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Everything posted by Appolinaria

  1. Acceleration as opposed to just velocity which is m/s
  2. Can't believe how similar Ida is to modern day lemurs, and she lived 47 million years ago. Wtf.
  3. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/08/060807154715.htm
  4. Best color. thanks Daedalus!

  5. Cell phone usage is "possibly" carcinogenic. So now there's an agenda? That's laughable.
  6. Happy holidays, SFN friends. <3 you all.

    1. Daedalus


      Happy holidays to you too Appolinaria!!! Have a safe New Year : )

    2. jimmydasaint


      Happy and peaceful holidays to you and your loved ones.

    3. Appolinaria
  7. I do think questions like this will only be answered when we are sobered by death.
  8. I don't completely understand all of the arguing between mysticism/science... I clearly see how they differ, but they are closely intertwined, no? Many great scientists were mystics. Mathematics is unique in that it is untarnished by human emotion, 2+2=4 and this is not arguable. It's not subjective, not malleable. Unfortunately, people often make this their religion. However, the middle path is best. And a unity, a trinity, the duality, the paradoxes, the eternal unity… I don't understand it really, but I'm content with that.... maybe it will happen with a flash of understanding, a Dante in Empyrean type deal.
  9. Ah, I see. I like the album artwork... geometric and simple. Almost minimalism.

  10. You're right, that's essentially what we've done. But now we're humbly hopping on the Soyuz with our international comrades, the goals seem to have changed. Wait, wait, wait... something isn't right here... John Cuthber... a quote tag... JOHN CUTHBER USING QUOTE TAGS!?
  11. Surfed upon the wave of a curious inkling and got the Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury. Looks entertaining. Anyone read it?

  12. Wow... original copy. Is it brown/ivory as opposed to the blue?

    Haha, New Order and Joy Division, aren't they great? Make me wanna dance! I have a love for shoe-gaze and rock from that era. You know, things like Jesus & Mary Chain, Echo and the Bunnymen. I love Spacemen 3. What else do you listen to?

  13. Lol, can you imagine finding spacecraft, on the side of it, words in a banner, "BECAUSE WE CAN"
  14. :o

    I think you might have an older copy. Wikipedia says "The album's cover was designed by Peter Saville and is based on a Futurist poster by Fortunato Depero. 'F' refers to Factory Records / Factory Communications Limited and 'L' the roman numeral 50 - the album being classified as FAC50."

    P.S. You're awesome.

  15. Not annoying, Cuthber. Humans are built to survive.
  16. 1. Propelling a planet sized spaceship? If intelligent beings can somehow do that, then they're probably smart enough to have developed teleportation or something like that. 2. Haha. 3. Then their brains are probably larger and can fathom some excellent technology that doesn't require lugging a dense spaceship across the universe.
  17. I just don't think I like it, in a plastic bottle or not. Plus, when I used to go out to bars, we would always get tequila rounds. So I equate just the scent of it with bad memories. I used to drink primarily dark beers, vodka and champagne.
  18. Tequila is terrible, wah. Haha, I've scrambled things together when I've neglected going to the grocery store. What lasts longest, usually some strange concoction involving potatoes. I try to stay away from all of those soy/fake meat products.
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