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Everything posted by Silvestru

  1. Which came first, DNA or protein?

    1. koti


      I'm no expert but I was always convinced that various proteins and amino acids were present in earth's oceans before any life evolved. I don't think it has to contradict with the fact that in today's world its DNA that produces proteins.

    2. tmx3
    3. Sensei



      Which came first, DNA or protein?

      There is Miller-Urey experiment


      Did you hear about it?

      If you will heat, pass current (spark in experiment, in the real world thunderbolt, lightning), cool down, then repeat, mixture of gases such as CH4, CO2, H2O, NH3, HCN, H2, N2, O2.. after a while there will be created the all kinds of organic molecules, amino acids, proteins, DNA. e.g. you can make C5H5N5 (adenine) from 5 HCN.

  2. Haha ok but how do you decide what movies to watch. Even if you like let's say thrillers, there are thousands of movies released each year. As I mentioned I don't trust my friends with recommendations. I like to live or die by my own decisions
  3. Which maths StringJunky? It was assessed that Poincare's mathematical description of the special theory of relativity is entirely equivalent to Einstein's. Oops, sorry I was mixing my op with GR
  4. Haha Stigler was a genius for this. I didn't know about him. (I know you mentioned this but wanted to put the quote for others )
  5. Not exactly a joke or much related to science but I LOL'd
  6. I still cant get out of my head a scene that is only in the trailer for Inglorious basterds where Hitler screams Nein Nein Nein Nein and then it cuts to Brad Pitt's character (forgot his name) saying : Oh Yes Yes Yes Yes. (you can check the trailer). I remember waiting for the second scene the whole movie and it didn't show up haha. I guess it's a letdown when this happens but it's more important to sell tickets and make people go watch the movie even if they are let down. (no one asks for their money back anymore)
  7. Einstein also didn't deny aether for a long time (citation probably needed) but a quote that has a pro and con argument to Poincare: I mean, so what if he believed in an undetectable aether? To my current understanding it's the same as someone correctly formulating the law of conservation of energy for the first time and saying it is so because an undetectable God decided this. Then you "proving" that there is no God or that we don't need a God for that to work and getting all the credit for my law. (I understand I am exaggerating a bit with this last claim but it gets out what I mean). I take this back, aether was proved to not exist long before Einstein drank his first coke: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson–Morley_experiment
  8. I know this has been discussed a bit, I myself was reading the article about the relativity dispute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_priority_dispute I just wanted to understand maybe in greater detail, what did Pincare's theory not predict correctly, (except the E=mc^2 part, which off course is no small detail). I am not asking about a comparison between the two (regarding reference times), I am asking what would the theory incorrectly predict.
  9. How will you know what show to choose then if you wont watch a trailer or if the trailer reveals nothing? Trust your friends recommendation? That backfired on me so bad. American Gods as an example. Many movies nowadays have great trailers but very weak plots. I know it's DC trash tear but always loved the "Suicide squad". When a movie was being released I even loved the trailer but the movie turned out to be abysmal.
  10. About the same chance as these tariffs having a positive effect. Sorry for going off topic but in my opinion the most damage that DT has dealt is not directly to the economy with these tariffs but he divided the American people and ruined the image of the USA. I am not a US citizen but judging by recent media (which sometimes is unreliable I agree) there hasn't been so much hate in the US in a long time. Hate against immigrants, hate between religions hate against trump supporters. As an outsider I can tell you that as opposed to 10, even 5 years ago, right now I would not like to be a US citizen . Hope is not lost. US is the home of many of the world's bright, straight thinking people and my hope is that DT would not get reelected. Fingers crossed!
  11. At what point do you admit you had a bad idea and take it back?
  12. Man made the most important discovery in physics but can't decide whether to spell Carlson with a C or K. Also the fact that you need Carlson at all isn't inspiring trust in your "finding". I bet Carlson is wearing a propeller just to get away from you speculations.
  13. Photons and Electrons are very different particles. The first 3 columns are fermions (matter).Fermions are massive. Photons are Bosons that have no rest mass (massless and as such, always travel at c).
  14. You can start by answering Strange's questions that you kept ignoring or straw-manning.
  15. Did your cat walk on the keyboard? You should seek professional help from only one "brain scientist" for the problem you described. They don't need to unite yet.
  16. Don't take it the wrong way . Just attribute the work and choose the right section. Please continue posting if you run into an interesting article! And don't be afraid to engage in a discussion on the subject.
  17. First we should run a petition to change the confusing term of "Neuroscientist"(bleah) to the more accessible "brain scientists"
  18. Hello and welcome to the forum. Hmm. You have copied word for word the news or article more like it from an external website without quoting or giving credit to the person who wrote this. (In this case "MICHELLE STARR" I guess.) After quoting an article it's nice to add your own opinion/question/doubt or anything like that so we can start a discussion. Sorry swansont, I cross posted.
  19. Bless your heart. Haha well that can't be true, there are proven "new Concepts of Work and Energy" and proof that the "law of conservation of energy is the greatest mistake in physics." Jokes aside, there has to be hope and you have to go on and do what you do as this is all we have. We have to make work with what we have.
  20. Hmm yes but I would have to log once every hour, then open the thread to make sure it's in the section I think it is then follow it. I still can't filter by section. I'll just come out and say it clear: It's totally my own problem but I get off-put when I see so many God discussions flaring up in the topics section. The threads are popping up more that science topics. I really hope I am not offending anyone. I do not want to influence the occurrence or anything related to philosophy and religion I am sure some people here are not interested in physics and it could be an eye sore for someone who came here to discuss religion to see all this inflation/expansion/CERN nonsense in the topic section ...
  21. It would be awesome if there would be a filter for each section that you are interested in the Topics section. Or just to see where it was posted maybe without accessing it. Some of you will say that will be self evident from the title but that is not always the case. I am suggesting this as (not to seem philistine) I don't have an interest in all sections on this forum and the ones I am interested in quickly disappear from this section after being bumped down by let's say philosophy and religion topics. Just to be clarify, I am suggesting a simple filter like in excel where I could tick off topics posted in certain sections.
  22. Haha, I missed that, to be honest I came here ASAP when I saw this crap. Didn't take all things into consideration. Thanks koti. I can now drink my coffee and wake up.
  23. Hello forum, I have many friends that love science but they believe a lot of pseudoscience as well. I see this article popping all over my feed. I read it, there is not much data so it's not so clear but still... Please share your thoughts on this... http://www.thescinewsreporter.com/2018/04/break-researchers-at-cern-break-speed.html Hope this isn't an April fools joke
  24. Sorry koti, went to visit Staszow. Of course not. OP is M.I.A. I doubt we will have some clarification. Apologies for going off topic.
  25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift The article I quoted and the one Strange did explain how the law is not violated. It just doesn't apply in some cases.
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