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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. No. Radioactivity, decay of unstable particles, existence of electron, positron, alpha particles, muons, pions, tau, kaon, etc. high energy cosmic rays. As you can see them on this video: are direct evidences. But indirect evidence will be f.e. reaction between neutrino/anti-neutrino with nucleus, turning it to other isotope. Or reaction between neutron and nucleus, turning it to other isotope.
  2. Sensei


    If you have spinning wheel, and touch it by other object, creating friction on contact area, they'll be both heated. If wheel would not spinning, nothing would happen.
  3. Anybody making home wine, home alcohol, will tell you "rule 1410". For 1 kg of sugar, there is needed 4 L of water, and 10g of yeast. That's 20% by mass. It should not exceed 22%-23% IIRC. Even saccharimeters that I am using have end of scale at 24°Blg. If you have extra good turbo yeast, you could try 25%, or add sugar later, after couple days of fermentation. This year I am making experiments with turbo yeast (there was promotion in the shop and I bought enough for couple months), and the fastest one could make 14%-18% of ethanol from 6-8 kg of sugar (plus water enough to 25L of solution), in 48h-72h. IMHO, you should prepare couple containers, each one with different sugar proportion, write them down, say 5% more in each than previous, and add Lactobacillus Acidophilus (or yeast or whatever you're testing). You will see how they react for various concentrations, and will be able to compare. Or even record it by timelapse camera.
  4. Typically, hypothetical multiverses have different values of constants than this Universe. Rarely, they also have different laws. You should read Leonard Susskind book "The Cosmic Landscape" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cosmic_Landscape https://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Landscape-String-Illusion-Intelligent/dp/0316013331 If you will make simulation of the entire Universe (in computer), you can do anything what you want. Including becoming part of simulation, at some point.. Then become active "player" in history, or passive observer.
  5. September 14 2015 "The Polish parliament is currently drafting a law which aims to prevent local retailers from trashing unsold food which remains fit for consumption. Under the plan, the owners of retail outlets fitted with a total surface of more than 250 square metres are to be required to donate such food to charity organisations, with intentional discards punishable by financial penalties." http://www.eurofoodlaw.com/country-reports/polish-parliament-drafts-anti-food-waste-law--1.htm 08/09/2016 https://www.emis.com/blog/poland-drafts-bill-limit-food-waste-retailers ps. Forcing business owners/customers to do something, is completely different from what I showed in OP, where somebody voluntary wanted to do it, her own (better) way.. Cities should be "flood" by refrigerators where people could put their unused food they don't need, so others could take it for free, and put their own..
  6. Experimental physicists/chemists always work with what they have at hand. f.e. Rutherford experiment recorded on video: Just put Gold foil between alpha (or other particle) emitter, and see how they react.. Alpha particles are repelled in majority from Gold atoms nucleus, and tiny amount pass through to other side of foil. In this case matter charge, mass of particle (and it's volume and cross section), and it's kinetic energy prior interaction. Interaction occur between accelerated nucleus of Helium-4 with electrons of air (creating trace) and electrons of Gold, and with other nucleus (Gold) causing reflection of incoming particle (because Gold nucleus is 197/4 = ~49 times more massive). If positive and negative charged particles would be evenly distributed, this video would look completely different. ps. Part of mentioned by you scientists are pure theoreticians, so they don't belong here. ps2. If object is moving toward you, you can know it without direct interaction with it, because photons are emitted by object (black body radiation), or (from other source) reflected by object, and reaching faster than that object will arrive.
  7. Check CPU usage in Task Manager, if there is just 12.5% used on f.e. Core i7 8 HT threads, split to various threads. 1st thread will be working on (x+0)! second on (x+1)! third on (x+2)! etc. up to (x+thread_count-1)! then x+=thread_count in each thread. I am usually using BackgroundWorker https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.backgroundworker(v=vs.110).aspx as it allows me for update GUI periodically, and cancellation.
  8. Computer programmers spend more time on searching and reading manuals of functions they have to use, than on writing stuff in compiler... It's essential especially for beginner, who doesn't know, doesn't remember arguments, functionality etc.
  9. There is temporal suspension. I saw mods used it on one young user. He couldn't log in for one year. Just change you password in settings to random characters, log off, and you won't be able to log in anymore. The best way to learn programming, is writing for yourself. C/C++ really has just only a few built-in functions and statements. One can write them all on the single piece of paper. The rest is in linked libraries and shared libraries. It does not need to be learned in memory. But you will remember some, if you will use them often. Imagine what you need in your work, your parents need in their work (ask them what they need to calculate often, and could be automated. What they count in f.e. Excel/SpreadSheet), and try making it. While making, search for functions that you need in project on the net, to find manual. Read description, and use it, in project. Then to next step in your app. You don't need to remember that C/C++ printf() function is used to print to stdio, and sscanf() is used to parse string.. as long as you have Google and can simply write "how to display string in console in C/C++" "how to parse string in C/C++". You will get plentiful of examples and advices for people who had similar questions as you in the past. You will learn function names, for further searching and reading their descriptions in manual.
  10. Equal charged particles spread on surface randomly in equal distances each other. But area of your spheres A, B and C is slightly different, because radius is different. Area of sphere A,B,C: [math]A_A=4 \pi r_A^2[/math] [math]A_B=4 \pi r_B^2[/math] [math]A_C=4 \pi r_C^2[/math] Charge C per each surface area m2: [math]C_A=\frac{C_0}{A_A}[/math] [math]C_B=\frac{C_0}{A_B}[/math] [math]C_C=\frac{C_0}{A_C}[/math] (if they have charge C0 equal in each sphere) Or: [math]C=\frac{C_A}{A_A}[/math] [math]C=\frac{C_B}{A_B}[/math] [math]C=\frac{C_C}{A_C}[/math] (if they have charge per surface area equal, but charge per sphere has to be different) Can it influence your idea?
  11. Check if you're compiling in Debug mode, if so, change it to Release mode. It should be working faster. Also, learn how to insert multiple rows in single SQL command. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6889065/inserting-multiple-rows-in-mysql or LOAD DATA http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/load-data.html Check this article. Guy said he had 1000 insert operations per second (in PHP), and managed to get 28000 per second after optimizations. http://kvz.io/blog/2009/03/31/improve-mysql-insert-performance/
  12. I don't know. You tell me. Let me guess: you made this up (or overinterpreted).. ? How does truncated number 6 refer to Africa, and number 8 refer to Europe.. ? They are index of continent? Well, you should learn more about cryptology and reading ancient books and manuscripts in unknown languages.
  13. That's not language we use on this forum. You came up with subject to discuss, and you have to deal with opponents with different view than yours. That's very simple if we start with laser and polarization filter. Laser is sending beam of photons with random polarizations, or random circular polarizations. Then they interact with polarization filter. 50% of beam of photons is reflected, 50% of beam of photons pass through. If you have just single photon, which way it will go? Suppose so that after reflecting there is photodiode, or other optoelectronics, which is triggering nuclear explosion (similar case like in Schrödinger's cat) You're sending single photon with random polarization. There will be explosion or not?
  14. The next time you should put magnet in foil or two. It'll be much easier to remove iron dust. It would be good to make video showing this reaction.. Do you more of them? Compare on video reaction between balls above mentioned, with original one.
  15. Make no sense to me. If it's secret code, you should decode it, not truncate it even more, to unusable level. Let's say, you have file on disk, you compress it with ZIP/RAR/7ZIP, from more data you have less data. Suppose so somebody finds this file 10,000 years later. But never heard about ZIP/RAR/7ZIP etc. Do you think summing the all bytes together and getting single digit from it, would allow reading original data? Or you simply destroyed the all data (if there were any).. ?
  16. Sodium Carbonate Na2CO3 has density 2.54 g/cm^3 = 2540 kg/m^3 (anhydrous), and 41.5% of it is CO2, 27.3% of it is Carbon. 2540 * 41.5% * 27.3% = ~287.8 kg of Carbon per m^3 of Sodium Carbonate. Catching CO2 just needs large deep lake with Sodium Hydroxide (or similar compound readily reacting with CO2), and pump and turbines to push air to the bottom.
  17. Charged particle, accelerated to relativistic velocity, has enough energy to ionize matter it is passing through. And it's used all they time to show their traces like in Cloud Chamber particle detector. Here you can see what happens if you put Gold foil: majority of alpha particles (+2 charge) are repelled, minority pass through foil to the other side:
  18. Search for neutrino-electron scattering on Google https://www.google.com/?#q=neutrino+electron+scattering Neutrino-nuclei interaction result in turning nuclei to other isotope. With the most well known Cl-37 transforming to Ar-37 (and then back to Cl-37, after electron capture, Argon-37 + e- -> Chlorine-37 + Ve + 0.813874 MeV). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorine-37 (it needs neutrino with energy equal to or higher than 814 keV, so proton-proton fusion neutrinos with up to 420 keV are not triggering it)
  19. Water has density 1 g/cm^3 Water has 18.016 g/mol Divide them 1 g/cm^3 / 18.016 g/mol = 0.0555 mol/cm^3 1 mol = 6.022141*10^23 molecules or particles 0.0555 * 6.022141*10^23 = 3.343*10^22 molecules. Density of fat man is slightly less or equal to 1 g/cm^3 (therefor floats on water, especially sea water). If you divide 1 cm^3 by number of molecules in that volume, you will have approximate average volume of single molecule. From this you can get average radius, and make calculation of single slice of such molecules with 1 cm^2 area (and thickness of single diameter of average volume). Or you can calculate cubic root of 3.343*10^22 = 3.22*10^7 average molecules in 1 cm straight line. 3.22*10^7 ^2 = 1.0377*10^15 in 1 cm^2, average.
  20. That would be even more imprecise than my method. How can somebody know what you have in your garden? Each garden is different arrangement of plants, different quantity, at different stage of life. Do you expect average CO2 absorption per single apple (or rather per kg of apples)... ? Then you need quantity of apples (or rather their mass) to know and plug in equation.. I know mass of my grapes, as I measured them and put in db, prior making wine. From 1000 g of dark/black grapes, with mass 1000 g, I got 600-650 mL of juice for fermentation, during 1st extraction. My peppers grew very large above the ground, and miniature of roots (5:1 or more), if they had plentiful of water. I know because 3 times I was relocating them to bigger and bigger containers. The one which had little water, exactly reverse. They spend energy on growing roots to find water.
  21. How about: For annual plants, measure mass of their remains, at the end of season. You know molecules they are made of, how CO2 + H2O turn into them, during photosynthesis, so reverse equations, and you will have moles of CO2. Or dehydrate remains, so there will be almost only Carbon. Measure mass. Divide by 12 g/mol. And you have moles of CO2. For tree, measure its circumference year by year, always in the same place (so mark it). Difference is what it gained by year. Allowing you to calculate increase of thickness, and volume gained by the main trunk. From volume and density you can estimate mass. But it won't tell you about branches and leafs. But if you're at the end of season putting leafs to composter (you should), you can measure their mass also.
  22. I think he meant index to array float values[ 1024 ]; (...) float value = values[ index ]; CPU is doing it by adding address of 'values' variable together with 'index' variable (multiplied by fixed size of entry f.e. sizeof( float ), simple bit-shift). And then reading memory from this final address. Multiplication a * b will be possible to replace by looking at a_table[ b ] (for integers either a & b). So for a-b in range 0...255 (8 bits), there is needed array with unsigned short (16 bits), with size 256*256=65536 entries. (but it could be reduced to 32768 or slightly less, because a*b=b*a and 1*a=a and 0*a=0) My 2nd programmer had to do it just few years ago. Plentiful PIC/IC do have just basic operations. And everything else has to be emulated with code, or read from lookup table (stored on EPROM/EEPROM/flash).
  23. Can you explain how to get this value after = ... ? And why they have xxxxx=y (where y is typically single digit).. ?
  24. Where do you have Aluminium in this description? Sodium Hydroxide + Aluminium or Aluminium Oxide or Aluminium Hydroxide gives Sodium Aluminate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_aluminate Quote "In water treatment it is used as an adjunct to water softening systems, as a coagulant aid to improve flocculation, and for removing dissolved silica and phosphates." Sodium Aluminate + Sulfuric Acid gives Aluminium Sulfate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium_sulfate Quote from above website: "Aluminium sulfate is used in water purification and as a mordant in dyeing and printing textiles. In water purification, it causes impurities to coagulate into larger particles and then settle to the bottom of the container (or be filtered out) more easily. This process is called coagulation or flocculation. Research suggests that in Australia, aluminium sulfate used this way in drinking water treatment is the primary source of hydrogen sulfide gas in sanitary sewer systems.[6] Improper and excess application polluted the water supply of Camelford in Cornwall." Coagulation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coagulation Flocculation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flocculation
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