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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. It's not a matter of me being correct, it's a matter of my accepting that no one is and everyone is. I didn't say others need fixing, I said there's something to be taught.
  2. Teach them how to be at peace with themselves. If one can't be at peace with oneself how can one be at peace with others?
  3. When one understands oneself the team becomes humanity. "No man is an island entire of itself" John Donne
  4. What if god is just a teaching aid to convey the objective truth of the value of a good moral compass? When one understands why god is no longer needed, the unseen other is oneself, that said I think humanism has a little way to go yet.
  5. Morality isn't an invention of "the man" to control others, it's a realisation of some people on how to live in peace with other people. It's not an easy concept to get your head around, in fact, its a surprisingly difficult concept to understand let alone to convey, much like the game 'Othello/Reversi ' it's easy to understand the rules but difficult to master. Your behaviour in this thread (I have no knowledge of your past participation on this forum) is an excellent example of my meaning, I'm not suggesting you're a troll, just that you choose to butt heads rather than learn from your loss'/mistakes.
  6. God didn't write the rules of morality, people did, not because of an external source but rather an internal one. Murder, for example, feels wrong because it makes us sick (PTSD) however we choose to justify it. The abused often become the abuser (so-called evil) but that doesn't mean one can't learn to understand the value of benevolence/charity/compassion etc... through introspection/philosophy.
  7. I've always thought of lotteries as a voluntary tax on the overly optimistic.
  8. It means we all have our problems and issues in life (all of us) when we recognise that in ourselves we have the potential to understand that others do too. The key to a successful relationship is to accept both our own individual issues and that of (significant) others. If you can forgive yourself for being flawed you can forgive others for theirs.
  9. Don't we all? When she understands why control is illusory, maybe you can understand why she tries?
  10. The inevitable consequence of empire is contraction, the only question is how far does it go?
  11. I'm struggling to understand why you bother to post at all since you rarely make sense or add to the discussion; next generation troll perhaps, one that delights in the incredulity of others rather than their anger?
  12. If you can't even tell the truth about this your future together seems bleak, don't be afraid of honesty or the consequences; fear (like this) is just a future unknown. Take from a man of experience, the more you try to avoid your fear the more likely you'll meet it.
  13. If "had followed up" is the case then that does seem extremely unlikely, "are following up" is much more believable.
  14. Good point and I agree but I was replying specifically to Airbrush's speculations based on rumour.
  15. Does anyone care? Motive after the fact (in a case like this) has no real bearing on the fact that he's dead...
  16. Understanding does seem to be your Achilles heel, CharonY's insightful explanation (+1 BTW) is met with a simple "nope", with no explanation as to why "nope" is a reasonable argument. Knowledge of the words in a text is by no means an indication of comprehension when you see the difference, you'll understand. You can put reason on 'ignore' if you like. Your only cheating yourself, it's like winning a game of solitaire, no one else gives a shit.
  17. It's dangerous indeed to acknowledge anything as legitimate (especially if it's correct) lest it makes one seem foolish.
  18. If I may, I'd like to offer a question I think Nietzche himself would want to discuss, The eternal recurrence of the same.
  19. Have you explored the use of two-stroke engines and multiple props?
  20. So is the first, please explain what you want to discuss.
  21. You're conflating reason with purpose and confusing yourself; the universe does have a reason but it doesn't need a purpose.
  22. Only humans have the ability to question its existence and it's value, so only humans need a reason to be content and that reason is usually what we call 'purpose' (reason to live).
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