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Everything posted by Strange

  1. What do you mean by "real"? Exactly. I'm not sure I understand what your problem is with all this.
  2. What is an "intelligent quantum jump"? And ho do you know they do them? What is "nature's frequency"?
  3. Apart from places where it can't (e.g. electromagnetic radiation, gravity, etc.) So not everywhere. You are extrapolating from a few cases and assuming everything must work in the same way. This is a very unscientific, almost irrational, approach.
  4. Are you looking for the source code for some applications? In which case, I suggest you look for some open source applications that do what you are interested in. Then you can download the source. Or if you are looking for simple examples, I'm sure there are plenty of tutorials out there for whatever platform you are interested in (Windows, Android, Linux, etc.)
  5. Of course it is about the relationship. If you observe photons from a clock in a higher gravitational potential then they will be red-shifted and the clock will run slower. If you observe photons from a clock in a lower gravitational potential then they will be blue-shifted and the clock will run faster. If it was just about the observer, that wouldn't be the case.
  6. This is what SR tells us, not GR. What GR tells us is that the (coordinate, or apparent) speed of light depends on the relationship between the source and the observer. (That is why it is the theory of "relativity".) The proper speed of light is, of course, always c.
  7. Nothing is "pushed by the creation of space". (There is no such thing as "the creation of space".) But, as I already said, the time taken for the rocket to get to its destination will be increased by the expansion of space between its current position and the destination. At some point, that may make it impossible to reach its destination. Just like photons. It would be much easier if you actually learned some science instead of making things up.
  8. Yes, they search all (publicly visible) web servers.
  9. Almost. Science doesn't really prove things. However, it does test theories against observation and experiment. So, if you have a "theory of everything" you should be able to make some testable predictions (quantified predictions, using mathematics) and then show how well they match reality.
  10. It doesn't matter how often you ask the same question, the answer is still no.
  11. That has to be a joke, right? It is too funny to be real.
  12. I didn't say that. That's it. That is all there is to it.
  13. There you are then. Perfectly well explained. So why do you keep asking the same question?
  14. I am simply trying to explain why you need to do a better job of communicating your idea. You can't just throw some numbers around and expect others to work out why. You need to explain, step by step, WHY you are doing what you are doing. I suppose you think that because it is all very clear in your own head, that it must be obvious to others. It isn't. After nearly 40 years as a technical communicator I can assure you that if your audience doesn't understand you it is not their fault. To be honest, I don't have much interest in your idea but I am keen to help you explain it (or, at least, to help you see why you are failing to explain it). Producing a table of numbers with no explanation helps nobody.
  15. It would. And it would be a different velocity depending on what you measure it relative to. Also, obviously, if you send it to something that is currently 1 billion light years away at a speed of 0.5c it will take much more than 2 billion light years to reach the destination (you can do the maths, if you are interested). The further away your destination is when you start, the greater the extra travel time will be. At some point, space will be expanding ahead of you faster than you are moving and so you will never reach your destination. Pretty simple. If you try to reach
  16. What evidence do you have for this "other kind of space" you have invented? And what evidence do you have for photons "jumping through gaps"? (Whatever that means.)
  17. I don't suppose you be ever so slightly less cryptic. Maybe tell us how many words in the title, then act them out for us so we can guess what book you are talking about. Or, maybe, you know: provide a friggin link. Sheesh. What is it about crackpots and communication skills. "Nurse! Nurse! He's out of bed again."
  18. Only if you can explain WHY you are doing apparently random arithmetic operations on apparently random numbers. And then explain what the results mean. And why they mean that. Otherwise, being sensible people, they will just go, "Oh no, yet another numerologist. Trash."
  19. As you seem to be the only person on the planet who believes that, maybe you should answer it.
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