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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. You've probably seen it...I love her!
  2. When people talk about 'god', they mean a personal god, a deity that can be related to as a person. From an evolutionary point of view this is a ludicrous idea. There is as much reason to believe in a deity who can be related to as a person as there is to believe in a deity that can be related to as a whale, a dinosaurus,, a pakicetus, oak tree... You just need to understand evolution to know there is no god. An impersonal force on the other hand can't be proven or disproven....atm. Mathematics is a language of logic. If anyone claims a calculation proves the existence of god, then he just shows he thinks it's logic for there to be a god.
  3. This difference is due to the presence of religion. But it doesn't really matter, whatever you semantic preference is, trust can become faith and faith can form religion.
  4. Most groups are formed via a shared trust based belief. Depending on your opinion you can say trust = faith. Religion is not a requirement to form groups but since groups are formed via a shared trust based belief, they can 'in theory' always lead to religion. 99,9 % of all groups don't grow into a religion. But this causal relationship between groups and religion imo shows religion will never leave this world.
  5. It doesn't matter where it comes from but isn't: "you know you're dreaming when you don't know how you get there. " a pretty good way of saying you're dreaming or not?
  6. That would be an odd dream. I've heard somewhere (maybe Inception?) you know you're dreaming when you don't know how you get there.
  7. That's why you live in Stonehouse.
  8. I know I'm not dreaming because my conscious mind constantly gains more knowledge.
  9. Then why didn't he just kill all people? Why die he kill nearly all plants and animals in the process? He could come up with something better then the Flood.
  10. thx for the calculation! It's frightening so many people believe in Noah's Flood. They deny a lot more science then the evidence concerning evolution.
  11. Ok, but in Genesis you find that the Flood was high enough to cover mountaintops. So they meant it was global. Genesis was written before Columbus(1492) discovered America...But creationists use the Flood to explain the finding of marine fossils in Mountains. There are marine fossils in Rocky Mountains and Andes....they have to believe in a global flood.
  12. How do you explain the story of Noah? According to Genesis 7:12 :" And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights." When a global flood is caused by rain then it's a slow process which means that humans have enough time to prepare and enter a boat. So then most humans would survive but nearly all plants and animals would be death.
  13. On Wikipedia you find a lot evidence concernng macroevolution:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_transitional_fossils
  14. It seems Belgium might win against Brazil. It's currently 0-2.
  15. Can you entangle 2 electrons other then by splitting a cooper pair? I can't back this up but imo when a particle travels without resistance, it has no rest mass or measurable mass.
  16. For me, this means that the presence of religion was necessary to form groups. That, doesn't mean that the presence of religion was sufficient. Most groups were formed through some sort of faith based belief shared by the members of the groups. .
  17. That's true. Most groups are formed/led through a form of faith. And faith is or leads to religion...which is why I said religion was necessary
  18. I didn't say that only religion formed groups. There are of course other ways. But most groups where formed and led via faith.
  19. reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1205.2455 Photons have no rest mass and can get entangled. In order to entangle electrons you need to remove the rest mass.(in a superconductor electrons go without resistance so without rest mass) It seems that the absence of rest mass enables subatomic particleentanglement.
  20. That's very black and white. Religion is not only the belief in supernatural...
  21. Today I Learned Toblerone has three types of chocolatebars according to the weight. 100g, 360g, 4,5kg
  22. I think religion was necessary to form and lead groups, which led to the forming of countries.
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