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Everything posted by Realitycheck

  1. If a star has progressed in evolution to its carbon stage, what prompts you to state that the carbon form produced is diamond? Why not graphene or buckeyballs or just graphite? Seems like there would be a lot more diamonds in existence if they were produced in stars.
  2. Just do the math (Drake Equation). Aside from the reality of that, the potential for interstellar travel between our closest stars is pretty dismal and essentially pointless, don't mean to sound like too much of a spoiler.
  3. Eating through a tube sounds like it would be really uncomfortable. Have you thought about whether you would run it down your throat, nose, or have a hole made in your stomach? Honestly, it really sounds like you have some deep-seated issues of some sort, if you're that locked into your inability to accomplish your goals by any means necessary. I would suggest seeking some inexpensive professional guidance of some sort, or better yet, a group thing like Weight Watchers, but the reality of the situation, based on your stubbornness and illogical embracing of the fantasy world, not to mention your screen name, is most likely that you are a drug addict and your issues are likely more deep-seated than needing the right dietary plan. I , personally, have no problem eating my veggies if they aren't buried in an all-inclusive shake and I surely wouldn't have to insist that that was potentially the one and only possible way that I could conceivably undertake a diet. Somewhere along the way, mankind discovered these things called spices to make vegetables taste a whole lot better than a veggie shake, though perhaps you're in too much of a hurry to mess with that. I would suggest possibly reading some Tony Robbins - Awaken the Giant Within, to perhaps help set your priorities straight.
  4. Looks like limestone, if it is reacting with vinegar, but it also does look somewhat crystalline. The picture is not real clear.
  5. and that's the truth, Ruth.
  6. You could try cnet.download.com and search for video capture software. Surely, they have one with decent specs.
  7. Stellar mass black holes are probably comparable in size and density to neutron stars, as described. Everything else seems reasonable enough, though I wouldn't bet my life on the exactness of anything, err , except for the first part. I personally don't believe in the concept of singularities as anything other than mathematical centers of gravity. Fitting all of the matter of the universe into a little dot is really inconceivable. I would probably sooner believe in spontaneous generation of quantum particles.
  8. Actually, Allah means literally "submission to God", so the problem lies within what is personal will and what is God's will, in the eyes of a splinter group fanatic.
  9. Then, after decades of entitlements and inflation, he/they want to target all of these seniors who had all of this tax deducted from their paychecks, year after year, decade after decade, as a solution to their own financial mismanagement, warmongering, and interest payments, not to mention all of the special interest stuff done in the name of attracting investment.
  10. At the moment, I believe I was alluding to the deterioration of the multitudes of popular game fish and fish stocks throughout the world. Wasn't really meant to be lighthearted.
  11. I might point out that this is a science website, not a science fiction website, as the two are drastically different. Just a thought.
  12. OK, my mistake, I missed the predigested part, but how significant can that be unless you have some legitimate digestive disorder? Just do it. If you happen to have an Aldi's nearby, they have bargain basement produce prices. You just have to make do with what you can. This sounds like something you really want to do and have educated yourself fairly well, so you can just improvise. Something is always better than nothing, but I just don't see how altering your method makes all that much difference, but what do I know?
  13. Sounds like you just have a loose connection on your hard drive. Err- your BIOS needed straightening out.
  14. They will keep passing short term measures at a very minimum.
  15. Good point and an interesting question. I was always interested in documentaries and basically anything that was on cable, which wasn't available out in the country, but the whole Power Rangers thing always seemed a bit overdone on the fantasy.
  16. Actually, since the subjects in the report were eleven year olds, I can see how the effects could be exaggerated to the levels described. Essentially, the dominant values from the previous 3 or 4 decades have pretty much flip-flopped to a very different set of values. Using a list of 16 behavioral factors influencing kids, over the last ten years, fame went from fifteenth to first, while benevolence went from second to thirteenth.
  17. Obviously, you must be eating something. Has it been effective or is there some factor, such as money, that has kept you from trying it out on yourself? Your diet did not sound terribly complicated or expensive, though fresh produce in some stores can cost 5 or 10 times more than fresh produce in other stores.
  18. Bones cells would tend to develop with age, growing longer and thicker, and probably to a much lesser extent, in response to resistance.
  19. I actually did my own little ketosis diet for a little while years ago, experimenting around, trying to lose those last ten or twenty pounds. Definitely is not very fun. With all of the things in life that can make fat-loss difficult, like insulin resistance, diabetes, and genetics, sometimes shocking the system can be a good thing, especially since you seem to be so well-read on the subject. Just be vigilant and exercise caution. It sounds like you will have all of your bases covered, so it can't be that bad, and if you start to feel a bit too strung out, remember, it's ok to cheat a little, because your body is probably trying to tell you something, that maybe you missed a detail because you've been on a fad diet!
  20. Yeah, it made the Army base martyr wannabe go ballistic in frustration at so little successes terrorists were making in the homeland, so he had to take things into his own hands and make some news. Then, there was that shoebomber guy, and that other guy, and that other guy ... I lose track of them all. Just go to the airport an hour earlier once a year. What's the big deal? How has terrorism prevention affected YOU today? In the past month? In the past year? Maybe since bin Laden is now dead, we can just drop everything and go back to what we are doing. Kind of defies the meaning of "al Qaeda", but excuse me if I think that it's a tad bit soon.
  21. You would fall to the floor and die, as the heart would not be able to pump blood.
  22. According to this article just published, after decades of relative stability, the values typically learned by teenagers from television took a sharp dive, from being high on empathy and kindness to dominated by narcism and fame. Out with Full House and That Seventy's Show, and in with Hannah Montana and American Idol. The first thing that sticks out to me is that these shows don't seem like they could be that bad, though I have never seen either of them. The odd thing about this study is that this phenomenon seemingly affected us overnight. While we all sat around expecting the world to drift into self-centeredness, it didn't really seem to have that effect until after the millenium change - at least according to this. Of course, who's really saying that the world is all that bad, right? I haven't had a chance to read tomorrow's Monday paper yet, but the news was rather intriguing. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110712094237.htm
  23. Ah-hah, cultured meat could solve all of our protein deficiency problems. Scallopini on the half-shell, anybody? We have the technology.
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