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  1. Past hour
  2. Just out of interest, is there anybody here who voted for Trump previously and will be voting in November, who will actually change their vote due due to this?
  3. And it also should be added that these markers are usually linked to location and time. So for example a dark skinned person in the caribbean will more likely to share those markers with a light-skinned person in that region (assuming their ancestors lived there for an extended time) than with a random dark-skinned person in, Madagaskar. And to add a cherry on top, the group with the largest genetic diversity are groups in Africa. So putting all dark skinned folks into single group is utterly nonsensical. But then coherence is probably too much to expect from someone who on the one hand emphasizes a soul over the physical body but then two paragraphs further forgets all about it and then overemphasizes superficial features. "We are all souls! Except when you got curly hair!"
  4. Today
  5. And yet despite being one of the master race, you ended up in your sixties shuffling round Walmart wondering who's fault it was you were still at the bottom of the heap. Oh dear, how sad. Time for you to head back to your cold lonely pond and crawl beneath your stone I think.
  6. They sound so anonymous. Were you left in a basket outside an orphanage? https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2017/science-genetics-reshaping-race-debate-21st-century/ A landmark 2002 study by Stanford scientists examined the question of human diversity by looking at the distribution across seven major geographical regions of 4,000 alleles. Alleles are the different “flavors” of a gene. For instance, all humans have the same genes that code for hair: the different alleles are why hair comes in all types of colors and textures. In the Stanford study, over 92% of alleles were found in two or more regions, and almost half of the alleles studied were present in all seven major geographical regions. The observation that the vast majority of the alleles were shared over multiple regions, or even throughout the entire world, points to the fundamental similarity of all people around the world—an idea that has been supported by many other studies (Figure 1B). If separate racial or ethnic groups actually existed, we would expect to find “trademark” alleles and other genetic features that are characteristic of a single group but not present in any others. However, the 2002 Stanford study found that only 7.4% of over 4000 alleles were specific to one geographical region. Furthermore, even when region-specific alleles did appear, they only occurred in about 1% of the people from that region—hardly enough to be any kind of trademark. Thus, there is no evidence that the groups we commonly call “races” have distinct, unifying genetic identities. In fact, there is ample variation within races (Figure 1B)....
  7. Perhaps we could get a definition of bias (or “biasness”), because I’m not seeing it. I thought bias was favoring or disfavoring a result in a way not justified by the evidence. I don’t see how e.g. studying string theory is bias, since nobody is saying it’s an actual model of anything, yet. It’s a work in progress. It’s not like it’s been shown to be wrong, and studied anyway. Funding of string theory is probably an example of bias.
  8. You need education. Subspecies doesn’t mean what you seem to think it means You must also think calico cats are a different subspecies from black cats and white gray ones. I’m sorry your day gets so confusing every time you walk passed the bell peppers in the produce section of your local market.
  9. A much more current example would be the 'infatuation' of some Physicists with String Theory. It has pretty well been shown to lead nowhere, as it doesn't apply to any specific universe, but many possible ones. Yet the 'beauty' of the theory keeps many Physicists working on it, the thought being that aesthetics make 'right'. That seems to me, a 'bias'. Sorry if I seem to be picking on Physicists, but that is what I know.
  10. Yesterday
  11. You probably don't think of YOU as an eternal soul. I don't think of that physical terminal body wrapped around my natural eternal soul as ME. The SOUL is ME. Some man met some woman to fabricate a temporary body for my soul in 1963 according to what I believe. To reject all notions of possible life hereafter is about as naive as to reject all possibilties of intelligent life beyond planet Earth. I see Man as a member of the animal kingdom. I think of Homo sapiens sapiens as being three subspecies: Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid. This has to do with skin/hair/eye pigment, hair textures, skull shapes and facial features. Comparing white people, black people and yellow/red/brown people is about like comparing bulldogs, German shepherds, chihuahuas and American foxhounds.
  12. So “anonymous” isn’t the key here. Then iNow’s suggestion works. Use anyone else’s phone.
  13. Probably, but not because he’s shown contrition and shown that he’s “learned his lesson” If it’s just a fine, which someone else will pay, is that enough for interfering with an election?
  14. I do not think that Zionism and Orthodox Judaism had any significant effect on average Jews. I rather think of possible effects of mass migration of rural Eastern European Jews to cities in the West and in Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. I think that this cultural disposition is a myth. The preference for academic pursuits could be one of the outcomes of the abovementioned migration.
  15. It depends on how it was connected to the computer, file system on drive, and which operating system you are using.. If the device was connected with your consent via a USB adapter and it is Windows the information about connected USB devices can be in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Enum / USBSTOR. https://www.cybrary.it/blog/usb-forensics-find-the-history-of-every-connected-usb-device-on-your-computer ps. Generally unreliable. Easy to fake if somebody has some malicious purpose. Some file systems store information about when a file was created, modified and last accessed.
  16. If this is because you think Jews are historically maligned, Zionists are gradually being cognitively separated from Orthodox Judaism in public discourse by practicing Torah-respecting Jews and other objective historians. The focus for the dischord is gradually on the latter who, in the opinion of many Orthodox Jews, are the prime instigators of the geopolitical issues since the 1890's. On the OP, it is probably because there was cultural disposition towards academic pursuits.
  17. They gradually change as well though interpretations is more the realm of metaphysics which is more philosophy than physics. Truth be told as a physicist I honestly don't waste much time with interpretations. I've always been more concerned with mathematical to observational accuracy. The interpretations particularly those involved in QM and entanglement too often get in the way. Lately I've found metaphysics argument has all too often become a tool for those that try to change physics without understanding the mathematics. So you see far too many posters in Speculations arguing against main stream and we'll tested physics based on personal feelings and interpretations.
  18. I have a few portable hard drives and flash drives. They haven't been powered (or connected) for quite some time. Is it possible to find out when they were last powered (or connected)?
  19. As Nobel Prizes are often awarded many years after the work has been done, it might be illuminating to see when the prized contributions actually happened. Was there a narrower timeframe when Jews excelled in sciences and math that can be related to certain societal/historical events?
  20. Though generally speaking, I never really found a meaningful difference on the undergrad level. Perhaps the one thing is that many top programs are able to delay grade inflation more as they have more applicants. Maybe there is more in other disciplines that I am missing.
  21. Increasing checks and balances on biasness while maintaining rigour should bring about more diversity while maintaining quality. Agree that it is a difficult balancing act. Agree also that you have to scrutinize more, not less.
  22. For what reason you want to dry it. It's a very poisson and cancerogene stuff. Normally it will be dissolved in water or sulfuric acid as etching compound. Drying with Phosphorous pentoxide is possible.
  23. Thanks for that info, very interesting- I was not aware of the details just the general sense among (some) social scientists. The issue with terms such as "Bushman" arises from the fact that folks (typically colonizers) invented those names for them. Even if (that is sometimes a bit if) it is not intended in a derogatory way, the argument is that it takes away from their identity. In some cases naming groups is just a language thing (e.g. countries are named differently in different language) and that is OK as it still refers to e.g. a certain geographic origin or identity that makes sense. But giving a group a name that is basically made up and based on some outsiders perception of them, that is where things generally get iffy. I should add that from what I understand even San falls under the same issue- it is just less evocative for English speakers. So I am not saying that these things are straightforward- just the way it was used in this thread by a certain poster was really telling.
  24. The opposite is going to happen, if you want to address bias, you have to increase rigour. I.e. you throw out more of the perhaps in order to ensure that you only keep the most scrutinized parts. There is always a balance between how many false positives to false negatives do we want to have. But if you think bias is a problem, it means we have to scrutinize more, not less.
  25. I actually started to have a modicum of respect for Hayley when she stood up to Trump. Seeing her sign US bombs on a pallet in Israel, and simultaneously seeing children in various states of bodily mutilation from US weaponry, has put her down the ethical toilet, as far as I'm concerned. She's on par with the worst Zionists. This is not intended for the conversation to segue into that debacle.
  26. Also, he would post it on social media how clever he was for doing that, resulting in yet another lawsuit.
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