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Everything posted by geordief

  1. Are we talking about the set of all possible particle to particle(more realistically body to body) interactions? Actual light emanating from one body does not physically interact with the light from the other body ,does it?
  2. Is there any thing that can be considered to be unchanging? Suppose we are somehow present at the death of the observable universe has anything remained "as it always was" ? What about 1+1=2 ? Whereas 1+2 no longer =3 ? Will mathematics cease to apply incrementally as the conditions it described end?
  3. And can each frame calculate the ordering as it would appear to any other observer?
  4. r Suppose we have events A,B,C D and E and we have For#1, FoR#2 and FoR #3 . How many time orderings of A,B,C,D and E can there be FoR#2 and FoR #3. (if we accept ,perhaps for simplicity that for FoR#1 the order is A,B,C,D,E) Here's hoping I have not got the wrong end of the stick and that my question is clearly expressed and valid
  5. Is that because you are from Kerry?
  6. Another misconception I had was that a clock approaching an observer would run fast and a clock moving away would run slow. Is there a non mathematical way (maths are hard for me) to explain why this is so? If an object approaches the observer and subsequently recedes from him are there any special properties around the point where the object is neither approaching or receding?(seems that time dilation is completely unaffected then) This would be the point of nearest approach. I can see that this is the point where the Doppler effect switches from increased frequency to decreased frequency . Is that all that happens?
  7. Is this all about Globalization and is Trump and even American democracy a sideshow? Is he just one of millions of citizen Canutes who don't like where they are,willy nilly going ? Did anyone really think the American electorate was more enlightened than any other? Their beliefs and attitudes reflect their up till now privileged position in the world order and the real and mythological steps along the path of their recent history. This is not to say they do not have an outsized portion of responsibility to themselves and others ,but at this point of time they seem to have decided "fuck it". As someone said once "The Times they are a Changing" .
  8. Do we know why atomic clocks are predictable (there is no "internal mechanism" is there?) Is it because all the different types of atomic clocks are all identical to each other and so , in the same environment they all run to the same beat?
  9. Heard that before and I thought it was Churchill. Did I also hear that Johnson was a really despicable character? A very good retort no matter who it was ,but it would not work on the internet
  10. Is non-locality applicable over any distance? Right to the edge of the observable universe? Do the two related events have to be related in any way apart from originating from the same "parent event"? Does the "detector" have any input into the phenomenon ? Hope I am not derailing. Please let me know if I am.
  11. An interesting caveat. I wonder what would constitute evidence of causal connection at a quantum (and classical?) level . Would it be chicken and egg?
  12. Does the relativity of simultaneity have any bearing on "before" and "after" ? Is it possible ,dependng on one's FOR to judge that the order of events are different to the order of the same events as judged by another? Or is it only the proximity of events that can be so altered?
  13. You know,it was probably always going to happen one of these elections . The problem always was "how can so many people be taken (willfully?) in?" To loose the election was a double whammy but it should bring things into clearer focus . Hopefully not just 4 entirely wasted years (if we see them out) We have to live and learn.
  14. Is the equivalence not between energy and mass? Mass is not the same as matter.
  15. He is naturally clunky but he is attuned to what people want to hear. Unless you believe he is sincere
  16. Is it not certain that a Trump presidency is going to disappoint those who voted for him even if he tries to implement any of his "policies" ? What will be the playthrough ** of that scenario? Is he going to be able to find some scapegoat as to why he cannot do what he said he would (without it being transparent) ? **perhaps not how that word is used (or what it means).I meant how the scenario will play out.
  17. I am not sure what you mean by "from an intuitive point of view" . I thought intuition was not considered to be an argument for the truth or otherwise of an observation. Does a phenomenon need to have one cause ? Can time dilation be "caused by" both relative inertial motion and the invariance of the speed of light in all inertial frames? Do you think there must be a "chain" of causation with the speed of light being at the top of the pyramid" (mixing metaphores.perhaps)
  18. If I find the expanding sphere more satisfactory/appealing ,is it OK for me to try and work out those time dilation diagrams using that model ? Does it give a more intellectually satisfying result?
  19. Is the path** "empty" apart from the points along it where an interaction takes place ? Is the "expanding sphere" model any way superior to the "line" model ? **is "trajectory" the correct term?
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