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  • Birthday 12/27/1996

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  1. The news about that black hole thing made me think. Now forgive me, physicists and others, for being such a noob when it comes to astronomy, but I had this idea, which didn't sound too stupid to me, but again, I'm a real layman in astronomy.

    I was thinking that the big bang may have been a black hole, being overloaded with everything else the universe held, such that it became unstable, and exploded? Additionally, if I'm right, black holes grow while eating stuff, and may eat each other. What if our whole universe will come to a point in time where there are only two black holes, which have eaten anything else, remaining only for one to eat the other one, leaving only one giant black hole, once again being overloaded, and exploding, like a new big bang?

    1. StringJunky


      No. Stick to medicine.  :P

    2. Strange



      Moderator Note

      This is not appropriate for a status update.

    3. peterwlocke


      that is a STRANGE thought.

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