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Everything posted by geordief

  1. As they say ,it is the journey that counts more than the destination. One of our most rewarding activities is acquiring and assimilating new information. With this particular project there are likely to be endless detours and stopovers -if we can manage not to destroy ourselves as a species before we get anywhere along this particular path.
  2. I understand that the "learning system" is made up of pairs of neurons. Do these neurons need to be located in proximity to each other or ste there pairs with "ends" at the opposite side of the brain? I wonder is the next step to digitise this representation and to stimulate it with diffferent inputs. I remember that film where Jeff Goldblum turns into a fly https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fly_(1986_film)
  3. I know that asking "why" is normally pointless but I have heard this "gravity is a source of gravity" thing before. I assume the maths dictate this but does this presumably verified fact tell us something about gravity and curved spacetime? Is there any particular insight involved in that finding?
  4. Seems to be used but by geeky computer types. Can't find it in the online dictionary . But that was how I interpreted your typo (it felt jarring ,though) Seems like the "game" has moved along with commentators saying Netanyahu is exploiting the American election space and may have his eye on Iran (and his personal survival)
  5. I think it is pie in the sky to assume that either side will fight with what they see as one hand behind their back. True ,there is the overarching aim of a peaceful cooperation but that is a long term process. You seem to be taking the "knife to a gunfight " analogy too literally.It applies to all parties to all conflicts. Indeed.I think that was Golda Meir's regret -that the Palestinians had forced Israel to abandon its ideal for the sake of its own survival (I forget the language she used) Trampling on others is what happens when paic spreads through a crowd.Maybe Israel is goung through the same process in a slower way If it fears for its very survival it is more difficult to expect what we would see as "civilized" behaviour Of course it needs "our" material and moral support but perhaps wishes it didn't.
  6. If your enemy is using particular weapons it makes no sense to restrict yourself to approved weaponry if the alternative is that they prevail and you are destroyed or scattered to the 4 winds into countries that have historically despised you. There is an expression about bringing a knife to a gunfight. Some of the rest of the world seems to want to view Israel as just another country that wishes to "be like them" Without much personal experience of the country (although I was evacuated from Egypt in 56) I cannot say if the Israelis view themselves that way or whether they (all,some,most?) consider themselves to represent the generations of Jews who were shunned worldwide and finally escaped in scattered bands the dustbin of history that was to be their lot some 2 generations ago. That is not to say that I approve of the Israeli actions but I will be one of the last to judge them (errors,strategic and tactical are par for the course in any walk of life and I do not begin to envy theirs)
  7. The ones I have were installed by the fire brigade who came upon us(off duty or at any rate in a smallish vehicle) as the car had broken down on the main road (the clutch). In excess of duty they brought us home (having called for the garage) and inspected the property installing 2 alarms gratis upstairs and down. They are battery operated and if or when then go off there is a button in the centre that can be reached with a stick or by stretching otherwise .This turns them off (individually) I assume this is how to turn them off in a real emergency since this is how I test them periodically in case the battery has gone or if the unit is defective. I have had several real fires in my life some of which required called out the emergency services so I count myself something a of a flawed expert.
  8. I had been wondering lately if we are all competitive eaters as I have noticed that in myself-and certainly the dog.
  9. OK , so watery milk next time with the bread. I see something similar applies to butter -not toxic but not good. .....I think this is a good argument for commercial biscuits as this kind of knowledge is hopefully included in the product and amateur mistakes are avoided.
  10. Yes I make him up something if we run out of biscuits. It would be bread and butter with milk and a little bit of chicken pieces. He also gets the scraps from our dinner plates. But the biscuits are popular (he waits until there is no more really good stuff before heading off there) and I understand that the stinky smell is attractive to them.
  11. I disagree.I had an acquaintance back in the day who was a "petomane" as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Pétomane (but not him of course) In circa 1970 he went out one night and claimed upon his return that he (he was called "Dan l'Americain") to his girlfriend that he had been beaten up by the police (a mark of honour then) She got him to admit the injuries were self inflicted.. He also claimed to be a deserter from the Vietnam War- but never to being able to breathe through his colon.
  12. I missed that last year . Do you have a recipe? This fairly recent thread I found on reddit argues against expecting to achieve results that would save money and that it could be unhealthy if done without expertise. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frugal/comments/14esy2w/how_do_i_make_dog_food_on_the_cheap/
  13. geordief

    Harris vs Trump;

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=necmhMW09gg Little Sister pleases me more.😃 Does she (Kamala) have the road map to the vote now that it is clear that he is her bitch?
  14. You should take a look at exchemist's beautiful picture here then. Isn't it gneiss Would'n it be gneiss if the Boy found it in the Beach?
  15. Sure it is not spideation? The eyes ,you say....ah yes a bit familiar....cute ,yes and kind of ,welcoming. I think I'll take a cl..................
  16. I thought it looked like a crab
  17. Turn the last one downside up and you have "Escapologist".(oh is it not a frog?)
  18. If the universe was to begin and end in endless cycles (which is not anything of a consensus as far as I know) then would you have the chicken and egg question** as to which came first -or was more consequential? Would the question be as to whether you could as well say that the material universe emerged from a "mental" universe? God knows there would be no way to find an answer other than whether it could be disproved. **(I think I understand that the actual chicken /egg question is not paradoxical and that -well I can't remember the answer but was it "the egg"?)
  19. Would that be an indication that most people are active on other kinds of sites where different expectations of civility (and levels of moderation) apply? So ,when they first post here they forget to wipe their feet on the mat.. Unless science forums naturally attract people who want to "show up the experts"
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8erpgy727jo Funny ha ha (Edinburgh Festival one liner winners) eg Comedian Mark Simmons was voted the winner with his gag: "I was going to sail around the globe in the world’s smallest ship but I bottled it.”
  21. I think it may have been me who used the description first in this thread. But it I meant that it vindicates the value we place in our own existence That it can be worth doing on its own account. Not an original thought in the slightest as the expression "art for art's sake" surrounds us all and is oart of the common currency.
  22. geordief

    Political Humor

    We are living through times of great and easy satirism.(such a shame Kelsey Grammer decided to satirise himself)
  23. geordief

    Harris vs Trump;

    Yes ,it wouldn't have been hard.He has gone down in my estimation as an expert conman. Victim of his own bs? Something crawled up his ear?
  24. geordief

    Harris vs Trump;

    I was very surprised he didn't get much of a bump(was it cancelled out very quickly when Biden called it off?) Bet Trump was put out by that after all that ear merchandising to complement the pampers couture.
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