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Everything posted by Realitycheck

  1. Well, the hypothesis has pretty much been shot down. I have shot it down myself in the past, revived it, amended it, the whole nine yards, but finally it is where it belongs. The most current version was this. Since there was no way that man could move 800 ton blocks of stone 1/3 mile over a hill and so forth and so forth, little green men evolved on Mars .5-1 billion years ago since the sun was hotter which made Mars a livable planet. Then, when it got a lot colder, they simply moved to Earth. If primitive dinosaurs can evolve in 4 billion years, what difference does a few hundred million years make? This could only happen since there was a very large mass of frozen ice discovered on Mars recently which has a lot of dirt blown over it, the water being enough to cover the planet if melted. They came and brought civilization to earth because they were the only ones who possibly could have since I have a hard time believing in warp drive, force fields, and all of that stuff that makes interstellar flight feasible, even though water-filled planets 150 light years away sounded inviting. With the gravity on this Jupiter-sized planet, these humanoids would be pretty tough, possibly even giants. I hear that there were supposedly lots of giants walking around the earth in the infancy of creation. If you really want to go far out on a limb, you can go with the author who says that the asteroid belt formerly known as the planet which had its own heat source and an elliptical orbit which extended far past the orbit of Pluto (though this could be construed as a spaceship if you read into the hidden code of it) right before the inhabitants bailed out of the planet or was it the other planet that this planet collided with and then colonized Earth and lived for tens of thousands of years genetically engineering hybrid humans that could live for 900 years before the DNA gradually became watered down near his humble abode with the great snake standard hanging from atop his flagpole. Note that the previous sentence is how his books would read. This is of course derived from 10,000 year old Sumerian tablets displaying king lists of gods who descended from heaven living to be tens of thousands years old until the great flood washed them all out with all of their great technology, after which they could only live for hundreds of years, including the great Gilgamesh, son of a phantom. But now, all of this junk (and not quite junk) is where it belongs.
  2. Based on my still somewhat brewing hypothesis, temperatures would be 50-100F degrees hotter. Is there any scientific basis for this type of phase in our sun?
  3. My calculations came out a lot differently, but you raised a good point, which is something that I had somewhat anticipated. That is why I asked this here. SF per stone 10752 (12x14x64) SI per stone 1548288 Tons per stone 300 Pounds per stone 600,000 Pounds per CI .39 Hardly the density of limestone, as this measures out to 674 lbs./cf while the actual density of limestone is about 150 lbs./cf. If you upgrade it to granite, it still comes out to about 160 lbs./cf. Thanks for your help. Those are still some pretty big numbers though.
  4. Considering the immense mass of these particular blocks, I highly doubt that wood could help you in any way.
  5. This is, without a doubt, the greatest wonder the world has ever known, yet the least well-known, primarily because it is controlled by Hezbollah in Lebanon. Read the 5 page slide show on the following webpage to see everything you need to know about its construction, what sets it apart from all the other wonders that try to come close, and how nobody can truly describe anything about it that flies in the face of reason. http://www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_5b1.htm
  6. I have a hypothesis brewing that makes the sun burning a lot hotter (50-100 degrees) back in the time of the dinosaurs and before.
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