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Everything posted by Primarygun

  1. What do you do(think) first when you need to prove. Think? Or just applied the knowledge that seems to be the most optimum to the question?>
  2. Is hydrogen peroxide an enzyme? Enzyme can be inorganic?
  3. Primarygun


    [MATH] root x =|x|=x^2[/MATH] Is that true? By the way How to use the root sign?
  4. I heard that algebra is a constant for all dimensional space. I know geometry is rejected, and what other are also constants?
  5. It is really a old post but I want to get a bit more knowledge of it. The assumption is that the bottle is fully with water. If there is some air inside, is the job of us is to find out how many heights is displaced by the air,right?
  6. And, which substance mixs with water to generate a higher pressure than pure water itself?
  7. Oh Sorry. I typed the title wrongly. It should be "hydrostatics mechanics" By the way, a geographical question, is the lower part of ocean being so cold because of the sunlight largely but slightly by the weight?
  8. I put my brain forward.LOL And read a part of the buoyant force. I think it could calculate the lift or sink action for fluids. Is the lift or sink for a object in gas(air) simply being told by this force?
  9. I can't find the post. Would you simply tell me the answer? The pressure of mixture is higher than the pressure of water for a general osmosis.
  10. I see. I think I may make up my mind to study engineering several years later. Since it has physics to study ( the most useful ones), also, the return is quite delicious ( I think)! Otherwise, I think I will choose studying medicine. Moreover, the computing engineering or engineering get more studies on science?
  11. My school books are not very tricky and open-ended. Pulkit, studying engineering have a lot of physics to study?
  12. What about if X(a substance)+water mixture have a higher pressure than pure water on the other side? Is the process reversible?
  13. Why will the water expand? Isn't the density is nearly the same?
  14. Why water flow from high concentrated solution to low? Isn't the pressure of the mixture of sodium chloride+water exerts a higher pressure to the lower? Hence, the salt+water would flow to the low one. But, in fact, the truth contradicts this. Why? I hope I can find out the answer
  15. In the deep ocean, assume the pressure is about 10 atm , while the pressure at sea level is 1 atm. The density of the deep ocean water is slightly different from the sea level water. What will happen if the deep ocean water is carried at the sea level, expand or others? Also, if the density doesn't change, how the pressure applying towards horizontal in the deep ocean water work out? Like a man goes into the deep ocean water level, he feels that six direction force exerts on him, how do the four forces work?
  16. Is there a web site giving out a lot of difficult questions about the additional mathematics or just mathematics? I appreciate who helps me very much. I want to have far more troublesome questions:P
  17. so.....Would anyone give comment on it? Perhaps I posted in a wrong site.
  18. Is the buoyant created by the density? If it is, I will immediately learn the buoyant force. I am very curous about the density of lifting and sinking.
  19. However, there is the surds are defined as positive. Is that only for calculating roots?
  20. Thanks.I understand it now.Really appreciate everyone
  21. Primarygun


    For finding the roots, like root(x^2), What's the value? Is that if x > 1, ans=x x<1, ans=-x x=0, ans=0? But when we do quandratic equations, (x^2)=4 x =2 or x=-2? Should we rearrange the steps as x^2=4 x=2 or -x=2?
  22. What's the keywords? Speed isn't slowed down when we look at it outside?
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