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Everything posted by Realitycheck

  1. As far as I can tell (which isn't saying much), VASIMIR's employ a relatively substantial amount of thrust and would be kind of overkill being used as a tug. Wouldn't a regular ion engine suffice? Maybe there isn't necessarily anything wrong with too much thrust, but I'm just thinking about how tugboats always move real slow. Err, I just reread that you stated that the moon would require VASIMIR's for moving. What does the moon have to do with it? Probably just a typo. Maybe when you factor in the distance that these asteroids are from earth, then maybe mining them where they are is more efficient. I mean, you're either going to be mining them where they are or mining them in orbit, seems like kind of a waste of energy. Just a thought.
  2. Yeah, that's the ticket! We can have filet of lion fish! I hear it goes real well with sea cucumber hearts.
  3. What you seem to be leaving out is the difference between today's Koran and the one from 1400 years ago that was supposedly memorized in bits and pieces by his followers, then written on leaves and pieces of bark, and only eventualy written on paper, as the story goes. Looks pretty heavy on the propaganda, but on closer inspection, I think the term Antichrist maybe takes things a bit too far. While the general opinion of him among Christians and Jews back then was that of a deceiver and he was responsible for a good little bit of warring, there were a lot of other Arabian warmongers that were far worse. Its just that when he poses as a prophet with lots of blood on his hands, he really fits the role, despite however diminished his role may have been in comparison with other like-minded Arabs. "While conceptions of Mohammed in medieval Christendom and premodern times were largely negative, appraisals in modern times have been far less so." "The earliest documented Christian knowledge of Mohammed stems from Byzantine sources. They indicate that both Jews and Christians saw Mohammed as a deceiving prophet, or at least in certain circles. In the Doctrine Jacobs hyper baptiz of 634, Mohammed is also portrayed as being 'deceiving, for do prophets come with sword and chariot? You will discover nothing true from the said prophet except human bloodshed.' (wikipedia/Mohammed) In conclusion, I think that the shoe fits if you want to make that argument. He was supposedly ordered to revelate by Gabriel. His "revelations" are untrue and mimic the original Biblical message, not really revealing anything. He made up his own religion, later combining it with Judaism and Christianity. He warred. His war was rather limited and insignificant. Jesus never came back. Stalemate. However, when you factor in the more significant wars by other later Arabs and the Crusaders and so forth, thats when the ideology seems to change (or rather, when things start to heat up), but that's not necessarily relevant.
  4. It is not a good picture, but it looks somewhat like a white wolf, except for the retracted claws.
  5. What's keeping you from doing this yourself, if not simply just for the value of testimony? That can be a very powerful experience.
  6. Both, but muscles generally grow by splitting (hyperplasia) and bones usually grow by expanding (hypertrophia).
  7. You might want to read up on this little thing called insulin resistance. Weight loss is not necessarily so simple for everybody.
  8. What is your diet like? Poor diets are notorious for making skin conditions considerably worse than they need to be. Just a long shot.
  9. I am no expert either, but considering that the difference in your pain level is possibly due to differences in your systemic inflammation level, the root cause could show up in a subdued state, but that's not a guarantee. There are lots of possibilities/factors.
  10. This is NOT a brainteaser, repeat. This is NOT a brainteaser.
  11. This reminds me of the food they give people on life support, uggh. There's something to be said about differentiation - eating from a variety of different sources, cramming it all into a mega shake sounds so limiting no matter how you shake it, especially when you factor in the multitude of not so essential nutrients, like bioflavonoids and so forth, which seem to lose their effectiveness when they are processed.
  12. Just a little wandering musing. Recollections of parallels on a different plane, or something like that. Part of my undercover past.
  13. Ubuntu is one of the most popular and user-friendly distros and they offer a live cd. It's been years since I opened a terminal window. The biggest advantage I found is that you get absolutely no spyware garbage to mess with, no viruses, no hackers, but if you want Windows software, like games and any of the advantages of profit-driven software, it has its limitations. Openoffice misses lots of functionality from the real thing, however obscure the differences may be.
  14. They had it coming, if so. I kept wondering why Obama kept stating that "Fox isn't really a news agency". Was it just because of all of the conservative bias, or because of all of Murdoch's sensationalist affiliates bleeding over to help stain Fox? I think the fact that practically every one of Fox's articles contained a disclaimer like "so and so made a revelation but remained anonymous because they were not authorized to talk to the media" was a factor. Possibly because the information obtained was through a cellphone wiretap? Which is completely legal to all in the U.S.? I think maybe there is more to the story which remains to be found.
  15. psst. psst. (I think perhaps the biggest issue in many people's minds is the obnoxious picture. Greatest, really? As in like Marilyn Manson greatest?) Many people have distinct reasons for their overblown distastes of religion, childhood issues and so forth. It's important to remember that most of the religious have good intentions in mind, however flawed, distorted, and problematic they might be (especially some of the writings), though things like mental instability and drug abuse can cause things to go too far. Might I suggest a style makeover, new name/picture? You might actually like it, find it freeing. Just a suggestion.
  16. Refer to Marat's post. They were at war for quite some time, now they are not necessarily. Saying that Islam preaches fellowship with Christanity doesn't mean that they always did.
  17. C'mon, Islam fought the Crusaders for hundred of years. The only reason you hear talk resembling what you say is because they have mostly reconciled and try to cover it up. Mohammed is at least as guilty, was easily arguably the instigator, and went on quite a rampage unchecked before the Crusaders got really organized about fighting back, IIRC. Its all history, hundreds of years, like 650 - through the 1100's-1300's or so. It's all history. Why lie? Sooner or later, warring peoples reconcile, but why lie?
  18. Since the whole program was designed to send guns across the border, to the hands of the enemy, I might add, I really don't see what your point is. Are you just sticking up for 2nd Amendment rights, that Americans should be able to sell guns indiscriminately because of Constitutional rights, to anybody and everybody, especially since they're going across the border, even in light of these unique circumstances? Let em kill em all? (Mexican police, American police, any police that are in the way of a severely corrupt society?) Surely, I am missing something here. I am just not following you. Since the whole program was designed to send guns across the border, to the hands of the enemy, I might add, I really don't see what your point is. Are you just sticking up for 2nd Amendment rights, that Americans should be able to sell guns indiscriminately because of Constitutional rights, to anybody and everybody, especially since they're going across the border, even in light of these unique circumstances? Let em kill em all? (Mexican police, American police, any police that are in the way of a severely corrupt society?) Surely, I am missing something here. I am just not following you.
  19. What I ascertained out of it from my limited exposure to it is that it seeks to quantify and qualify various attributes of the mind, maximize capabilities of these respective quanta, and generally progress to a more efficient, powerful sense of well-being, although the effects seem to have led some of its followers to be overly self-serving, in light of the selfless, caring nature of Christianity. Some of these so-called quanta seemed a bit odd, which is what turned me off to it primarily. It was kind of like Hubbard made up a human attribute of the mind called zorgness, which defined ones ability to convince people. In order to develop your zorgness, you might go to a retreat and work on your idiomay, which would pertain to your sense of strength of character and willpower. Altogether, the coining of odd terms to characterize Scientology-specific quanta had a very odd feeling and even though at the time I was going through a spiritual awakening and looking for anything other than the antique standard, it did not impress me, like stoned kids trying to sell me snake oil. The recent revelation that they typically shunned peer-reviewed psychology and psychiatry only turned me off that much further.
  20. The biggest cause of death, according to WHO besides starvation, is heart disease, which is caused by poor diet.
  21. A mutation event occured around Scandinavia around 10,000 years ago, resulting in the blonde, blue-eyed genotype (not necessarily at the same time). The relative recentness of this is the primary reason why it is so rare. That's all the mathematical proof I need.
  22. In Revelations, the Antichrist seems to clearly be referred to as an actual person and Islam and Christianity were clearly at war for quite some, yet there was really no clear winner with both sides being godly and virtuous in their own ways. It really seems like that was possibly the case since the Antichrist was supposed to mimic Christianity and deceive, etc. But it also seems that Christanity has toned down its message over time out of attempts at reconciliation and changed their message to more of a figurative one. Actually, I'm not even sure why I asked because Islam has kind of relished in the role, claiming that Mohammed was ordered to revelate by the angel Gabriel and the rest is history. But since Islam kind of jumped the gun and accepted the Old Testament and mythology as truth, that poses a significant flaw in so-called "revelation". However, since Islam does seem to have some sense of respect for science at some level, yet remaining respectful of its vast majority of old school followers, what will it take to get everyone on the same page? One thing I have noticed is that while many Jews have let go of the fallacies of the OT, many Christians have stubbornly clung to their creationist beginnings either due to an orthodox-like habit or out of spite, simply because that is "what is written".
  23. Yeah, I've read a lot of stuff on there before. The stuff that is really far out there is really loosely cited or not cited at all, like the Alcubre? drive and the wormholes which show a simple diagram and description, but give no explanation whatsoever for how to create or exploit a wormhole, much less how to map one to a specific location. Pure speculation that plays on peoples' enthrallment with science fiction. "Like, all you have to do is FOLD SPACE, man. Cut out all the riff raff. See your way through."
  24. A number of popular game fish and food stock fish were recently placed on the threatened list, IIRC. With such a healthy component of peoples' diets disappearing from the menu, it's pretty much inevitable to have a detrimental impact on the health of the world's people. Not only will they be missing an excellent source of low fat protein that will inevitably be replaced by saturated fats, articial additives, and the like, but also the only substantial source of Omega 3 fats in coldwater fish. There are already a number of stocking and fish farming projects in the world. I wonder how big of an impact they have on a worldwide scale, probably nominal, at best. Since Omega 3's are only substantial in coldwater fish, I wonder just how critical it is, since the rest of the world don't have access to it. I suppose that the body is able to make do with alpha-linolenic acid from grains, though the conversion process is nowhere near as efficient. I wonder what predominantly hunters did, probably didn't live very long. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110707141201.htm
  25. Do they ask you if you have any moles and where they are located, any other similarly personal information, since the masses seem to be so willing to share it?
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