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Everything posted by Externet

  1. It has been about fifty years with the teachings of a wise catholic priest, admirable history and literature professor embedded in my 'retina' He mentioned the romanticism originated as a movement of Roman citizens against the church schism. That is, -----> Rome anti schism. (1054?) Can anyone clarify, deny or leave open door to such origin of the movement/word ? I was never able to confirm such anywhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Llevo unos cincuenta años con la enseñanza de un culto sacerdote católico profesor de historia y literatura grabados en mi 'retina'. Mencionó que el romanticismo se originó como un movimiento de ciudadanos de Roma en contra del cisma de la Iglesia. ¿Hay alguien que pueda aclarar, negar o dejar puerta abierta a tal aseveración de Roma-anti-cisma ? Nunca pude encontrar o confirmar tal relación. ¿ Alguien lo sabe ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. As mentioned on Genesis 4.17, the wife of Cain ?
  3. What does "the land of Nod" mean as mentioned on Genesis 4.16 ?
  4. Such "tree of life" is mentioned in Genesis 3.22. What is it ?
  5. It was made around 25¿? years ago. I remember reading but not much more details than being about 50cm diameter and made of glass, as thin as a soap bubble.
  6. Hi all. Is there in the world a nation, tribe, ethnicity... with no content of religion in their beliefs/activities ? No scriptures, commandments, rites... ?
  7. Nasa did bring back to earth asteroid particles on the Stardust spacecraft on January 2006. Check the cost of the mission, multiply it by a number, to capture larger ones. ----> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Stardust_Capsule_on_Ground.jpg ----> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Aerogel_labtest.jpg The problem is to stop the asteroid speed to zero relative to earth in order to 'drop it' with a parachute for soft landing.
  8. A sailboat keel has a roundish leading edge and a somewhat sharp trailing edge. If both edges are made as sharp as a razor blade, setting aside the fragility of such edges; will the sharper keel have less drag ?
  9. Hi. I learned somewhere that sun radiation (heat + light) passes trough glass as in a window, but the heat does not escape again towards the outside trough the glass, bouncing back and getting trapped indoors as in a greenhouse. I have trouble understanding the effect; does it mean an item enclosed in a glass jar indoors will not get warm as the heat will not pass trough glass again ? (except the amount of heat transferred by convection from room air to jar)
  10. Hi. The temperature of the air along the path of a lightning bolt rises to many hundreds of degrees in about a tenth of a second; is that correct ?
  11. Hi. Would you please let me know what dyes that you know are commonly used in households and industry ? (Not pigment particles in suspension) I can think of clothes dyes, hair dyes, fountain pen inks, food dyes. Others please ?
  12. Those clever experiments developed by scientists along the years, as light spectrum on a prism, resonances, beam interruption wheels, mercury barometer column, magnetic induction, Millikan's, and many other share great lucidity in their conceptions. How would you design a clever experiment to measure the propagation speed of gravity ?
  13. Hi. Passing an electric current, even for a brief second, has devastating effects on living cells, destroying/killing them. If a person has a topical infection, would applying electrical current confined to a short path within the affected area with reduced/minimal effect to healthy surrounding tissues work ? Does topical anesthesia work for minor electroshocks ? Does healthy skin, muscle cells killed in an electroshock get replaced by new growth ? Electrodes placement would need some thoughtful technique, but nothing seems extraordinary there. Thanks for opinions. -Please move post to proper section of the forum if this is not the correct one-
  14. Finally found, resurrected this post to let know if someone has interest. Thanks. ----> http://jordanbunker.com/archives/41
  15. From .net to .com ---> http://scienceforums.com/
  16. The reverse of a river boat, being the river flow turning the paddle wheel of an anchored boat. How many horsepower would yield a 0.5m/s say-laminar river flow, for 1 m^2 submerged paddles ? Just a pictorial---> http://njscuba.net/zzz_artifacts/paddlewheel.jpg (not homework)
  17. Thanks, gentlemen. Anders... would that be the case for an insulated magnet not contacting the seawater ? If yes, where from/to would the ions move ? Am trying to discern if the magnets in seawater work in this situation only if there is motion that causes electrical current, and not because of the magnetism : http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/life/zoology/marine-life/shark-magnet1.htm
  18. Hi. A plain magnet, fully isolated from the seawater it is immersed in; as inside a plastic hermetic box. The magnetic field is present in the seawater. Now one of these things happen: Either the magnet is made to spin or move, or the seawater is put to flow around it. Does the electrically conductive seawater experiences an electric current in the vicinity of the magnet ? If there is no motion at all relative to each other, will there be no electric current ?
  19. ----> Please delete if improper language or anything. ----->http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8308962544653504641
  20. Just to clarify... All windows are shut. No outside air interacting with the colder air inside. It was just an observation, turning the car as in a 90 degree corner does not make the air inside to turn 90 degrees with it.
  21. Hi. Is there any living organism with a wheel+shaft-like appendage ? There is feathers, cilia, tails, joints, paws, hooks, scales, wings, hair, and dozens more, but seems mother nature has not invented the wheel.
  22. Disagreed. Would like to see the evidence of an illusion.
  23. My next battery operated german toy, may need to wait a little for it, but been waiting way too long for a real flying saucer on the market. I will settle. Happy drooling ! -----> http://www.e-volo.com/Home.html
  24. If a star, or a sun, 'burns/converts' matter into energy, chances are the homogeneity of its matter among its active surface is not, as flares appear in an area and later on another, as a non uniform surface 'burning' Is our sun propelled (transported, pushed) randomly in space by the energy flares it emits as to move towards opposite the random significant flares ?
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