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chenbeier last won the day on June 6 2021

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Molecule (6/13)



  1. Do know Google? https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=5d0811d5ae0715ef&sxsrf=ACQVn0-p-z-yyFyMDB0X402732ehGEwd5w%3A1713899584052&q=nanotechnology+books+&oq=nanotechnology+books+&aqs=heirloom-srp..0l5
  2. Because there are some more compounds in the battery like ammonium chloride, the practical voltage is 1,5 V https://www.azom.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=22363 The voltages can be found in electrical potential tables.
  3. Nernst law Potontials with positiv voltage minus Potential with more negative voltage gives potential between the two electrodes Here 1 V -(-0.26 V) = 1.26 V Zinc -0,763 V carbon-manganeseoxide +0,975 V 0,975V - (-0,763) = 1,738 V
  4. First what is the volume of your container Roughly you can calculate you have 3 part H2 and 8 part O2 means together 11 part equal to mol. Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin 1058 F = 843,15 K p = 11 mol*8.314 J/molK* 843,15K/ V m^3
  5. Of course you will not find it to buy. You have to mix both compounds. It will react immediately. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Synthesis-of-urea-glyoxal-resin_fig2_359692764
  6. That is a poor explanation. What is your question?
  7. https://www.quora.com/Is-urea-acidic-or-basic
  8. Beside your link I cannot find any other scientific link, where this is mentioned. Its more opposit, lime evaporate the nitrogen as ammonia, it is lost for the plants.
  9. The miscibility of liquids and the evaporation rate are different things. If you mix the three solvents they will dissolve directly. The compound of the highest vapor pressure will evaporate faster as the other ones.
  10. Ammonia is a gas at standard conditions, we cannot speak it has an pH, like water steam has no one. But liquid ammonia has also its autopotolysis like water it has. 2 NH3 => NH4+ + NH2- 2H2O => H3O+ + OH- So could have a pH scale based on ammonium theoretical.
  11. Its the opposit which I reduced an alkane to an alkyne. You reduce the alkyne to the Alkane.
  12. Why do you think it will not stop. If it works it will go through, even you have only two equivalent. Then some reactant will be left.
  13. If so why should it stop at acetophenon, this could react to 2 Phenyl-2-propanol. But it doesn't happen. If you use instead of the acid the ester then its possible.
  14. Carbonic acids cannot be treated with Grignard https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/Grignard_with_carbonyl.png/450px-Grignard_with_carbonyl.png You can see they also treated CO2 to make carbonic acid. This would be not possible if carbonic acid would under go Grignard.
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