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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. Fortunately, we're in the land of science, a person who studies is often seen as a lunatic and mocked by fools; FTFY, now they both make sense (do I need the sarcasm emoji?).
  2. Clearly, and despite the repeated attempts by other members to teach you otherwise.
  3. Tailor-made for the phrase 'no shit Sherlock'... Not so good as an explanation.
  4. An explicit plan and genetic instructions both contain knowledge, but only one requires understanding...
  5. We see them because of the information contained in the light, what you're saying is akin to saying sounds are not audible because we can't see the air move.
  6. Ohhh, wowww, you honestly think Trump didn't back down? You poor sap, Trump tried to bluff with 2 3 off suit when the flop was j q k of spades, that's fine but you ain't going to win much against A 10 of spades...
  7. Funny how that turned out... (cough, cough)... Irony meters off, please gentlemen...
  8. They're all semantic arguments; the simple fact is, a photon enters the eye and transmits its information, that makes it visible, by (any) definition.
  9. Sorry, I was too subtle, should have added it's a fine line between sarcasm and a fly-by...
  10. (sigh) I stopped reading at this point, in protest, because you clearly haven't read a single post on a thread you started
  11. Now that's a stretch, not to mention dishonest, you are conflating different waves and you DO know the difference...
  12. Nice try/dodge, we both know what I meant; "unless, of course, you think" sonar is equivalent?
  13. Indeed, but it is constructed of light... Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting the blind can't navigate or communicate; just that those that can see, use light
  14. Other than this screen and your ability to navigate towards it... To understand this, I'd need some dank weed... dude...
  15. Is it ethical, to assume we can't learn (from the past)? Or, condemn our children because we won't?
  16. The future is always an unknown. however certain you are of your guess.
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