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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I appreciate that you consistently make a real attempt to see things from the perspective of others. It encourages me to also put forth that effort with respect to those I seem to be at odds with.
  2. -Cullen Nurseries Also a great wood for furniture.
  3. This sort of debate seems to be happening in other places too. https://news.yahoo.com/zealand-debates-whether-ethnicity-factor-042350944.html
  4. Well, I said "There is always an interesting group of "allies" who advocate for delayed or denied rights/justice, since that will be in the best interest of those who have been harmed." To which you replied "Where do you get this idea from? Who wants to delay anything?" At which point I gave an example of you using an analogy in your very next statement that would delay compensation... "But there's no point inflating the tyre without fixing the puncture properly first." So I guess we are arguing about it.
  5. As infrequently as Bigfoot is spotted (and always an adult, or at least large) I'm surprised the breeding population is large enough to sustain itself since at least 1849. With only one sighting in that area in 26 years either these beasts can breed like the virgin Mary, or they have the longevity of Methuselah.
  6. If you were unfairly denied a loan which resulted in financial harm caused to you I would be in favor of you receiving financial restitution without delay. I do not think it would be fair to make you wait until the financial institution has reviewed, created, vetted and implemented new policies to ensure their unfair practices have been eliminated. Even more so, if a government institution or company wronged you, I don't think your restitution should be dependent on first implementing a behavior change of the general population. I feel confident in labeling that as justice delayed.
  7. There is always an interesting group of "allies" who advocate for delayed or denied rights/justice, since that will be in the best interest of those who have been harmed. 'Delay gay marriage since it will give people time to get used to the idea, else they will fight you.' 'Impeaching Trump will only embolden his supporters. It is in the best interest of Democrats to let his transgressions slide so that you don't risk him winning again.' 'Telling people it is time we had a black woman on the Supreme Court is a bad idea. It will be bad for black women since there will be a lot of pushback.' Sometimes I have a hard time telling certain 'allies' from the adversaries.
  8. Correct me if i am wrong please, but i thought that just because a drug is 50x stronger than an alternative, that does not mean you inject a volume equal to 1/50th of the weaker drug. You would instead inject a roughly equal volume in both case, but the fentanyl dose would be less concentrated and consist of more 'filler' and less drug. I would expect human error to be roughly the same risk for either drug.
  9. Maybe I'm just naive but I've always assumed that drugs from pharmaceutical companies were mixed to such a level of precision that you didn't have to worry about over- or under-dosing.
  10. Whether you receive fentanyl or any other prescription drug in the same class, one is not safer than another in terms of potency. They are all equally safe. The risk comes when people take drugs that were mixed in someone's basement. I had fentanyl about a year ago as I was passing a kidney stone and raised the same concern. Morphine would have given the same result. They are very good at giving you the correct dose of your selected drug.
  11. I'm not sure that is an issue for doctors. As far as I can tell, doctors see patients during all available appointment slots on any given day. I decided I wanted to see a dermatologist for a check up and my appointment was six months out. It doesn't seem as if losing a patient has any impact on a doctor's income. This may of course not be true in rural areas, and I am only speaking anecdotally.
  12. Yes, I didn't really describe what I meant by 'structural'. I was basically referring to the rules we abide by that makes this country what it is. Mitch McConnell played some pretty dirty tricks when he denied Obama the ability to seat a Supreme Court Justice yet gave Trump that ability four years later under similar circumstances. But, McConnell was well within the rules; he simply took advantage of somewhat poor wording. Can't blame the guy for taking advantage of the situation. DeSantis seems to be performing similarly. He is fighting Disney by using the rules, and when he oversteps he does not try to have judges thrown out or incite violence. Trump on the other hand breaks the law, encourages others to do so, and attempts to circumvent the rules that have kept us together for a couple hundred years. Trump is more of a threat to our country continuing to exist as a federal democratic republic than Germany or Japan ever were.
  13. Yes. Do you find he is purposely doing structural damage to his state and/or the institutions of government? Seems more like he is doing this for show to let people know he is an anti-woke warrior.
  14. DeSantis appears to me to be similar to most politicians on the far right. He is for the right things (family, American flags, white people) and is against whatever the boogeyman of the day happens to be (lesbians in cartoons, any group that does not have a large voting block). He also seems to try to get his way in a legal manner. I don't see him trying to undermine his state's judicial system, police, or interstate trade. His political actions are mostly for show, sending a plane load of migrants here or there, using Disney Script in his campaign. Surely he is doing things that push the envelope, but nothing more than others have done, and nothing that causes permanent harm.
  15. I may be mistaken, but while DeSantis as POTUS would likely do many things I object to, he doesn't strike me as someone who would purposely do structural damage to his country simply for his own benefit. I really do find Trump to be a sociopath (amongst his many other similarly endearing traits).
  16. I don't think it's likely either but the impact would be significant which is why he still manages to give me heartburn occasionally. . I'm also not likely to die next year but if I did it would really put a crimp in my schedule. 🤪
  17. But it is Sooooo good! I buy milk two gallons at a time and my wife only drinks it in coffee or with the occasional bowl of cereal. Plus cheese, yogurt, ice cream... Maybe I have a dairy problem! 😀 Everything I've read about it suggests it is neither all that great nor all that bad.
  18. I disagree with this. The angry far right is always there. I guess the Tea Party was the last manifestation. But things were better then as no one like Trump made it to the White House. Not many people elected by the far right are stupid enough to hurt our country like Trump did and continues to do. If you cut the head off the snake the body may still squirm and flail about, but it is much less dangerous without the head. MAGA without someone willing to overthrow the government is simply a difference of opinion conveyed with anger.
  19. God I hope so. Don't know if I can deal with Trump again. I'll have to turn off media for four years/till he dies.
  20. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/unity-ticket-2024-presidential-race-democrats-objecting-3rd/story?id=99773854
  21. Who? Please be specific. Sounds like a big, fat straw man to me. So Jews have evidence but blacks don't? I can't fucking stand this shit.
  22. Sorry, but I'm having a hard time getting past this statement. It is hard for me to believe that you cannot see that the lack of education and wealth building done by previous generations has an impact on the current generation. Most wealthy people aren't wealthy because they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. They are wealthy because their families have accumulated wealth and power over generations. Without previous generations, would King Charles be wealthy? Would Trump be wealthy? Would Kennedy have been President of the United States?
  23. Is it fair to assume you are against Jews recovering family possessions and funds that were taken due to the Nazis? The victims of Naziism are after all dead... kaput. Is it also true that their experience cannot be felt by people alive today?
  24. I believe John the Baptist was preparing people for the coming Messiah. Current day Baptism is an immersion into the new life offered by Jesus. While the versions practiced by Jews, John the Baptist, and Christians are similar, they are three different rituals.
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