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Everything posted by Sensei

  1. Sensei

    Latex test

    [math]\gamma[/math] [math]\gamma[/math] [math]\gamma[/math] It looks like Latex reacts to change of general font size (click Size and pick up f.e. 20)
  2. In the real Universe example, in cosmic space you can observe that photons from stars are redshifted or blueshifted. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blueshift ps. Velocity is not the same as speed. Velocity is vector, speed is scalar.
  3. Did you also notice that even white person heavily tanned, has changed skin smell.. ? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=smell+of+body+after+tanning
  4. No. Rational will be new buyers, to which I addressed my previous post.. Buy stocks, behind their back, so they won't be able anymore to lobby for keeping current state (destruction of this planet).. Oil&gas exploration company can become oil&gas producing farm. Product the same, but different method used to get it.
  5. So, buy their coal&oil&gas companies.. so they won't feel like "ripped off".. Then we can continue with the real green energy.. GMO modify algae, microorganisms, and let them produce methane/ethane/methanol/ethanol/benzene etc.. from CO2 from air, water and Sun's energy..
  6. Sensei


    I am reading/interpreting "definite shape"/"definite volume" as "fixed shape"/"fixed volume".. so reverse of them "no definite shape"/"no definite volume" should be understood as "variable shape"/"variable volume". (it's basic classical physics school question, so change of shape/volume due to temperature, like it could happen with e.g. metals we can omit)
  7. Sun made coal, sun made oil, sun made gas, indirectly, millions year ago, now it can make energy directly.. But that's pissing off, people like Trump, and his colleagues, as they are not smart enough to join solar panel business, they prefer to have steady income for coal&oil&gas, day by day, month by month, clients addicted and relying on stuff they sell, instead of sell-solar-panel-once-and-have-no-more-client-ever.. I would buy 14-18 m^2 of solar panels, and would never see electricity bill ever again.. That's what pisses off (and scares) these people. Expect more damages made by these people..
  8. Sensei


    The all answers 1,2,3,4 are true statements, but the right answer for your question is 4. Gases can be easily compressed. Two shapes might have the same volume.
  9. Tree near my apartment had ~25m, and it was cut at ~ 0.5m above the ground. It immediately released new branch from stump. And second one directly from roots from the ground. After two months they had 2 meters already.. There are plants which you can cut to couple, put pieces in the ground, and each of them will release new roots and become independent plant. It's called vegetative reproduction https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetative_reproduction "With most woody plants, clonal colonies arise by wide-ranging roots that at intervals send up new shoots, termed suckers." "Trees and shrubs with branches that touch the ground can form colonies via layering, e. g. willow and blackberry." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clonal_colony https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basal_shoot
  10. What will be source of heat? Just light from LEDs.. ? How many LEDs will be installed.. ? What will be their total power? How about thinking also about the most reflective material for surface (even tiny layer of it (electroplating?), if it's expensive).. ? Instead of bothering about heat, reflect photons, as much as you can (highly polished surface?) You have here table of reflectance coefficient per wavelength for couple metals Au, Ag and Al. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflectance Search for and check materials reflectance table
  11. In Open Office there is such function which will filter cells depending on cell value. e.g. =IF(B2<0.1;B2;"" ) then select row, fill entire row, then select columns, fill entire columns.. and received this: Expected by your coefficients are these? They are lower than threshold 0.1 (even negative)
  12. Oh, I see where was problem.. you exported in CSV, but you have comma as decimal separator, not CSV field separator.. After replacing comma by dot, then replacing semicolon by comma, it loaded correctly in Open Office.
  13. Why not you cannot program? Everybody can program.. It does not look like what you said in the first post, at all.. Describing what it all means, will probably take longer time, than time spend on writing script..
  14. How are you keeping data? Is it Excel table? If so, you can export it to CSV (Comma Separated Values). It's easier to parse from external code. Then you can write little script in PHP, Perl, Python, or C/C++, which will load row by row, and analyze them, and return result that you want. ps. Maybe give the real example (CSV?) with just 2x2 fields.. so there will be 2x2 data per field. 16 total.
  15. Satellite transmission has extremely large delay (in comparison to optic fiber transmission e.g. transoceanic cable) Calculate distance from the ground to satellite (e.g. geostationary orbit), then to eventually other satellites, then from satellite to the ground, divide by speed of light.. It's minimal delay you can have. Double that if you're interested in reply delay. GEO are at equator ~ 36,000 km away. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geostationary_orbit Some use LEO (and require plentiful of satellites), some other use GEO orbits (less satellites needed for worldwide transmission). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_phone
  16. Skype has been downloaded and installed on 1 billion+ smartphones already. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skype.raider
  17. The key is whether signal is digital or analog, the key is whether signal is compressed or uncompressed. Analog data are not compressed = single cable can transmit very small quantity of simultaneous voice transmissions. Digital data can be compressed: lossless compression (e.g. PNG, GIF, WAV) or lossy compression (e.g. MPG, MP3, DivX) Same cable transmitting compressed digital data, can contain dozen more data than the same cable transmitting analog signal. UDP packets don't demand confirmation of delivery from recipient. So sender (application) does not know whether data arrived to recipient at all. TCP packets require confirmation from recipient. If packet is lost, there is demanded resending of data. It slows down transmission a bit. VOIP usually uses UDP. Human can hear if there is a transmission error, the loss of some packets, as a crackling sound. And then you can tell other human to repeat.
  18. Having to flee from country where is regular war, civil war or martial law (e.g. Poland in 1981), to rescue life, rescue against being arrested, rescue against being tortured, you're calling "crime of parents".. You must have unbelievable a lot of nerve (and stupidity), to say something like that..
  19. Don't tell me you're calling your beloved dog/cat per "it".. I am always using "he"/"she" according to sex of animal. Two days ago, dog jumped on me, and kissed me, and I said to owner "she is so sweet", not "it is so sweet"..
  20. For me living organism, animal or plant, is not a thing..
  21. http://www.anorak.co.uk/383464/money/skype-is-now-40-of-the-entire-international-telephone-market.html/ "Skype Is Now 40% Of The Entire International Telephone Market" (as of 2014 year)
  22. 17 June Albert got June, Bernard got 17. (if Bernard would get 18 or 19, he would know exact day without having to know month, as they're unique)
  23. In the case of 26 question, only B cannot be drawn with single stroke, without passing twice the same path. In the case of 26 question, only A is made of the same primitives-triangles. Their area is the same.
  24. But we're talking about couple different models: 1) robots produce everything, and result of their work is given for free, owners of robots don't get richer, (jump to 3c' or 3c'') 2) robots produce everything, and result of their work is sold, owners of robots get richer, unemployed are becoming poorer 3) robots produce everything, and result of their work is sold, tax on robot exists (buyers of goods pay it actually), government takes the money and: 3a) waste it, as usual 3b) spend it more wisely, unusual and probably not possible to sustain in long term (often changing politicians, unexpected events like crisis, disasters). 3c) give it away as basic income, and: 3c') people without having to work, will degenerate 3c'') people without having to work, will spend their entire life wisely, learning and becoming more and more smart and intelligent, will be discovering world and Universe If there will be 3c, politician who will promise the largest basic income will win election, in society which is full of fools (and cause inflation). ..I could go on, and on, and on, each of these paths further extending what can happen as a result..
  25. Perhaps example of what can happen if inappropriate, not intelligent enough, politicians are at charge.. ? When price of oil were high, they didn't invest enough, in the right sectors.. and when price of oil dropped, it caused problems, social unrest.. Rather unintended victim of putin's attack on Ukraine.. which resulted in sanctions, and rapid drop of oil price, which caused too-much-oil-dependent countries to have problems..
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