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Everything posted by Externet

  1. Hi. This is NOT a trick question, just came up on a discussion among friends and would appreciate opinions. What is the rentability in percentage of a bank that pays 2% to depositors and gets 8% from loaners ? Perhaps the terminology am using in this post is not the precise one, but it is not my forte.
  2. What foods you stay away from/gravitate towards for health reasons --- Eggs, bacon Do you only buy organic food --- Never Do you eat grains? --- Yes Do you stay away from gluten? --- No Do you stay away from dairy, even if it's organic? --- Away only from milk Do you use sugar? --- A little Use salt? --- Yes Are you a vegetarian? --- No Pescetarian? --- No Do you drink only purified water? --- No Do you drink alcohol? --- Daily, as medicine Do you eat 3 times a day? ---- Yes Do you consume the recommended amount of water? --- No
  3. Hi. In need to lift 700Kg to the place an item will be installed, I have been looking for a winch. A couple of salespersons said the winches they sell are rated for 2000Kg; which fits safety margins but are not meant for lifting vertically, just pulling horizontally with such force. I do not get it. What am I missing, what am I not considering as why the winch force cannot be used for lifting ? [The industry uses hoists for the same task, but chain length limitations do not fit my task (35 metres height). That is why am after a (wire rope) winch] Edited: added a random picture borrowed from the net as example of task: ----> http://escocomm.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Lucas_Oil_Speaker_Cluster-246x300.png
  4. Thanks, gentlemen. Perhaps I should re-touch the original post; my curiosity is around which of the proposed chemicals -sodium carbonate -sodium bicarbonate, -sodium hexametaphosphate, -sodium chloride, -a combination of which, -or another simple compound does a better job in cleaning silver tarnish by sulphide, not by table salt and/or optimal proportions of them to set aside what seems more empirical than science. The original (and similar video) that triggered the use of this method maaany years ago is from Haley's hints : ----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg9skPKr5xc And now, visiting my family overseas, water softener (sodium hexametaphosphate ?) is not available locally. So trying to do it with other compounds that could produce as good results as possible, reading other articles in the same subject there is opinions of other chemicals performing equally? well. Even found someone saying that ClNa alone also works ; and being the aluminium and heat the important items for the performance that transfers the tarnish from the silver to the aluminium. Of course understanding the principle of the reaction is also interesting. Thanks again.
  5. The disappearance of a specie does affect the survival of their predators, and changes populations of other related and predated. What ecological bad could come if all mosquitoes cease to exist ? Less frogs and salamanders perhaps ? Would that trigger a major disruption in ecology ?
  6. I know much less than you about the subject, but I report the fact; I experience no redirectioning with Linux. (Ubuntu 10.10 flavor)
  7. I noticed that 'borrowed' Wifi scenario happens when I use Windows; but not on Linux.
  8. "an electromagnetic field that pulses at a frequency of 10 Hz" is a phrase that makes no sense? If the AM radio station transmitter is turned off and on 10 times each second; you would have about one megahertz pulsed at 10 hertz. If the microwave oven in your kitchen is turned off and on 10 times each second, you would have four and a half gigahertz pulsed at 10 hertz. If the speakers at your home stereo are turned off and on 10 times each second, you would have about 1 kilohertz pulsed at 10 hertz. All the above are then, pulsed at a frequency of 10 Hz. But they are all very different in nature of frequency and the effects they radiate. Your choices of frequencies are near infinite even if you stick only to 10 Hz pulsing. It would be convenient for you to differentiate the concepts before planning your analysis on plants. Try to say 'exposing the plants to a X frequency at a rate of 10 Hertz'
  9. Hi. A silverware cleaning method calls for a hot solution of sodium carbonate plus a 'pinch' of common table salt; or sodium bicarbonate, or sodium hexametaphosphate, and even plain table salt alone, all in an aluminium vessel. The reaction is supposed to be " 2Al(s) + 3Ag2S(s) + 6H2O -> 6Ag(s) + 2Al2(OH)3(s) + 3H2S(aq) " But with so many choices as above, I have to think it is more a product of guessy empirism than a fine tuned fact. Any solid suggestions and optimization please ?
  10. Enjoy, -----> http://www.wimp.com/tiniestengine/
  11. Are you talking about reflectors or parabolic concentrators ? No, I did not see the video. What is the intended purpose, what is the wavelenght of preference, what do you expect from them ?
  12. Let's have a moment of silence for all those who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride the stationary bicycle Added text : and whenever they get there will be driving around and around the parking lot again and again until the parking spot by the front door is available. ----> http://www.more-funny.com/2011/11/lets-have-moment-of-silence-for-all.html
  13. Hi. JohnF : Read the transcriptions corresponding to "Page 2 of 9" and "Page 9 of 9" shown by the middle and at the bottom end of this link : http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mj12_16.htm
  14. A steam engine worth sharing. Enjoy. ---> http://amazings.es/2011/11/04/una-maquina-de-vapor-hecha-de-cristal/
  15. Sound energy decays into heat. That 2Kw speaker in vacuum... nothing escaped nor reached the surroundings because never emitted sound without air. It just vibrated and the mechanical friction became heat.
  16. Hang the copper thieves by the gonads and post the pictures everywhere, including places that buy metal. That has to stop it. Because the police does not work, and if they do; the judicial system lets them free with a slap on the hand. Suffered twice copper theft; they make $40 worth of metal and cause thousand$ of damage plus costly downtime. If caught; they can not pay for the repairs because 'they are poor' and do not work.
  17. There is many types of seeds that spin, glide or 'float' on air for transportation away from the parent tree.
  18. It can also be poor design. A properly made unit would mute audio during switching on and ramp up the level after.
  19. That was brilliant, ewmon. Thanks to all.
  20. Nope on electronics adjustments -----> www.fairchildsemi.com/ds/QS/QSE158.pdf If no lensing is promising... Parabolic mirror could work. Thanks
  21. What are the important differences in use interchangeability among coal, carbon, charcoal, graphite ? As to be used in a battery cell electrode; would a rod made of reasonably pure (~85%) 'natural' coal behave like a carbon rod ? Question 2 : Seen chinese machinery manufacturers advertising extruders to make rods and hollow rods from coal/charcoal. What is the main use for such product ? Is it used in USA ? ----> www.alibaba.com/showroom/coal-rods-extruder.html
  22. Hi. How can the exterior (as in a yard) ambient light just after sunset be focused/directed to a photosensor in order to delay its action that turns on some lights at night ? The sensing device is not adjustable for threshold of operation. I have several plano-convex and bi-convex lenses; from 1" to 6" diameter. With a defined light source as the sun disc, focusing it to the photosensor is no problem -when coaxial- but with diffuse light it is another story. Suggestions, please ?
  23. I hate cable/satellite/direct TV traffickers that charge a monthly good chunk of money for you see programming drowning in advertisements. And nobody moves a finger to fight it. It is easier just to pay ? These cable+ service providers make the customers pay twice with the practice. Once for the advertisements and then again to watch them.
  24. If I understand your question properly, the 11 holes could be punched in one downstroke by the same 4.7 ton press if the punch dies are sequentially staggered in depth. I do not know what the 3.7 m have to do here. It would take each punch die to be ~4 mm longer than the other; when punch 1 exits trough the material, the next one starts punching. If that is not what you were after, sorry, will count only as "an idea on how to work it out." - - - - - - - - - - - <---- 11 punch dies assembly going down - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ============ <---- 6061 sheet The leftmost and longest punch die will go trough first, then the next and next while the whole die assembly comes down...
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