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Everything posted by iNow

  1. But my point is that’s bc Trump remains in the race. Haley is not who they’ll flow toward if he’s removed. DeSantis is. I don’t vote based on looks or skin color or who they happen to love. I vote based on who I think is the best candidate / against the candidate who is anathema to the values and principles that matter most to me. I do think she and Liz Cheney together on a ticket would be VERY hard to beat in the general election, even though they’d never make it out of the GOP primary.
  2. When religious practice wanes, humans appear to replace it rather often with less savory tribal affiliations like MAGA and Incel (and rather often both at once). Christian nationalists are Trumps strongest base, after all. It’s not just the American Taliban. It’s MAG-Qaeda! And raped children. Don’t forget about all the child raping.
  3. Capable and smart, but cynical and lacking in consistent principles. She’s a very skilled political operator who moves her position swiftly to align with the polls, but even dead leaves can go with the flow. We need leaders who shape it, not just get carried by it. At 40-60 points behind, she only stands a chance if Trump is somehow subtracted from the equation, and even then Trump voters are far more likely to flow to DeSantis.
  4. And now here we are yet again for the 4th or 7th time talking about a topic which did nothing but waste time in the first place and which was not allowed to be introduced again.
  5. Coincidental. Over interpreted. Just so. Conclusion on search for support. Fictional narrative. Not worth my time. All of the above…
  6. I mean there are diminishing returns as wages keep growing.
  7. Right, but it’s still akin to trying to push back the incoming waves from the ocean using a boogie board. Sure, I agree. The board moves some water, splish splash splosh, but that’s not really the point. This IS happening. This IS an arms race. We are likely NOT going to be best served by unilaterally disarming ourselves.
  8. Making it restricted in some countries hardly protects inhabitants of all
  9. Yep, and what did Bruce recommend we do to protect against that (or was this just another “go shit your pants” clickbait story that we can’t do anything about)?
  10. False dichotomy. It's probably both. It's a reference to an old John Maynard Keynes quote about what economics says about future status "in the long run," btw.
  11. 50% of the population are under 18… children. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/18/1206897328/half-of-gazas-population-is-under-18-heres-what-that-means-for-the-conflict#:~:text=Transcript-,About half of Gaza's population are under 18.,under the age of 18.
  12. Depends on timeline. Tomorrow is the future, but so is 5 billion years from now, and in the long run we’re all dead.
  13. This made me chuckle. +1 for the entire post. I also hope it felt good to get that out.
  14. It doesn’t go the other way, though. Palestinians are not Hamas any more than Iraqis are ISIS / ISIL. I’m not familiar with the Hamas command structure, but who’s making the decisions on this?
  15. Lol. In this amazing and expanding universe. 🎶 On the reason that certainty is for fools
  16. Correct in most cases, but exceptions exist. https://www.businessinsider.com/examples-of-evolution-happening-right-now-2015-2
  17. AHA, but Tomorrow NEVER ever arrives!!! It’s always today!!! Bwah hahaha. Checkmate, science nerds. You just got pwned!🤓
  18. I acknowledge the possibility it won’t, while accepting the likelihood it will as a near certainty
  19. It’s both. Stop being foolish and wasting time
  20. Which animals? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/smarter-you-think/202003/do-animals-plan-the-future#:~:text=In repeated trials%2C the apes,Bräuer %26 Call%2C 2015).
  21. Thx for the link. Not to sound defeatist, but this is happening whether we slow down or not.
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