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Everything posted by DrP

  1. It might not have been him that gave it to you - it may have been someone else - others read the conversation... It wasn't me this time either. Try reading what the guy has said to you and look up the links he gave you. It is apparent from the conversation that he know what he is talking about and you not so much - so read around what he says and trust him - if you don't understand it then he will explain it to you - if you ignore him and speculate randomly without trying to understand what he wrote then I can predict more -1s from others. Hope that helps.
  2. Someone done the calculations once for being punched by Superman. He hits even harder!
  3. Would love to see this start to work seriously in my lifetime. Ever hopeful - one day! http://www.iflscience.com/physics/lets-all-get-cautiously-excited-about-fusion-power-breakthrough
  4. No of course not, but I thought you could maybe be more subtle with the heating. More delicate to heat it gently and have it come over slowly and controlled rather than bumping across with half the product. Too low a pressure and it will bump anyway though I suppose. Good idea with the freezing though. That might work.
  5. wow - I was thinking that that could be a possible way - make a black hole with the CERN device and direct it at the centre of the earth.. I decided NOT to share the idea here for several reasons though. 1- it won't work, its sci-fi. 2- I can't morally or legally help you destroy the earth, I kinda love it. 3-Didn't want to get your hopes up. 4- it was kinda daft. 5 - I didn't want anyone at all to think I wan't the earth destroyed, I certainly do not. What a co-incidence you should post the exact thing I was thinking. lol DISCLAIMER: The only reason I was even thinking about this was because of the earlier thread about sending a trained mole to the centre of the earth attached to an atomic bomb... I thought there had to be a better way. But then I thought - I am just going to end this train of thought.
  6. Washing at least your hands at least seems like pretty standard personal hygiene advice really. lol.
  7. Is this why you want the nuclear bomb? So you can send it down on a mole machine to the centre of the earth?
  8. Should be possible to fix though, well, feasible anyway.... it's just who is going to pay for it? An international tax maybe (aimed at countries that have put stuff up there or who can afford to pay more). ?
  9. I like Paul McCartney, but hated Mull of Kintyre. lol. Warmed to it a bit in later years after hearing decades of various other stuff though. I liked the radio star one, but I agree it was a bit catchy. I had more problems with short repetitive tunes on ads - that Go Compare ad was funny at first, but the worst thing to get in your head as it was just one line over and over. (if you don't know what I am talking about then DO NOT check the ad out out of curiosity!! You will suffer for it). I had a real problem with one of the ITV/ITN jingles they played after 'Chalton and the Wheelies' when I was a child. The tune was catchy and it sorta ended with 2 or 3 separate jingles which didn't really resolve properly, so they just went round and round and I was trying to resolve them in my head but just got them stuck. I think that must have been the first time I really realised the problem.
  10. I seem to remember a discussion on a documentary some time back (And PLEASE don't tell me it was 20 years ago or I'll feel like I am loosing it! It was within the last 5 or 10 for sure) where they were taking about clean up possibilities. One idea was to have have thousands of little computerized craft that would launch into orbit and track a suitable piece of junk each and sidle up to it and catch or destroy it depending upon the feasibility of each case. Very expensive of course. Have we discussed it here at all recently? It could be a difficult problem to solve.
  11. First off - I am not a medical doctor, so take what I say as speculation... if it persists and you want a doctor's opinion then go to one... These are just thoughts (I am a musician though):- Just a thought, but, if you use/rely on this a lot and you have been through a creative period recently and are currently burnt out a bit, then maybe you need a rest. Maybe just listen to some music for a while and try to enjoy it, don't try to remember it as an exercise, just let your subconscious do the work? Do this for a little while and hopefully you'll get your mojo back. Is this the only thing you seem to have forgotten how to do? How long has it been gone, when was the last time you were able to do this at will? Is fatigue a factor? I can recall music, but I am sure that sometimes the ability comes and goes a bit. I do not like getting a tune 'stuck' in my head at all and think I can sorta get rid of one if it gets stuck by doing certain things like listening to something else, but it can be hard to get rid of and annoying. If I wanted to run through a whole song/tune in my head with all the backing too then that would be hard unless I knew it really well. As I said, I think I can do it better sometimes rather than others. Just further thoughts... I went through a creative phase a few years back and wrote loads of stuff... then nothing for a couple of years. Something new came along - my new synth.... I was excited by it and the things I could do with it that could never do before and that gave me a new creative boost for a bit. After a few months I felt a bit dried up (maybe still do) - but when I sit down and just get on with making something up on the spot it often flows. Maybe you need some inspiration, like a new toy to get excite about to get the creativity flowing.
  12. lol - omg... Things don't often make me feel old.... but that did! You are probably right, I might have got it mixed up. When I was at uni the astrophysics dept were bombarding very small objects at silly speeds into thick sheets of metal. They had some awesome results on display. Some impacts would make a 'splash' like ripple across the surface of the metal which would then freeze into place. It was like a still shot of a drip into water displayed on the surface of the metal. Pretty cool stuff... they might have mentioned paint flecks and debris a lot as justification for the work.
  13. Hi there, that's nice. Is your track done with a synth or are there any other instruments? I use a synth mainly, but often over guitars and a beat. I mainly do jazz, blues and progrock fusion but like classical music too. I've been putting stuff up on Soundcloud recently, I like that site, it is becoming a little addictive though. Here is a collab I done with an Italian bass player. I love that people just send each other tracks and play on them. I sent him the track and he put some awesome bass on it for me. Check it out if you get the time sir. https://soundcloud.com/dr-p-20/dr-pastorius-a-daniele-petrocchi-and-dr-p-collaboration
  14. fyi - Dream I had, forgot, then remembered after a trigger this week:- I bought a second hand toy air hockey game for my nephew at the weekend. The puck was missing, but I thought I'd keep an eye out for something that would replace it and a number of small disk like objects went through my mind. The other night I had a dream that I had found some small disks laying around made of various materials and I was picking them all up to test out as the puck..... I completely forgot about that dream, lol. Today I saw a metal disk on the floor, it looked too heavy for my puck, but I was instantly reminded of the dream - most of it came flooding back to me, even down to when it started to fall apart and not make sense anymore. lol.
  15. Was that a speck of paint Phi? I seem to remember something about a speck of paint smashing something in space at some point some time ago. That or they were saying that even a little speck of paint that flaked off a satellite could cause serious problems. I can't remember.
  16. QUOTE: JOHN CUTHBER - "...it is not clear from the OP...." I think you are right John - it is unclear... but I would think that reduced pressure distillation/evaporation of the water could be controlled so that the product doesn't go over with the steam if you get the pressure/temp right. One has a BP of 254C and the other one is, er, around about 100C off the top of my head iirc. I don't think EE has a way of reducing the pressure though. Mind you, as an 'Elite' Engineer he should be able to work out a way. ;-)
  17. Tragic. You won't destroy the world like that though... there were less than 100 lives lost in that explosion and the earth barely felt it... just a small seismic reading.
  18. Probably, that or use a separating funnel after the gravity method mentioned above by a couple of people.
  19. What is it's bp? wiki says 254C... can you evaporate off the water using some heat to quicken it? If you have a rota vap and a vacuum pump (which I assume you don't) you could stick it on that for a bit. Otherwise could you put the bottom of one of those flasks in an oil bath at high temperature to drive off the water... 110C?
  20. True - casualties to US from the 2 bombs = 0
  21. Personal safety? wot you on about?
  22. So, 'no' then... Ha - syncro posting.....
  23. They were never going to surrender... the Emperor was still assuring civilians victory up to the second bomb was dropped (saw this in a documentary) - he was deluded and the people just done what ever he said. A horrific tragedy, but it bought a quick end vs a ridiculously stubborn opponent. They were idiots for attacking the US in the first place. They were also absolutely barbaric and cruel towards their prisoners - Might sound cold, but I have little sympathy now. Also awakened them to their ridiculous delusion that he was a god... he wasn't, it is good that Japanese people have been freed from this lie.
  24. This looks promising, no? I much prefer solar power to wind power - makes a lot more sense to me long term. www.scienceforums.net/topic/90185-large-scale-solar-plant-in-gobi-desert/
  25. I mainly love my hypomania!! (If that is what it is).. but the depression is a bit of drag from time to time. lol. Especially after a relationship break up or a death. I am not mentally ill though... I went to the doctors to get that checked out and apparently I am OK, I have a letter to say so too! I used to think that the mania drove my creativity and helped me achieve things. but now I am thinking that maybe the flashes of brilliance or a good idea could be the things that get me excited in the first place and tip me into a manic state. I don't think i am fully bi-polar or anything but there is a mild similarity. Saying that, my IQ isn't miraculously high either, 125 to 135 or at a rough guess based on a couple of short tests I took and I do have a Ph.D. Basically, I 'think' I am slightly/partially bi-polar with out the insanity part at the extreme ends of the scale. Sometimes I love it... some times it is hard to deal with, but I hide it well - it is both awesome and real pain at the same time. lol. High IQ??? Well compared to the average Joe, maybe, but not up there enough to join the smart clubs, lol.
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