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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. Evolution theory is only about biological evolution after abiogenesis. It, for example, doesn't give info concerning geological evolution
  2. -Many things are proven in science: Evolution theory, the expanding of the universe, gravitational lensing, red shift, blue shift, subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, the fact that light exists out of photons, Rayleigh/Compton scattering,... Science doesn't deal with 100% proof but it does deal with proof. Everything in science can change, things which are proven are less likely to change. You can have a look how 'scientific' papers often use 'proof'.https://www.nature.com/search?q=proof -In an experiment/study you do exclude measurements/explanations/observations/models which seem invalid. But it depends what field you are in. String theory, Loop quantum Gravity, quantum gravity models can't be disproven or just excluded. When one model is somehow proven, other models loose their scientific value and will disappear from the world of science.
  3. Why do you think they were peasants and fishers? So then there was scripture about Jesus, yet the Gospels were written at least 4 decades later This also goes in against your idea that they were illiterate. Those letters don't mean anything. The Gospels are probably based on the first Gospel, it's very normal they have a likewise plot. Which source? Did Paul mention Nazareth? How do you know this :" Ehrman was not criticised by any academic scholars in the field. Only by fundamentalist Christians " ? If the gospels used scripture of Paul... Why do you think Gospelwriters did not use Paul's scripture?
  4. Isn't it rather the job of scientists to 'prove' an explanation (like a quantum interpretation or a quantum-gravity model) and in doing so, debunk the other explanations? Another difference between proof and evidence is that proof is less/not open for interpretation. Many fields of evidence concerning biological evolution are open for interpretation but the evolution theory not so much. Scientific knowledge is imo always incomplete, the knowledge 'constantly' grows.
  5. What's the difference between evidence and proof? I think a lot of evidence can lead to proof. Also, proving and disproving of a model is important to keep science, scientific.
  6. No. The belief in afterlife is often due to wishful thinking.
  7. Dark beer is often called Brown ale.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_ale#See_also The beer is often more 'heavy', it contains more alcohol then blonde beer.(the ones I drank anyway) The flavour was a mix of beer hop + herbs/fruit/nuts/caramel/chocolate. The yeast which is used also can decide the flavour. I drank a massive amount of beer as a student . I was student in Leuven. There is sometimes a smell of bitter yeast in Leuven due to Stella Artois.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stella_Artois One of my favorite beers is a brown beer with a good amount of hop and cherry.
  8. We constantly travel through time. The present is imo an agreed time period between past and future. The length of this time period differs depending on the context 'present' is used in.
  9. The idea that Jesus and his followers were illiterate is a nonsensical idea. -Jews were on average a lot more literate then other people in that time. So the chance Jesus and his followers were illiterate is very small. -If they were illiterate then why didn't they look for literate people to help them? This means that during the oral transmission, the gospelwriters were the first ones that could write? How ridiculous is this... -If the gospelwriters based them on orally transmitted stories, Then why do you think they didn't glue many random stories together, invented many more stories and made 'Jesus' the main character. How can you know the stories are from the actions of one person? I'm just stating nothing from his birth/childhood can be known since there was no reason to keep any record. It's impossible to know he was born in Nazareth. It's impossible to know what 'all historians' think, so don't make those silly assumptions. Which historians? And why do you think Jesus got crucified? Because gospelwriters say he did? Why do you have so much faith in the Gospelwriters? The reason to believe in Jesus existence rests entirely on their shoulders. If it's too long, then watch only half of it.
  10. I just found another paper. Researchers at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) have now presented a novel theory of dark matter, which implies that dark matter particles may be very different from what is normally assumed. In particular, their theory involves dark matter particles which are extremely light—almost one hundred times lighter than electrons, in stark contrast to many conventional models that involve very heavy dark matter particles instead. https://phys.org/news/2018-02-theory-dark-based-unusual-x-ray.html#jCp
  11. Several studies show religious thought strengthens social cohesion.http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/03/religious-cohes.htmlhttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4958132/http://science.sciencemag.org/content/322/5898/58 This imo means religion is an evolutionary trait. Strengthening of social cohesion is important for many animals like african wild dogs, lions, wolves, whales, dolphins, chickens, penguins, crows, monkeys, apes...It leads to evolutionary succes. Our complex language enabled the origin of real religion, many other animals have religious thought/behavior but lack our complex communicationsystem which prevents the origin of real religion. What do you think of this?
  12. I found some words: https://www.bestwordlist.com/8letterwords.htm
  13. -If Jesus and his followers were illiterate then no written record could be left behind which implies the gospelwriters made up everything. -Jesus was not famous at his birth. There was no reason for anyone to observe and record anything until Jesus gained fame/followers. -The gospels were written in detail decades after Jesus' supposed death. Such detailed stories could only be written by eyewitnesses at the moment or in the days after. Then the Gospels should have been written a lot sooner. There were probably many persons called 'Jesus' at that time, but those stories are made up. This is what I think. These are some videos from Dr. Richard Carrier.
  14. This obviously does not exist. But perhaps the no-science fiction theorem? This is related and very interesting. They revived microscopic water bears after 30 years of deep freeze. https://www.theverge.com/2016/1/18/10785002/water-bear-tardigrade-frozen-30-years-reproduction
  15. I know. I bought a firearm in Alaska. I(a non immigrant alien) was allowed to carry a firearm in Alaska if I had a huntinglicense (which is easy to buy). I then traveled to Yukon (via Chicken) and had to fill in some papers to legalize my weapon in Canada.
  16. I think this might help. You should change the focus in your life.
  17. That's still a god of the gaps. If you insert 'God'' in a cosmological model then you believe in the God of the gaps. Yes but YOU believe in a creator. What are his properties according to you? If you think a creator is necessary then it''s imo important to know which properties it had since those properties evolved/developed somehow. Also when you use the idea of 'God' like that, it implies you can logically explain the origin of the universe. Dark energy, dark matter and quantum theory show that our logic lacks.
  18. That's a god of the gaps. We don't know what created everything. There is no reason to believe God created everything. And what do you mean with 'God'? Does your God has defined properties or is it rather an undetermined transcendent reality?
  19. I agree. When I travelled to Alaska, I bought a hunting rifle while I'm a Belgian citizen(no registration law). By filling in some papers I took it legally into Canada. The fact that this was possible, legal and so simple to do is imo frightening.
  20. That's just what they believe. Their idea of God is obviously not 100% human, but they do ascribe human properties to their idea of God. He's often referred to as a sky daddy(in other words of course)….For many people God and Jesus are the same. And I met (on YouTube) several people that claim god talks to them in their sleep.
  21. We are here because are parents had sex.
  22. Yes but most creationists (Christians and Muslims) believe in a personal creator, a creator you can relate to as a person. He uses the term 'who'. He clearly believes in a personal creator.
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