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Everything posted by DrP

  1. I wish you all well - I really hope he makes a difference. I think the puplic forum thing is a great idea. Seriously - I wish him every success in office - I hope he does a fantastic job.
  2. DrP


    Oh yea - I'd not noticed that - thanks. It seems quite intuitive really.
  3. DrP


    Thanks Bignose - I knew you couldn't just divide through across the whole thing by cosQ - but it gives the right result. I was thinking that dividing the top and bottom would be alright as the effect would cancel out. I just wasn't realy sure how to put it (thus the question marks in my post). Also - I think I need to work out how to use LaTeX as well. (I know there is a thread on it here somewhere - I just need to get the time to go through it properly).
  4. DrP


    What happens if you divide by cosQ ? cosQ - usinQ goes to 1-utanQ no? Also the sinQ + ucosQ will go to tanQ + u.
  5. [quote=Dak;307315 also can't use it to draw a strait line That - and you wont be able to have play sword fights with it in maths classes when you get bored.
  6. So.. Have you read "The Wheel of Time" novels then? I presume so from your user name.. What did you think?

  7. I'm sure you'll make someone a fine trophy wife... Just make sure you share some interests with them though...... and it would also help if you fancied them a bit too, otherwise you might regret it later in life.
  8. Think of how easy it would be to do a JS Bach organ recital though! Or how good you could get on the guitar.... Great!
  9. Bad Girl! What exam? Does this not mean that you wont get your qualifications then?? Or was it just a small test? Personally I'm havin a crap week at work, so my best moment was going home for lunch where my wife cooked me beans in a baked potato with cheese on top.
  10. I typed "MHC Typing" into google because I've never heard of it. It seems to be something to do with gene labeling. Give the google search a try - I'm sure you'll find what your looking for there better than I.
  11. OK - I wont get drawn into this too much at this late stage as I tend to agree with letting people get on with whatever floats their boat. But I do want to question the philosophy of "animals do it so it must be natural". Animals do alot of things - like rape, kill and eat each other. Some will eat their own excriment even. So then, can we say that to rape, kill, canibalise and to eat our own poo is just natural because animals do it? The animal argument means nothing to me.
  12. HOW explosively would depend upon the metal.
  13. DrP

    Slinky in Space!

    The first one would push back at whatever it was that pushed it origionally. The others would then push against each other I suspect.
  14. That would be lovely. - Perhaps you could run a cable accross the atlantic at the same time - The UK is quite small and I'm sure you wouldn't notice TOO much of a power drain from us. We could probably pay you as well, possibly with some shares in our banks or something like that.
  15. I once looked at Jupiter through our uni observatory - their telescope is massive and is housed in a rotating hut (No idea what the magnification was or anything - I was a guest of a member of the astromony society). It was really cool actually - you could see the red dot clearly, and I saw 6 of it's moons all lined perfectly to the right of it in a line.
  16. Definately! Also - Exersise should be the first line attack before diet. You can eat whatever you like if you exersise enough to compensate. Even if you are slightly over weight - excersise is still the most important remedy way before dieting. In fact - If you don't get any excersise - you will probably end up eating more when you start excersising as your body starts to build new muscle tissue..... this can actually lead to an increase in weight, accoumpanied with a more slimline body shape.... which is MUCH better than just loosing body fat.
  17. Problem is with doing them regularly is that you get higher results than you should - basically, if you practice them them you get better at them - your not neccessarily getting more intellegent. It's best to not do them at all for a few years and them take one (to get a truer result). I kinda disagree with the science thing. Creativity is needed, but logical problem solving is a more important I think - and this is what is tested on some sections of the IQ test.
  18. This is a classic example of why Lead is so light! (Yes.. light). Every one thinks of lead being 'Heavy' and dense (because it it is compared to some metals) but its weigt is ALL to do with it's RMM (Atomic number 82?). Really, one would expect Lead to be MUCH denser and heavier per per unit volume than it actually is. Again, this is due to the packing structure of the atoms. With lead it is Body Centred Cubic - which id not a very close packed structure at all. (9 atoms per cube - one on each corner and one in the centre). If it were Face Centred Cubic (14 atoms - one on each corner and one in the middle of each face) it would be much heavier per unit volume. Even more so with Hexagonal Close Packing - which is asdense as you get (imagine balls layed out in a box packed as tightly as they can get - they form hexagons).
  19. Yea - TiO2 as a white pigment and CaCO3 as a filler. The reflectivity would come from metalic particulates.
  20. Here you go - some links to stuff about sea bed methane release in shallow waters: http://www.science-frontiers.com/sf100/sf100g09.htm http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn1350-bubbling-seas-can-sink-ships.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waratah_(ship)
  21. I saw a documentry a few years back about gasses released from the sea bed. I cant remeber much about what gasses, but they showed that a significantly large release of gass can make a very large area of sea less dense for a minute or so. They also showed that if a ship sailed through an area as this happened it couls easily just drop through the water and be engulfed in a seeminly freek occurance. They suggested this as a possible explanation of why the BT is a hot spot for dissapearances. They thought that it might be an area with unusual sea bed activity resulting in frequent and large discharges of gasses from the sea bed. They demenstrated the effect with small scale models and the 'bubbly' water sank the model ships like stones. (PS - I'm not claiming that this why the BT myseries occur - or even that they occur at all - it was just in a program I watched about 5 or 6 years ago which claimed to have discovered this phenominun. Can't remember what it was called... probably Horizon, QED or something like that)
  22. Fantastic! Post it to ME! (Two free Bounty bars in one week! - Result!)
  23. As a small child: Scientist, Doctor or a Dustman. As a teenager: Scientist or Musician 18-22: Pro Golfer, Musician or scientist 27+: Research Scientist (dreams of becoming a pro golfer smashed by apathy, dissapointment booze and laziness during early 20's) 30-36: Scientist (which I am now) Now:- mid life crisis - and I want to try to be a pro golfer again before its too late (Although I know it already is really:-() - Maybe I could be a post man or a dust man so I get every afternoon off to play golf? Currently I am a Pro Scientist and an Ameteur Golfer. I would rather it be the other way arround though!
  24. Well I never..... Yesterday My Box magazine turned up again as usual. I went to the vending machine to get a snack and 2 Bounty bars fell out instead of one!!! Chocholate covered coconut coincidence certaintly continues currently causing clouding of ceribrial clarity!! (11 C words in one sentance!)
  25. DrP

    lpg gas smell

    Not sure about LPG, but natural (or town) gas gets mercaptans added as stenching agents (according to wiki). I love that term - 'stenching agent' (Butanethiol, t-butyl mercapan)
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