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Everything posted by Primarygun

  1. Where do the water flow if there is a vacuum machine extracting air outside? | connect to machine | | vauum | |_______| | water |
  2. If this forum is in red colour, I leave it. LOL
  3. Oh that's my mistake!What's the physical process called?
  4. I want to consult a question. That's about density of things. Why the gas ( with a low density) get out from the bottom of the ocean? Which force make it come out?
  5. Does hydrofluoric acid get a lower saturation than hydrochloric acid? I think so because concerning on difference of electronegativity.Is some intermolecular force included? Dear bud and pull.
  6. Doesn't no matter where there is air or not, the water still have 1 atm? When there is no air, but the oringinal pressure in the top of the water is 1 atm,right? I think I may be wrong.
  7. Are you saying me? I was trying to use the case of swimming to explain some "tricky"questions to him. lol
  8. 5614, several years ago, I tried the net send and solve this problem. Now I forget the skill sorry. Try to type "cd"until it comes to C drive.
  9. How do the window know you are installing with pirate CD and doesn't let you to install the Service PacK?
  10. dadobi, if it's volume, solute/solution Be careful, the solution=solvent + solute This all my little knowledge, don't scold me if I am wrong:P
  11. What makes the water molecule being undissociated when something is put in water? Thereby, is the oxygen-hydrogen bond in water the strongest( even stronger than NaCl). The hydrogen bond in intermolecular force stronger than NaCl??
  12. HCl is gas? Do 1000000M and 1000000000000000000M for HCl have the same ionization value?
  13. The pressure acting towards the hole is 1 atm + the height of water ( mm water) no matter with or without air, right?
  14. For 100m swimming, after the swimmer had finished their race, they have 0 velocity but a speed with greater than 0 m/s.
  15. Yes, the difference with next price is for x and y values are 2 and -1 respectively, it can be 5 also. I tried to prove the interval by mod 3. But show nothing. Pulkit,what's your process? What's introduction, haven't learnt yet,\?
  16. Yes, I think it won't leak when the hole is very small. I think that uses the surface tension of the water molecule, however, the height(not the weight ,right?Since the pressure is P=F/a) of water and the hole must not be too large. The pressure outside I think this is not relevant.
  17. Concerning on our case, ax+by=n, Obviously, that's 3x1+5x1=8 The demand for x y n of them are non-negative integers But how would you prove 3x+5y=n+k where all the unknowns are non-negative integers. Yes, after you had found n, you still need to prove that.
  18. I heard about laboratory produce 12M HCl for storage, how's that? I only used the school's lab once in the previous year chemistry lessons. Do precipitate occur?
  19. So far, my book told me x^0=1 when x is not equal to 0.
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