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Everything posted by dimreepr

  1. It doubt it was lost, DrP, it was most likely ignored I posted similar (post #31) in the other thread (on the same topic).
  2. Just take your protein pills and put your helmet on.
  3. Please don’t be too despondent when this approach also fails.
  4. Then why entitle your previous/same thread: “My theory that could find a cure for depression” I have to wonder what you’re trying to accomplish here; are you trying to depress everyone? Bring them down to your level, would that bring you peace? I have anecdotal, first hand evidence that many cancer victims have a deeper understanding of life and crave every last second to simply enjoy it. You seem to relish misery and to be honest you’re welcome to it, you can choose misery or you can choose life, it’s your call.
  5. Then your ‘theory’/idea falls at the first hurdle, if it doesn’t work for why would it work for others? I’ve been there and found a way out (as posted in your last/same topic); if my method doesn’t work for you, so be it, but as your idea seems to have failed please seek help elsewhere.
  6. Or cares. Much like there could be a fleet of hyper-intelligent multi-dimensional squirrels ready to show how right you are... or destroy us.
  7. To engender understanding, between humans, requires a mutual reference point; so anyone who lacks a mutual reference point, will lack understanding whatever the scientific explanation. Edit/ do you, for instance, know how it feels to stand atop Everest?
  8. OK, how does it feel to be happy or angry or sad?
  9. Science can’t explain everything any more than I can explain how it feels to be happy or sad. To understand that you have found the truth, first you need to know what truth you seek (the answer BTW is 42, who knows what the question is).
  10. You mean the last time you ignored a simple question and tried the hint method of communication?
  11. Which ones your dad? We don't need more complications but given the volatility of some here when a cheesy snack is unavailable, brain freeze is the last thing we'd want.
  12. Insane for a few reasons: 1/ the ‘logistics’ where/which country/city would we meet. 2/ the quality of trolls/gun toting nut jobs this site attracts. 3/ who would pay for the venue? 4/ do we serve cheese nips or wotsits? A mad semi-stoned/slightly-tipsy idea but who’d be up for it, in principal and with the appropriate security? Come on who’s curious enough to, maybe, make it a virtual get together?
  13. The angry response to a simple question (and subsequent evasion), is good rule of thumb as to which is which.
  14. So you think a mentally unstable person should have a firearm (a doctor would only recommend it if he/she thought it was necessary); perhaps you’d rather shoot them when they go on the rampage (I have little doubt you’d just consider that as target practice)?
  15. Let's not get holier than thou; we are all guilty of some sin.
  16. Yes, of course, anyone seeking help for mental health issues deserves compassion. Please explain?
  17. I think the only way your premiss could work, telepathy aside, is if an individuals capacity for, honest, introspection could lead to a greater understanding of our fellow man.
  18. It certainly seems to be a possibility and whilst I feel for those that would succumb to such fears, I think the lesser of the two evils, is rather obvious.
  19. Why waive the requirement? Why not just reduce the cost to a fraction of the gun cost? Edit/ That way even a perfect storm of unlucky would be covered; potentially. Otherwise I’m in complete agreement.
  20. Good point well made +1 and yet I fear our fun loving participant who pretends to want gun control, yet objects to any and every legitimate action, will no doubt object.
  21. Again me. But what if the victim lives? They may be able to disagree/argue but they won’t always succeed, so at least some will benefit.
  22. Back, I'll be. I know it’s weak but the way I see it, Hans Solo gets trapped in a “ground hog day” like moment and eventually emerges as yoda.
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