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Everything posted by DrP

  1. Ouch!...... *Prod*


    Cute baby - was that you or a little sis/bro? I can't keep up with your avatars lateley! :)

  2. Just an idea - if you welcomed, petted and fed the cat regularly, would it not start to like you and poo in someone else's garden? Probably not, but worth a try? I had garden boxes in a place I used to live in which I grew runner beans. The cats pooped in them all the time. I tried several things. The one that worked the most was taking clippings and old thorney stickes from the rose bush and arranging them in the boxes where the beans grew. Outside of the box I stuck the sticks in the ground pointing outwards to make it hard for the cats to jump into the boxes. (If they made the jump over the spikey sticks, then they landed in more thorney sticks) This worked quite well. Thus - you may just be able to barracade the cat's favourite area off with some thorney sticks? OK - they might just find another spot in the garden, but mine didn't. they left for another garden altogether - they are quite fussy. If I were a cat (particularly male) I wouldn't want to jump a load of thorney sticks. Just think if you caught something on a thorn mid jump! Mee-ouch!
  3. DrP


    Hi GDC, Read posts 7, 8 and 9. Herbal medicine isn't in the dock at all. It is Homeopathy that is is being rubbished - not herbal medicine. Homeopathy is a very different thing. Read the thread from the begining.
  4. Yea - problem is though, every time they pull out of the west bank, they set up mortar and misile bases and start firing then randomly into Isreal. It's been going on for decades.
  5. Reminds me of Illyria - the demi-god who took over Fred's Body in Angel. Quite sad really, as she had just gotten it together with Wesley.

  6. I listen to The Chris Moyles Show on the way to work. I think it's funny. However, as much as I like the guy and his team and they make me laugh, I think he is a dunce. I think the show is written and performed by idiots for idiots. I watched his TV show the other day - again - I think it is very patronising that he either dumbs down for his audience, OR he really IS that stupid. He had a woman on who knew the answer to one of his exreamly easy maths questions which he couldn't get. She explained to him how it was worked out and he just went onto the next guest explaining how the answer was still inconclusive and that he'd take a guess. When it was revealled that she was right all along he gobsmacked and was like 'OMG, would you have belived it'? Dolt! (the question was something like - work out the square root of 9 - or something - I can't remember) Either way he still makes me laugh. Entertainment doesn't need to be highbrow to be enjoyable in my book.
  7. Fight Club is Awesome! Like the Avatar - although it does show a bit too much man boob for my liking. lol.

  8. DrP


    That's just the point though - they are not. Herbal remedies are made of herbs and actually have some kind of effect in certain situations. Homopathy is a big con - as the OP pointed out - they get diluted so much that you might not even end up with a single molecule of the so-called 'remedy' left in the bottle of water you are taking.
  9. If I were in your shoes then the answer would be 'yes' - we'd be sharing the same souls.
  10. Are your parents american?
  11. Aww! And I thought they'd made me an administrator. BooHoo. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedHa HA HA! Happy April the 1st! I've just noticed that for today I am the 'Chief Pony Wrangler"! LoL!
  12. An electron gets excited by a photon and jumps to an increased energy level. There are a number of ways in which the electron can return to it's origonal level. 1) it can just make a single jump back to ground - thus the re-emmitance and scatter. 2) it can take several smaller jumps back to ground through a number of intermediate levels - in this case the electron takes longer to get to get there - so you get the delay before the all the energy is released - Thus you see the fluorescence. 3) the electrons can get trapped in 'meta stable' states on the way down - these take even longer to release all their energy and can take several minutes before the after glow can fade - this is phosphourescene. Hope this helps.
  13. Site crashed half way(?) through - just when I got to the prettiest one as well.
  14. Could it have been a prototype spy plane or something? Or maybe some other prototype flying device?
  15. ha ha ha - Searching for French Miltary Defeats reports back: "404 - too many to compute.."
  16. So, are you going to call him Mark then? I always let my wife know if I have let my eyes stray. I think that honesty is the best way. She is fine with it and understands that it is male nature. I'd rather tell her than feel guilty.
  17. Ahem! Just to play advocate here (tee hee) I conducted a scientific experiment a few years back. 'Test the Nation' was on the telly (not that I usually watch such drivel - it was on at the time and I got sucked in) - where they do IQ tests for the audience members and the people watching at home (or as close as they can over the TV). They set people into groups - Doctors, White van drivers, blondes, brunnettes etcc. They also tried different stimuli - coffe drinkers, sleep deprivation etc. They didn't have alcoholics though! Well, not one to let the side down I thought I'd bat for the Beer drinkers team!! I cracked open a couple of cans of guinness and quickly toked down a couple of fat doobies as preparation for test. I scored, which I thought was a rather reasonable, 135 points and beat all of their studio audience, doctors and blondes alike. Apparently, the highest score from people that had phoned in or done the test on the internet was 134 IIRC. Conclusions: Either, a)Beer and gear make you cleaverer than everyone else in the country. b)It's just me - I am the cleaverest person in the country, even with the disadvantage of being drunk and stoned. c)Everyone in the country who was more clever than me was TOO cleaver to get involed in the stupid test in the first place. You decide!
  18. Anything designed to kill mozzies is a win in my book! I want one as soon as they are viable. I will walk the countryside with it carving notches into it for every 100 I kill.
  19. It is a really cool experiment. Looks like you have what you need, but I was going to support the use of black card with the slits cut into it. And a bog standard cardboard box for the shielding.
  20. Slightly related, but relavant I believe... They say that anyone can achieve anything (unless your completey disables or retarded of course) if they put in 10,000 hours of practice. i.e. Person A who shows a particular talent for activity X will not be as good as Person B who has less talent for activity X but has put in over 10,000 hours of practice at it. So I agree with most of the above - I think you can inherit a certain amount of natural talent and intellagence, but to succeed and shine at anyting you need to make it your life and put in the hours (over 10,000) to be REALLY succesfull at it. A bit like the Tortoise and the Hare I suppose! Here is a recent news link regarding the 10,000 hours (i.e. years of practice makes perfect): http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23588962-details/The+secret+of+your+success+10,000+hours/article.do This link is better: http:// http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1078842/Practice-makes-perfect-Why-takes-10-000-hours-success-according-academic.html
  21. DrP


    I doubt he'd loose any marks in an exam for just calling it a white tile though. Why call a spade a spade, when you can call it a manual earth manipulation impliment?
  22. DrP


    OK - I see where you are coming from now. It is just called a 'White Tile'. It is quite common to use a white tile as a background to check subtle changes in colour of a solution.
  23. DrP


    What observations were you recording (changes in current/volts, spatial dimentions etc..)? What was the liquid. Is the tile a single piece or is it seperated into two sheets like a capacitor? Are there any wires on it. And again - what measurments were being taken?
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