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Everything posted by geordief

  1. I am not familiar with "Social Housing" in Europe (just in UK and Ireland) but ,from this article it appears that it is a European thing and being discussed in USA https://www.npr.org/local/305/2020/02/25/809315455/how-european-style-public-housing-could-help-solve-the-affordability-crisis I wonder if it might help the homelessness problem in the States(and if homelessness is worse over there than it is here-don't think we have the opioid problem as bad anyway) When I was hitching in the States I used to look for accommodation in rural police stations and was obliged(somewhere in the Rockies from memory)
  2. Don't you have an entitlement to subsidized public housing in USA? We do ,if you get on the housing list and your means and needs qualify you. Thatcher sold off a lot of the "council houses" in her day which (I don't live there but I imagine) must make it very hard to get a house where you might want to live.
  3. It is off topic but perhaps of interest that I was once threatened with deportation from France via use of their vagabondage laws. I was "working" for a Belgian employer in Agen who had a very strong disagreement with me (he had to be pulled off me and he was armed) and he told me to leave ,which I did. He knew I had no money and was working for free.
  4. But once the houses are built you can get on the housing list if you pass the means test and if you fo not qualify for subvention (think there is something for first time buyers) the cost of housing (renting or buying)for the better off would probably fall to a degree. Whatever about homelessness the inability to get a home near work makes life hard for the workers and creates a problem for the popularity of the government which is forced to set targets for house building
  5. If you just increase the amount of houses built to match the demand won't the prices of houses fall overall? You just build them where possible (in sufficient quantities) and the housing availability part of the homelessness equation falls off the table. There is a housing crisis in Ireland and ,as well as I can understand that is the argument put forward here -because even working couples can't get on the property ladder.
  6. Not much spare flesh on that. No wonder he enjoyed celebrity. Shame he wasn't a jazz maestro to top it all off.
  7. Oh yes ,I was just thinking about the subject and would know very little about it. It is just to give myself another viewpoint on relativity overall. You gave me a couple of terms that might make sense if I come across them another time. (At least this thread ,short as it is is controversy free
  8. If a space craft is approaching the Earth with a speed of v and the Earth is rotating around its axes are there simple transformations btw a frame of reference in the craft and a frame with its origin on the surface of the (completely spherical earth)? Or are we just talking about an approximation and does the Earth drag its frame of reference ,even if unnoticeably so?
  9. Does China hold a lot of American debt?How much?
  10. Are the main holders private financial institutions?
  11. Well the Vietnam War (amongst others?) took place in the Cold War. Edit: X-posted
  12. It would be very hard of course but the economic relationship with China has only been important in recent years . If we have the choice between having civilised or distanced relations between a regime that is actively propping up an assailant on its borders I am not sure whether there is much real choice. Putin will not stop at Ukraine(but of course he will stop at the borders of Nato)
  13. I heard that it would not make that much (strategic) difference. Don't know the reasoning behind that. Can China afford to take the side of Russia against Europe?
  14. C'est possible Pour les morosophies en Physique, nous avons alternativement la Loi de Pascal Boyer, qui utilise le terme "cracquepotterie" (Crackpottery). la craquepotterie s'occupe (secoue) des fondations de la physique les craquepots ou craquepotteurs sont des ingénieurs😀 les craquepots sont mâles les craquepots 'entre eux' ne sont pas mutuellement aux courant de leurs travaux. En fait, ils considèrent les autres craquepots comme les autres physiciens, la science traditionnelle. la théorie craquepote est intuïtive et plus simple que la théorie établie la craquepoterie est mathématiquement plus simple et dépasse rarement le niveau de l'école ou la première année d'études la craquepoterie est basée sur des livres d'école, et jamais sur des publications récentes. Le craquepot n'est pas au courant. Il existe un index de craquepoterie par John Baez (en anglais) qui permet d'évaluer numériquement une nouvelle théorie Jess Kiddun "https://desencyclopedie.org/wiki/Morosophie
  15. Skip outside or you may divide half the crockery into pieces. I often use the leftovers and incorporate them into tomorrow's meal but broken bits of china would probably send me to the dentist's chair and reduce my bank balance.
  16. I was wondering whether the direction of the resultant wave differs from the other 2 waves and if that might cause a slow down. And what about the interactions with particles .Do they slow down the wave ? Is what I though,too but the waves from the electron are not moving in the same direction as the light wave ,are they?
  17. Ah yes ,but the distinction btw the quantum and the classical model is far from second nature to me. But thanks for the reminder.
  18. So interactions with particles don't "hold up" the passage of the light? It is the presence of electrons which create their own wave which interferes with the light wave,producing a resultant wave to move at a speed lower than c?
  19. As I heard it light moves either at c or at zero with no other speed in between.Everything between interactions is the vacuum where the speed of light is c and I confess to knowing very little of the processes that actually go on during interactions with the medium,or how long 1 such interaction might take (which slows down the overall speed of light in any particular medium)
  20. Shiny bright objects are not always what they seem to be. "A shape-shifting robot that looks like a cross between a Lego figure and the T-1000 from Terminator 2 has been filmed melting itself to escape through the bars of a miniature jail cell." https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-64668021
  21. Our enemies have honied voices 😀
  22. That seems to me a de facto belief that there are more important matters to occupy one's time. (It is only when these seemingly quaint belief systems infringe upon one's political freedoms that mindset becomes a kind of head in the sand)
  23. So the title of the thread should be changed to."Anti-theism ,nature or nurture" Rather confusing otherwise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antitheism "I'm not even an atheist so much as I am an antitheist; I not only maintain that all religions are versions of the same untruth, but I hold that the influence of churches, and the effect of religious belief, is positively harmful." Christopher Hitchens
  24. Hey ,I am starting to find this thread a bit distasteful(and how do we define "tossed"?) 😀
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