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Everything posted by Primarygun

  1. Primarygun


    I am opposed to what my teacher said. We have two different mass syring balance. And he said that we could obtain two equal weight if we use the two syring balance to measure each other. They are the normal balance used in common laboratory.
  2. Is the only buoyant force to be determined? Moreover, can someone tell me whether my last post was correct.
  3. How can you determine whether the reactants goes displacement or not? Can you teach me some skills? Such as NaCl(s)+H2O(l)--->NaCl(aq) instead of reacting.
  4. they move slightly instead of being stationary?
  5. Weight/Volume? Is that we find out the density of the mixture? Or use [(helium's density- air's density)*volume+Object's mass]/total volume=a? If a is larger than air's density, it sinks. It is just determine the lift or the sink of the mixture. I just take a try here. Therefore, don't be too serious of it.I hope the solver would give us the correct answer.
  6. Not this ?NaOH+H2O---->Na+ +OH- + H2O
  7. Primarygun


    Do chemistry books always simplify the equation as net ionic equation in solution area? Such as NaOH+H2O---->Na+ +OH- + H2O it simplifies as NaOH--->Na++OH It is in contrast as HCl, and it makes me confused for a while. By the way, is all reaction involved heat ?
  8. When light passes a medium, it's speed decreases. Is the acceleration of light decreased?
  9. HI is the strongest acid in halogens but not powerful than HF when reacting with compound? HI-large amount but all are weak. HF-small amount but all are strongest. Am I right? But why do alkaline need additional water as reactant react with?
  10. 5614, are you fond of computer science very much? You are full of the knowledge of computer.
  11. Moreover, why do the pressure of the evaporated water is 1 atm when they turn into liquid again?
  12. I still don't know,sorry. Would you please explain it further more? By the way, the book said hydrofluoric acid is less acidic than hydrochloric acid since it has a too strong electronegetivity energy, so it's ionization energy is less. Is that rue? It said HF has a fewer number of F- ions compare to the same mole of HCl solution.
  13. If the water in post 1 is not fully filled, and the space above the water of the bottle is vacuum, is that the pressure in h=1 acting towards horizontal(left and right) greater than the pressure acting downwards?
  14. My calculator is sharp in firm. It is without function , quartratic .................. Therefore, I am going to buy a new one with my prize money:)
  15. I saw a formula sodium hydroxide(aq) + aluminium(s) + water (l) to form something. Actually, it is to damage something. But for acid hydrogen chloride(aq)+Al(s) to damage something. Why does sodium hydroxide need to get some water but hydrochloric acid doesn't need to? Doesn't the sodium hydroxide is already in aqueous form and is in water?
  16. The rate is faster than at standard pressure. In my posted diagram, Is the force acting to left and right large than the force acting downwards? It is 1atm more in my case, right?
  17. Primarygun


    I think the worms they carry are more dangerous.
  18. After not sleeping for the whole night before the new school day, something reminds me. The diagram which is ugly drawn by me shows that when a vacuum machine extracts particles above a whole closed container which is with some water, will the water be extracted upwards? The answer is no, it's because water is not compressible( It doesn't vary itself very much due to the strong intermolecular forces). Maybe I should learn the kinetic theory before reading some gas law. I totally omitted something:) Now I got of something. What's the force by the surface of water acting downwards? 0 or others? I need you help.
  19. I love it. I want to have some basic idea of bonding in quantum mechanics after learning the electron configuration of element in quantum.
  20. Primarygun


    Can I use the log sign>?kidding
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