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John Cuthber

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Everything posted by John Cuthber

  1. I think it's fair to say that nazi propaganda portrayed Jews as 1 sub humans and 2 a different religious group. They also showed the "Aryan" race as superhuman and they attributed this AFIIK to God's will.
  2. Tell me Cap'n, how would you feel if you were the prisoner (and lets assume that the "authorities" have cocked up and you have no information to give them) ? Still sure it's not torture?
  3. Most people who are advised to avoid gluten have a completely different condition; Coeliac Disease. It's not clear that these people would benefit from avoiding aspartame. In any event, these amino acids are fairly common so it's unlikely that a bit more from aspartame will not make any odds.
  4. One of the defining characteristics of a plingybob is that you cannot prove it exists. Sorry I forgot to mention that before. If it were such an algorithm then it would be useful and that would prove it existed; so it's not.
  5. It's an oversimplification, but yes. On the whole, if something is bad for bacterial cells, it's bad for human cells too. A few exceptions like penicillin are used as antibiotics.
  6. Interesting point, but I think it's moot. If I can't tell you what a "plingybob" is then you can't tell me if it exists or not, but if I can't prove that a "plingybob" exists then it doesn't matter what it is.
  7. "I think capital punishment is a different issue. Slaves had no choice in becoming slaves. People on death row are convicted in a court of law because they have committed crimes of the worst form." and the best plan you can think of is to be a killer too. Incidentally about 5 or 10 % of the people on death row have mental health problems. Their capacity to make a choice may be debatable. Anyway, back to the original question. Yes, it makes perfectly good sense to me to commemorate the deaths of the confederates' soldiers. Then again, I'm from the other side of the pond.
  8. At the very least, you would need to know about the size of the magnet etc. Also, if the coin is silver then the answer is "never". There are other issues too. The question is not well enough defined to answer it.
  9. There's not enough data to answer the question.
  10. Unless the burner is designed to deal with gas at 3.3 MPa then this is, at best, not going to work. Most of the Bunsens I have seen are designed to work with about 200 mmH2O (A seriously non SI unit) equivalent to 2.5 KPa i.e. a thousand times less gas.
  11. I have a rough idea of what a soul is as an abstract concept. What I lack is any evidence that such a concept is meaningful. "The fairies at the bottom of my garden" is a logically valid concept, but that doesn't mean they are real. I think the question is not so much "what is a soul?" as "why should I believe that a soul exists?"
  12. Fair point, but there's still the distinction between "denatures" and "destroys". The bleach not only kills bugs, it kills any argument about "contamination" from the ether.
  13. CharonY is not perfectly correct in saying that the body avoids making these nasty chemicals. Generally it does so but, sometimes it makes them deliberately. It makes these aggressive chemicals so it can use them as weapons. Does anyone really them getting about indiscriminately? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory_burst
  14. This http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bourgeat-Excellence-88pt-40cm-16-Stock-Pot-lid_W0QQitemZ250461211393QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_HomeGarden_Kitchen_Cookware_GL?hash=item3a50a6cb01#ht_500wt_956 is the most expensive stainless steel saucepan currently on sale on Ebay (UK). It's about £200. How much would it cost to clean up after a spill of hot strong NaOH solution (even assuming it doesn't harm anyone)? (Incidentally, since it has an aluminium base, I'd not use this particular pot, but I'm sure you get the idea)
  15. What's the big difference? The USA has huge industrial and military reserves. If some country attacked the US with, for example, chemical weapons then the US could deliver enough good old TNT to erase any and all major population centres in that country. Promising not to use nukes just makes it slightly more expensive in the short term (and probably cheaper in the long terms because fallout goes worldwide. It's not a real military sacrifice to give up on first use of nukes if you are the richest country in the world. BTW, Bascule, have you read about this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/sci_tech/highlights/010117_mousepox.shtml
  16. Do you need more information than you could have found here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermogravimetric_analysis If so then a more specific question would help; other wise try http://tinyurl.com/y8htywv
  17. I doubt that there could be any active viruses in ether but, if you want to prove the point, shaking the ether with bleach then washing it carefully with water would destroy anything with proteins in it. This approach would be pointless, but not lethal.
  18. I think you need to learn about the importance of fibre in the diet.
  19. Because God says so.
  20. Among the dumbest ideas I have seen is the suggestion that one runs boiling conc sulphuric acid into water. "So... from there you direct the hot acid into water where it will condense and you'll have pretty pure sulfuric acid "
  21. Do you plan to answer the question? "I would guess Cain bred with the atheist females. The atheist females liked the bad boy with the bling. While the atheist males, who descended from the apes, were into gay stuff, since this is what animals do, according to modern science. The neo-humans, who could extrapolate to the future, avoided that and began to increase their population." LOL
  22. Are you saying that you could do it quicker?
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