AT FALL CREEK FALLS So I believe Mars as a good chance of once if not now, Bacteria that resemble Earth bacteria. How far did life progress on Mars, I am still unsure, But it has all the building blocks, And once would have had the right conditions to give life a foot hold.
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